Outer Islands

Fuel price drop good news for Pa Enua

Wednesday 15 February 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

Fuel users in the Pa Enua will pay less following the introduction of new margins for the Southern and Northern islands.

Outer Islands

Willing hands aid cargo retrieval

Saturday 4 February 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

Taio Shipping has been in the headlines following the grounding of the company’s new vessel Moana Nui on Nassau last week.

Outer Islands

Mauke pupils celebrate culture

Thursday 2 February 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

December rings in Culture Week at Mauke School and it was the talk of the town, with adults also learning new things about the places where their tupuna once lived.

Outer Islands

One Foot Island a winner with influential magazine

Tuesday 24 January 2017 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands

AFTER being ranked one of the top holiday destinations in the world, Aitutaki continues to gain recognition for its pristine beauty from international tourism agencies and media.

Outer Islands

Penrhyn left waiting for food, money

Tuesday 24 January 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

Penrhyn residents want to know why Pacific Schooners Ltd has failed to deliver building supplies, food and other goods to the island.

Outer Islands

Mangaia joins doctor-less islands

Monday 23 January 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

The MINISTRY of Health’s doctor on Mangaia has resigned and will not be replaced.

Outer Islands

Papa Haua can now rest with family on Palmerston

Monday 23 January 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

WITH A Nikao landowner standing firm on a decision to level 15 graves where relatives from the outer islands are buried, a Palmerston Island family has removed the remains of family members.

Outer Islands

Lack of oxygen kills Aitutaki fish

Monday 23 January 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

THE MINISTRY of Marine Resources (MMR) has concluded that a fish-die off in the Aitutaki lagoon earlier this month was most likely caused by oxygen depletion.

Outer Islands

Atiu reunion remembers Papa Teiotu

Saturday 21 January 2017 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands

It WAS a reunion that the members of Teiotu-O-Tangaroa family will remember for years to come.

Outer Islands

Pukapuka games a whole lot of fun

Friday 20 January 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

THE SUMMER Games in Pukapuka have come to an end and Tawalalo celebrated their win with dance, song, and a whole lot of making fun of Tawangake.

Outer Islands

Hydroponics project great for Pukapuka

Monday 16 January 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

The PUKAPUKA hydroponics project has finally been completed.

Outer Islands

80 gather to celebrate beloved ancestors

Tuesday 10 January 2017 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands

DESCENDANTS of the late Apii and Moeroa Karaponga from Manihiki have gathered for their first family reunion to celebrate the life of the couple.

Outer Islands

Mauke pupils learn plenty about lagoon

Thursday 5 January 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

Following on from Mauke’s Years 7 to 9 beach debris investigation in Term 3, the class more recently had the opportunity to trial lagoon data collection in a raui area at Patito, on the west side of Mauke.

Outer Islands

Loads of festive fun on Aitutaki

Friday 30 December 2016 | Published in Outer Islands

IT’S BEEN a busy month on Aitutaki.

Outer Islands

New incubator a boost for Aitutaki

Friday 23 December 2016 | Published in Outer Islands

NEWBORN babies on the island of Aitutaki now have a safe and stable environment to protect them at their earliest stage of life.

Outer Islands

Ureia Village celebrates fresh water

Monday 12 December 2016 | Published in Outer Islands

UREIA VILLAGE on Aitutaki now has good supplies of fresh, treated drinking water.

Outer Islands

Pupils cheer as new barge visits Mauke

Thursday 8 December 2016 | Published in Outer Islands

WHEN COOK ISLANDS Towage’s new barge arrived at Mauke last week, a sizeable portion of the island's population were there to watch, including pupils of Mauke School, who had only a short walk down the road to spend a school period taking in the process which helps to link the island with the rest of the world.

Outer Islands

Bringing Christmas cheer to Aitutaki centre

Thursday 8 December 2016 | Published in Outer Islands

FOR THE third year Cook Islands Building Supplies managers and staff have teamed up with the Te Kainga O Pa Taunga Wellbeing Centre to bring a Christmas lunch and gifts to the health respite establishments in Panama in Rarotonga, and Amuri in Aitutaki.

Outer Islands

Students help protect Aitutaki lagoon

Wednesday 7 December 2016 | Published in Outer Islands

Aitutaki Reef Keepers are working closely with schools and communities in Aitutaki in an effort to help, preserve and enhance the island’s huge lagoon and provide a more sustainable marine environment.

Outer Islands

Koutu Nui discuss issues with Atiu residents

Monday 5 December 2016 | Published in Outer Islands

THE EXECUTIVE committee members of the Koutu Nui spent three days last week in Atiu conducting a workshop or iriirikapua with island residents.

Outer Islands

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