Wednesday 13 July 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
BANKING and the purchase of goods will be made much easier for BSP customers in Aitutaki following the launch of the bank’s new agency at Aquila Store on July 8.
Monday 4 July 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
ATIU MP and Health minister Nandi Glassie says he is “very much concerned” about Merchant of Paradise developer Tim Tepaki’s ambitious plans to develop an international golf course on Atiu.
Tuesday 28 June 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
Aitutaki residents were left with plenty of food for thought when New Zealand-based comedian and television personality Mike King visited the island for a talk session at Araura College on Friday.
Monday 27 June 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
Atiu could be transformed into an international golfing destination, if the latest plans by the Merchant of Paradise (MOP) development group come to fruition.
Friday 10 June 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
AS CLIMATE reports predict more cyclone activities for the Pacific region, Cook Islands Red Cross has made the most of a recent trip to the northern group to ensure communities are prepared for times of disaster.
Wednesday 1 June 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
Nukuroa School students on the Pa Enua of Mitiaro are writing and drawing up a storm after receiving boxes of stationery delivered to their school recently by the Cook Islands Red Cross Society.
Tuesday 31 May 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
Two FOREIGN vessels photographed off Pukapuka are believed to have been transhipping fish.
Friday 27 May 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) has deployed three additional deep water fish aggregating devices (FADs) to assist the artisanal (small-scale) fishers of Aitutaki.
Wednesday 25 May 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
Pupils from Atiu’s Enuamanu school took part in the Cook Islands’ anti-bullying campaign last Friday, starting with a march from the school through the five villages on the island.
Monday 23 May 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
HAVING just celebrated her 92nd birthday last month, Sarah Tupou Tina Marsters has two pieces of advice for young people – have a positive attitude towards life and always eat balanced meals.
Thursday 19 May 2016 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands
Chamber of Commerce president Stephen Lyon’s calls to make Aitutaki airport the country’s second international airport has met with criticism from stakeholders on the island.
Saturday 7 May 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
Te Ipukarea Society’s waste management project has wriggled its way to Mauke School.
Saturday 7 May 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
Widespread pa’ua (clam) bleaching has been reported in Manihiki this month as the global bleaching event continues as a result of the current strong El Niño.
Friday 6 May 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
Fifteen year old Mitiaro School student Tiana Haxton values the environment as “a gift to life.”
Monday 2 May 2016 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands
Aitutaki was buzzing with excitement on Friday during the launch of the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation’s Kia Orana Values Project.
Monday 2 May 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
A recent workshop held on Aitutaki has urged all involved in the island’s biosecurity to work together.
Saturday 30 April 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
Born in 1894, Solomon Isaacs grew up in the village of Tautu on Aitutaki in the Cook Islands before migrating to Auckland as a teenager.
Saturday 30 April 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
I have been living in Tongareva on and off to fulfil a promise made to my father to go back and work for our people, and to complete a research thesis in my own time.
Saturday 30 April 2016 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands
Aitutaki contributes about a quarter of the total tourism earnings in the Cook Islands.
Friday 29 April 2016 | Published in Outer Islands
Cook Islands National Council of Women coordinator, Taputukura Mariri made a big contribution towards the understanding of violence against women and families at the Cook Islands Christian Youth Convention in Mitiaro earlier this month.