Outer Islands

Penrhyn under the microscope

Saturday 29 August 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

The Ministry of Marine Resources has been making waves on Penrhyn, with new initiatives and studies into the Northern Island’s marine environment.

Outer Islands

Military exercise will benefit isolated islands

Saturday 29 August 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

The New Zealand Defence Force and personnel from around the world are heading to the northern group as part of a military exercise aimed at strengthening disaster relief and lending a helping hand.

Outer Islands

Judge blocks compo fund raid

Thursday 27 August 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

Government’s recent attempts to raid Manihiki land compensation funds held by the Justice Ministry to pay selected people have been categorically blocked by Justice Patrick Savage in a recent Land Court sitting.

Outer Islands

Atiu hosts cultural fundraiser

Friday 21 August 2015 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands

The Atiu community in Rarotonga is holding another fundraiser tonight to collect funds to help with the completion of their hostel on the island.

Outer Islands

Pa Enua students address climate change

Thursday 20 August 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

Senior students in the northern islands are all set to help combat climate change on their islands following workshops last month.

Outer Islands

Atiu school to celebrate 50th

Thursday 13 August 2015 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands

Atiu’s Enuamanu School is set to celebrate its 50th anniversary next month.

Outer Islands

Aussie mini-van helps Mangaia

Wednesday 5 August 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

Australia’s ‘50th birthday’ present to the Cook Islands will benefit the island of Mangaia.

Outer Islands

Students survey Aitutaki's lagoon

Monday 3 August 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

A team of overseas students and their professors is visiting the Cook Islands monitoring the Aitutaki Lagoon as part of their of their environmental studies.

Outer Islands

People loss a festival risk

Thursday 30 July 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

The risk of indirectly helping to depopulate sister islands by bringing Pa Enua teams to Rarotonga to compete in Te Maeva Nui has to be accepted by government, says Cook Islands Prime Minister Henry Puna.

Outer Islands

Pa Enua viability 'obsolete'

Thursday 30 July 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

If the outer islands were viewed as a family business with outputs versus inputs, they would certainly be insolvent, says Opposition MP James Beer.

Outer Islands

Mangaia here for a good, special time

Thursday 23 July 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

Six times Papa Metu Ruatoe has led the Mangaia team to Rarotonga to compete in Te Maeva Nui celebrations – he’s back again for the big 50 and wishes rules could’ve been changed a bit to allow greater onstage participation.

Outer Islands

Bras could travel even further

Wednesday 22 July 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

Women from the pa enua could be going home sporting a new bra or two courtesy of a gymnasium in New Zealand’s Bay of Islands.

Outer Islands

Maeva Nui arrivals continue

Thursday 9 July 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

The mighty RR Revi French naval vessel was docked at Avatiu Harbour yesterday morning as part of the French government’s assistance for Te Maeva Nui transport.

Outer Islands

Schooner situation uncertain

Tuesday 7 July 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

Other options will be considered if Pacific Schooners cannot deliver on its promise to transport dancers back to their home islands after 2015 Te Maeva Nui celebrations.

Outer Islands

Penryhn visit costs $20,000

Monday 6 July 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

A pricey trip by the Prime Minister to Penrhyn to officially open a solar project has raised some eyebrows.

Outer Islands

Firm assisting renewable energy project

Friday 26 June 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

THE COOK Islands Government has hired an Australian specialist power and water consulting firm to help with its renewable energy project in the Southern Group islands.

Outer Islands

Penrhyn solar – 'icing on the cake'

Thursday 25 June 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

Prime Minister Henry Puna is leading a delegation to Penrhyn today to ‘put the icing on the cake’ for the $1.4 million Te Tautua village solar project.

Outer Islands

Boat builder the hero of rescue effort

Thursday 18 June 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

More than a week after two Manihiki residents who went missing while fishing were located after a long search, details have emerged of the dramatic rescue.

Outer Islands

Manihiki rescue effort wins Speaker's praise

Thursday 11 June 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

Speaker of the House Nikki Rattle took time at the start of yesterday’s first sitting of Parliament to praise all involved in the successful search and rescue of two Manihiki fishermen at the weekend.

Outer Islands

Increased social impact funding for most vulnerable in Pa Enua

Tuesday 9 June 2015 | Published in Outer Islands

Increased funding to the Social Impact Funds will help the most vulnerable communities in the Pa Enua.

Outer Islands

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