Outer Islands

Eco toilets arrive in Aitutaki

Tuesday 19 January 2021 | Written by CI News Staff | Published in National, Outer Islands

The new eco toilets in Aitutaki will provide better facility for visitors especially to the motu’s for lagoon excursions.


Rare bluefin tuna caught by Pukapuka fishermen

Monday 18 January 2021 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in National, Outer Islands

The two fishermen could not believe their luck when they landed rare bluefin tuna near the northern group island over the weekend.


Desalination units assist water woes on drough-stricken Penrhyn

Friday 15 January 2021 | Written by Emmanuel Samoglou | Published in National, Outer Islands

Government officials are dealing with the drought in Penrhyn by employing the use of desalination machines and tapping into groundwater resources.


Parched Penrhyn receives water relief

Thursday 14 January 2021 | Written by Emmanuel Samoglou | Published in National, Outer Islands

A shipment of water has alleviated a severe shortage on the Northern group atoll of Penrhyn, however with no rain in sight, residents will have to continue rationing supplies.


World’s remotest learner

Friday 8 January 2021 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in National, Outer Islands

Living on a tiny remote island of Palmerston has not stopped Caroline Marsters from dreaming big.


Penrhyn to dry up in 14 days

Friday 8 January 2021 | Written by Emmanuel Samoglou | Published in National, Outer Islands

An island government official said the northern group atoll is dealing with one of the worst water shortages in years, prompting Prime Minister Mark Brown's government to approve an emergency shipment of water and desalination equipment to the island.


The $150k dance

Wednesday 6 January 2021 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in National, Outer Islands

The Aitutaki koni raoni (dance around) combined fundraising event for the villages of Vaipae and Vaipeka has raised over $150,000.


Barge to leave for third trip to Tongareva

Wednesday 6 January 2021 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in National, Outer Islands

MV Taunga Nui has been to the northern group island of Penrhyn twice after arriving in the country in November.


Keeping the festive spirit alive in Mauke

Thursday 31 December 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in National, Outer Islands

Impending rain did not dampen the island pride and festive spirits of the Kimiangatau village string band in Mauke.


Sudden passing of passionate planter

Monday 21 December 2020 | Written by CI News Staff | Published in National, Outer Islands

The island of Mauke and the families of 49-year-old Tuakana Samuel are reeling from the sudden shock of his passing over the weekend.


Record number for boatmasters licences

Saturday 19 December 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in National, Outer Islands

A record number of 155 participated and received boat master certificates on the island of Aitutaki; sixteen of these were women who now hold licences to operate motorised boats.


Improving workplace safety for public servants in the Pa Enua

Thursday 17 December 2020 | Written by Supplied | Published in National, Outer Islands

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has been encouraged to live up to its responsibility and ensure Rakahanga island government wharf workers are provided with safety gear to protect against injury when offloading cargo vessels.


Fun in the hot Pukapuka sun

Wednesday 16 December 2020 | Written by Emmanuel Samoglou | Published in National, Outer Islands

The long, hot lazy days of summer have arrived in Pukapuka.


Pukapuka hospital upgrade on target

Tuesday 15 December 2020 | Written by Emmanuel Samoglou | Published in National, Outer Islands

With a new hospital in the final stages of completion, Pukapuka’s leaders now hope they can lure a qualified doctor to improve the quality of healthcare available on the island.


Committing to a better future

Tuesday 15 December 2020 | Written by Supplied | Published in National, Outer Islands

Australian High Commissioner to Cook Islands Dr Chris Watkins became the first diplomatic from his country to visit the northern group island of Manihiki.


Stephens wins island council by-election

Saturday 12 December 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in National, Outer Islands, Politics

Joanne Stephens won the Mauke Island Government by-election for the village of Makatea, edging out candidate Arapo Tutai by two votes for the final count of 17 - 15.


Northern group island prepares for worst case Covid-19 scenario

Thursday 3 December 2020 | Written by CI News Staff | Published in National, Outer Islands

Rakahanga is remaining resolute that its borders will be immediately closed and the island will remain isolated from the outside world, if a case of Covid-19 is confirmed on Rarotonga.


Sharing the joy of the season

Thursday 3 December 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in National, Outer Islands

The spirit of Christmas will be well and truly alive on Friday December 11, as the island of Mauke/Akatokamanava holds its first ever Christmas in the Park.


Reaching for the stars and a police uniform

Wednesday 2 December 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in National, Outer Islands

Eleven-year-old Mareva Pierre hopes to one day, wear the uniform of a police officer and make his family proud.


Mitiaro turns focus to domestic tourism

Monday 30 November 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in National, Outer Islands

With visitors from Rarotonga and Aitutaki heading to Mitiaro, the island’s mayor believes domestic tourism is what they need for much-needed economic development.


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