Outer Islands

Grant a boost for Mitiaro

Monday 19 March 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Financial assistance from the government of India has allowed the construction of sanitation facilities on Mitiaro.

Outer Islands

Help for drought-stricken village

Monday 19 March 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

An Aitutaki village hard-hit by drought is to be one of the first to benefit from a new water supply system planned by Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI).

Outer Islands

Southern islands keen on coconuts

Wednesday 14 March 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

It’s all about the coconuts. The Ministry of Agriculture is meeting this week with mayors and executive officers from all of the southern group islands to discuss implementation of their ‘Pa Enua Agriculture for Resilient Livelihoods’ (PEARL) programme.

Outer Islands

New heavy duty trailer will protect Aitutaki's road seal

Wednesday 7 March 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Deputy prime minister and Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) minister Teariki Heather visited Aitutaki last Friday to officially hand over a heavy vehicle trailer to the Aitutaki island government.

Outer Islands

Police dog in fishing boat search

Wednesday 7 March 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Aitutaki may have seen its first kuri on the island for a very long time, after a police dog was brought over from Rarotonga to inspect the Nino Maravilla, an old Ecuadorian fishing vessel widely rumoured to have been involved in transporting illegal drugs to the Cook Islands.

Outer Islands

'Multi-agency' investigation into vessel

Friday 2 March 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

The mystery surrounding an old fishing vessel detained at Aitutaki is starting to lift.

Outer Islands

3D map made of Aitutaki

Thursday 1 March 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

A Participatory 3-Dimensional (P3D) map of Aitutaki has been completed and handed over to the Aronga Mana and Aitutaki community after a three-member team from the Cook Islands National Environment Service (NES) travelled to the island for a week-long community workshop last month.

Outer Islands

Passengers stranded in Palmerston

Wednesday 28 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

A group of a dozen passengers bound for Pukapuka have been stranded on Palmerston Island for almost two weeks now and look likely to be there for at least another fortnight.

Outer Islands

Atiu leads way in island learning

Thursday 22 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute (CITTI) held a graduation ceremony in Atiu in late January to celebrate the success of 14 graduates.

Outer Islands

India supports Mangaia

Wednesday 21 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

The Mangaia Island Government (MIG) has secured financial assistance in the form of a grant by the Government of India for the purchase and supply of two 7000 litre tanks for a water trailer.

Outer Islands

They're modelling on Aitutaki

Monday 12 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

A three-member team from the National Environment Service (NES) is travelling to Aitutaki today to map the island and construct a three-dimensional model of it during a week-long community workshop.

Outer Islands

Atiu has high hopes for Rongomatane successor

Friday 9 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Prominent members of the Atiu community hope the successor to the Rongomatane throne will act as a role model for young Atiuans to come home.

Outer Islands

Trip to Pukapuka is smooth sailing

Friday 9 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

The Lady Moana departed for Palmerston and Pukapuka yesterday afternoon with 22 passengers aboard, ahead of warnings, later dropped, that Rarotonga could encounter heavy swells and high winds severe enough to require evacuation of the harbour by today.

Outer Islands

Looking good on Pukapuka

Thursday 8 February 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands

Expat teacher Robert Collie left for Pukapuka yesterday for another exciting academic year at Apii Niua.

Outer Islands

Recycling bins head to northern islands

Thursday 8 February 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands

Cook Islands Trading Corporation Limited (CITC) handed over two recycle centres for two schools in the northern islands group earlier this week.

Outer Islands

Stricken ship washed into harbour

Thursday 8 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Stranded cargo vessel Moana Nui has been washed off the reef in Nassau and is now blocking the entrance to the island’s harbour as bad weather pounds the northern group island.

Outer Islands

Trip to Penryhn proves problematic

Wednesday 7 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

A shark researcher is one of several people stranded on Rarotonga because of the lack of a regular shipping service to Penrhyn.

Outer Islands

Atiuans give thanks for funeral help

Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

The secretary of the Atiu community has extended a big meitaki to all of those who help organise the funeral of the late Ada Teaupurepure Rongomatane Ariki.

Outer Islands

Palmerston online education plea...

Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

A Palmerston official has made an impassioned plea to telecoms minister Mark Brown to improve their online service.

Outer Islands

Waste issues worse on outer islands

Saturday 3 February 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Rarotonga residents have well-documented problems with their waste disposal practices, but on the outer islands, the situation is even worse.

Outer Islands

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