Monday 2 October 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
Plans are already being made by the Atiu community as they prepare to travel to Tahiti in December 2018 for the Atiu Island Trust Conference.
Wednesday 27 September 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
Internet capacity on the island of Mitiaro has been upgraded through the installation of a higher capacity microwave link from Atiu, 44 kilometres away.
Wednesday 27 September 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
Tourism Week got off to a great start on Aitutaki on Monday with the A1 Meitaki Awards ceremony.
Monday 18 September 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
The GEF Small grants schools composting training programme has officially arrived to the northern Cook Islands starting off with Manihiki henua and Rakahanga henua.
Thursday 14 September 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
At the height of its pineapple industry between the 1970s to mid-1980s, Mangaia had a population of over 1000 people.
Monday 11 September 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
The proposed Aitutaki marina, which caused some controversy among residents on the island, has made limited progress since its announcement in 2015.
Saturday 9 September 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
Rima Bob of the Enuamanu Catholic and Island Women’s Council says she was amazed at the high standard of craftsmanship evident in a show of traditional tivaivai held on Atiu last Friday.
Friday 1 September 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
A team of students from Araura College on Aitutaki has launched a public awareness campaign aimed at reducing harmful chemicals from entering the lagoon.
Friday 25 August 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
The one and only tour bus on Mangaia, owned by Maui Peraua and Lynn Martin, took all the participants in a tour guiding course being run on the island on a training tour on Wednesday.
Monday 7 August 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
Making that happen for students at Mauke School requires creative resourcing, gifts from friends and family, and many days and nights thinking, planning and preparing.
Tuesday 25 July 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
Travel Teacher volunteers arrived for their first project in Aitutaki on July 8 in partnership with Araura College.
Wednesday 12 July 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
Three priceless stone pre-European artefacts have been returned to the Cook Islands.
Thursday 29 June 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
The Manihiki Lagoon Clean-Up Project has reached its half-way point, with work reported to be progressing well.
Thursday 29 June 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
Progressive overspending of the Penrhyn Island Administration personnel budget became so serious that the Ministry of Finance withheld bulk funding for four months to the island last year.
Tuesday 13 June 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) met with Aitutaki Island Government last week and received strong support for the development of the proposed Aitutaki Lagoon Management Plan.
Tuesday 13 June 2017 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands
The Business Trade Investment Board (BTIB) began a series of free workshops in Aitutaki yesterday focusing on improving the skills and knowledge of business owners and other interested people.
Thursday 8 June 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
Former MP Teina Bishop ended his six-month prison term and returned to his home on Aitutaki on Friday, to a huge welcome from island residents.
Wednesday 7 June 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
This weekly column is provided by Te Ipukarea Society. It discusses environmental and conservation issues of interest to the Cook Islands.
Wednesday 31 May 2017 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands
The Atiu Rarotonga Community has set a target of collecting $50,000 from the Atiu Gala Day which will be held this Friday.
Wednesday 31 May 2017 | Published in Outer Islands
A combined handover ceremony for the people of Mangaia’s overhauled crusher plant and the new water supply for the village of Ivirua was held last Friday.