Outer Islands

Work begins on making model of Mauke

Monday 22 May 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

The Cook Islands National Environment Service in collaboration with the Cook Islands Climate Change SRICC-CC Project will be running a hands-on three dimensional mapping workshop on Mauke and Mitiaro over the next two weeks.

Outer Islands

Mangaia water project readied

Thursday 18 May 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

WATSAN Water Division staff have been working on Mangaia as part of the Mangaia Central Water Project to install a new water supply from the cave of Ivirua rising main to the village.

Outer Islands

Lagoon clean up on Manihiki

Wednesday 19 April 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

The Manihiki Lagoon Clean Up Project has got off to a good start despite delays in the shipping schedules last month.

Outer Islands

Adventurous soul wanted for Suwarrow ranger job

Tuesday 18 April 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

The National Environment Service has advertised a position for an Assistant Park Ranger for the remote northern island Suwarrow. Due to Suwarrow’s isolated location, the job sees employees living in remote conditions, demanding a very specific type of person. The two Suwarrow Park rangers are the only people on the island, unless yachts or the patrol boat Te Kukupa stop at the island while passing through the Cook Islands. “The new ranger would be living and working closely with the current Suwarrow park ranger, Harry Papai,” Louisa Karika, manager of the Island Futures Division has said. As such it is stressed to potential applicants the need for tolerance. “You will be living on a very small motu with mainly one other person, so it is vital to be able to work well together and get along,” Karika said. Applicants must hold many skills and unusual traits; in particular they must have some seamanship skills, be adaptive and able to find alternate solutions to the challenges of living and working on an isolated island, far from the usual resources, and must be confident in swimming and fishing. As caretakers of the island, the rangers’ main responsibilities cover ensuring visitors adhere to the National Environment Act, the Suwarrow park rules and any Act designated by other government agencies. This includes acting as Custom officers for yachties who visit the island and its safe anchorages, as well as monitoring the birdlife on the island. With visitors comes the risk of pollution on the island and disturbances to its wildlife. It is also the rangers’ responsibility to police visitors on the island, to minimise their impact on the un-spoilt bird sanctuary, controlling the pollution of air, water and land, including collecting any rubbish that washes ashore. All yachts that stop in Suwarrow must go through Customs, immigration and biosecurity checks by the rangers, as often Suwarrow is the first port of call for yachties entering the Cook Islands. For safety reasons, rangers evacuate Suwarrow during the cyclone season. The official term of employment on Suwarrow is from May to November; though successful applicants will train at the Rarotonga headquarters of NES one month prior to departure, and remain at NES for one month following their return from Suwarrow. “Rangers are expected to work with NES for a month upon their return to Rarotonga, to allow time for debriefings with border control agencies and to develop and submit their report for their season on Suwarrow,” said Elizabeth Munro, senior Biodiversity Officer at NES. Disadvantages of the job include isolation and no immediate assistance. As such NES ensures each officer undergoes medical clearance prior to them leaving. The isolation also means Suwarrow residents have limited access to the extras once they run out. “Supplies are provided for the officers to last 7 to 8 months, including food and fuel. Sometimes visiting yachts do provide some kind of assistance to the rangers such as checking their equipment or offering medical checks,” Munro continued. Alternatively, the job offers an opportunity to meet people from various countries, learn about conservation and the chance to live on one of the most remote islands in the Cook Islands. Closing date for applications is this Thursday. For more information contact the National Environment Service.

Outer Islands

Project extends to outer islands

Thursday 13 April 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

CITC’s Recycle Station project is expanding to the outer islands and now Mangaia School has a recycling centre of its own.

Outer Islands

Amuri wins big in Te Vaka O Ru competition

Monday 10 April 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

Amuri made a double scoop in the Te Vaka O Ru (TVOR) competition which is mirrored on Rarotonga’s successful Vaka Pride competition for Aitutaki.

Outer Islands

Northern fishing clubs making progress

Friday 7 April 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

Facilities to secure the assets of each fishing club in the northern islands have been developed since reformation of the Cook Islands Fishing Association (CIF) in 2010.

Outer Islands

Tongareva launches first publication

Friday 7 April 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

On the evening of April 4, the Community Division of Tongareva’s island government launched their first publication, Te Rito of Tongareva.

Outer Islands

Power upgrades for two islands

Thursday 6 April 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

South Canterbury, New Zealand -based NETcon Ltd has signed a $3.9 million Asian Development Bank contract to upgrade medium and low voltage networks on Mauke and Mitiaro

Outer Islands

Nikao growers get much-needed support

Thursday 6 April 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

The Nikao Growers Association has received a timely boost to acquire much needed materials to help improve the productivity of its members.

Outer Islands

Rakahanga gets message on violence from visitor

Tuesday 4 April 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

On Thursday last week, the Rakahanga Vaine Tini joined with the Rakahanga Fishing Association members to hear a presentation from Cook Islands National Council of Women president Vaine Wichman on the main findings from Te Ata o te Ngakau’ report.

Outer Islands

APS money Aitutaki's, says Mills

Monday 3 April 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

The former chairman of the Aitutaki Power Station Authority is adamant all funds accumulated by the entity from the island’s residents paying their power bills, rightfully belongs there.

Outer Islands

Atiu should lead itself, says Brown

Wednesday 29 March 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

A government of national unity would let Atiu and not the Cook Islands government, run the island, says Atiu MP and opposition coalition parliamentary leader, Rose Brown.

Outer Islands

College gears up for music

Tuesday 14 March 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

Aitutaki’s Araura College has established a performing arts department, with local teachers taking up the roles of music, dance and drama teachers.

Outer Islands

More social services needed in the outer islands

Monday 13 March 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

Without a safe and supporting environment for those suffering the effects of domestic violence and other problems, the outer islands will be confronted by the emergence of serious social issues that have so far remained hidden, says Punanga Tauturu Inc (PTI) co-ordinator Rebeka Buchanan.

Outer Islands

Araura College celebrates new student leaders

Thursday 2 March 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

Araura College on Aitutaki has chosen its student leaders for the 2017 school year.

Outer Islands

New ATM on Aitutaki first

Thursday 2 March 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

The ANZ has installed the Cook Islands’ first ever touch-screen ATM at its Aitutaki branch.

Outer Islands

ICI to launch Aitutaki sealing project

Wednesday 1 March 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

The Ministry of Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) planning and design and civil works divisions are preparing to launch a road sealing project on Aitutaki, involving the resealing of 20kms of existing roads and the sealing of 6kms of new roads on the island.

Outer Islands

Grant helps island's water issues

Friday 24 February 2017 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands

Aitutaki received a timely support from the Japanese government last week in improving the water supply on the island.

Outer Islands

Big boost for Aitutaki's young leaders

Thursday 23 February 2017 | Published in Outer Islands

A group of 60 local youth on Aitutaki is all set to undertake a development programme next week with a leadership training organisation from Wellington, New Zealand.

Outer Islands

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