Outer Islands

Drum beats welcome for northern visitors

Wednesday 18 July 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

The thunderous beat of traditional drums resounded around the port of Avatiu yesterday afternoon as the vessel Tahiti Nui entered the harbour, carrying around 180 people from Manihiki.

Outer Islands

Hundreds arrive from Pa Enua

Tuesday 17 July 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

A huge crowd of people thronged Avatiu Wharf yesterday afternoon, ready to greet family and friends arriving on Rarotonga from the islands of Rakahanga, Penrhyn, Pukapuka and Nassau.

Outer Islands

Bank to close Aitutaki branch

Wednesday 11 July 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

The ANZ bank has decided to close its Aitutaki branch, citing the low number of customers on the island as a key factor.

Outer Islands

Outer islander transport will cost $1.8million

Monday 9 July 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

It will cost nearly $1.8 million to transport outer islanders participating in Te Maeva Nui celebrations to Rarotonga and to return them to their home islands at the end of the monster celebration.

Outer Islands

Warning against pa'ua harvest

Thursday 5 July 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

The Ministry of Marine Resources has confirmed that it advised against the harvest of pa’ua (giant clams) from the uninhabited island of Manuae by the Aitutaki Island Government (AIG) for the upcoming Te Maeva Nui Constitution celebrations.

Outer Islands

Yachties ferry supplies north to Suwarrow

Wednesday 4 July 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

After spending 10 days in Rarotonga, New Zealand yachties Mike George and Sue Harvey were headed north to Suwarrow yesterday, carrying with them a load of general stores and gardening tools for National Environment Service rangers Harry Papai and John Samuel – along with a box of beers courtesy of Te Ipukarea Society.

Outer Islands

Water relief for Penrhyn

Monday 2 July 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands

The government is transporting 100,000 litres of water to Tongareva (Penrhyn) to provide relief to residents facing water issues on the northern group island.

Outer Islands

Late, but they're back from Suwarrow

Saturday 23 June 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

They arrived back a week later than originally planned, but Te Ipukarea Society’s Suwarrow expedition team were all smiles when the General Transport barge Layar Mas 291 delivered them to Avarua wharf bright and early at eight o’clock on Thursday morning.

Outer Islands

Suwarrow bird surveys completed

Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

This weekly column is supplied by Te Ipukarea Society. It deals with conservation and environment issues of interest to the Cook Islands. This week technical director Kelvin Passfield reports on a TIS team’s trip to Suwarrow to conduct a rat baiting project on the island and nearby motu.

Outer Islands

Up north, they're watching and waiting...

Tuesday 12 June 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

There’s no easy solution for Pa Enua travel realities, but 24-hour solar power lightens the mood, reports Lisa Leilani Williams.

Outer Islands

Global interest in Aitutaki resort sale

Saturday 9 June 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

A story run last week by New Zealand news website Stuff about the Aitutaki Lagoon Private Island Resort being for sale has now been picked up by news agencies around the world – despite the resort having been on the market for months, if not years.

Outer Islands

Recycling centre gratefully received

Thursday 31 May 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Outer Islands

The schools on the island of Pukapuka and Nassau have finally received their new wheelie bins courtesy of Cook Islands Trading Corporation (CITC) and Taio Shipping.

Outer Islands

No shortage of tuna off Aitutaki

Friday 25 May 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Rarotonga may be suffering from a shortage of fish, but fish aggregating devices (FADs) seem to be doing the trick in Aitutaki.

Outer Islands

Palmerston to get cyclone shelter

Wednesday 23 May 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

A request for tenders has been issued by Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) for the construction of a cyclone shelter on the atoll of Palmerston.

Outer Islands

TIS team on Palmerston

Friday 18 May 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

A team from Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) visited Palmerston earlier this week.

Outer Islands

Building resilience on Aitutaki

Wednesday 16 May 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

The island of Aitutaki has been busy improving its resilience to the effects of climate change.

Outer Islands

Off on an adventure to lonely Suwarrow

Tuesday 15 May 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Te Ipukarea technical director Kelvin Passfield was looking forward to four or five weeks without broadband or mobile phone coverage when staff from TIS left aboard the Lady Moana for remote Suwarrow island on Saturday afternoon.

Outer Islands

Harry lives the Suwarrow life

Saturday 12 May 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Travel some 900-odd kilometres north by northwest of Rarotonga, up towards the islands of Nassau and Pukapuka, and you’ll find Suwarrow, a national park of the Cook Islands since 1978.

Outer Islands

Solar power comes to Mitiaro

Saturday 12 May 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Prime minister Henry Puna officially opened the first of four solar power stations in the southern group islands under the Cook Islands Renewable Energy Project on the island of Mitiaro on Thursday.

Outer Islands

Atiu and Takutea for 3D mapping

Thursday 10 May 2018 | Published in Outer Islands

Three-dimensional maps of Atiu and Takutea are being constructed as a part of the National Environment Services’ (NES) Participatory Three Dimensional Modelling (P3DM) workshop programme.

Outer Islands

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