
Apology stupid: Wilkie

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Saturday 8: Rasmussen claims Sir Terepai is setting up ‘the Chinese invasion’ Sacked cabinet minister Wilkie Rasmussen says deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate’s apology to China on our nat-ional day brought back memories of a 1980s song, ‘Turning Japanese’. Rasmussen says in the DPM’s case, he has turned Chinese, and his apology is an […]


Sympathy for Tonga

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Friday 7: This week regional leaders at the 40th Pacific Islands Forum in Cairns expressed their deep sympathies to the government and people of Tonga after the tragic sinking of the passenger ferry Princess Ashika on August 6. At the post Retreat press conference on Thursday, Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd said the leaders had […]


Canoeing still hopeful

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Friday 7: Cook Islands Canoeing Association is still holding on to hope that it can get New Zealand passports for its two athletes Vaea Melvin and Tupuna Amo to make them eligible to represent the Cook Islands in next month’s Pacific Mini Games. Both paddlers hold French Polynesia passports and have Cook Islands permanent residency […]


Outer island applicants not up to scratch

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Friday 7: Some of those applying for island secretary positions have obviously not gained favour from cabinet. Public service commissioner Navy Epati says he has had to appoint acting secretaries for Penrhyn, Manihiki and Rakahanga – in place of cabinet not making decisions on these posts. And the position on Palmerston will be re-advertised, with […]


Big changes in HoMs

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Friday 7: The naming of some of the heads of ministries will surely raise eyebrows in the community. Gone are experienced heads like Terry Hagan, Nga Mataio, Tamarii Tutangata and John Herrmann. And in come former Business Trade & Investment Board chief executive Mark Short (justice), Anthony Brown (agriculture), Bredina Drollet (internal affairs) and Tereora […]


Audit looks into HoMs

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Wednesday 12: The audit office will soon begin a review of the recruitment, selection and appointment process for heads of ministries. Audit director Paul Allsworth says the office saw a complaint sent to government yesterday over the HoM appointments made last week and it has prompted the review along with public concern. “It’s also in […]


Go for gold Cook Islands!

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Thursday 6: The Cook Islands under 21 netball team paid a visit to Raromart yesterday where they were gifted towels, bags and mini Cook Islands flags by their eager supporters there. The team arrived on Tuesday night to polish up their game before their first World Youth Netball Championship game against Wales on Monday August […]


2 escapees still on run

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Wednesday 12: Police and prison wardens are still searching for the two fugitive prisoners. After escaping on Saturday night from Arorangi prison, Roger Tauarea and Daniel Mare still remain at large. Inspector Arama Tera said the crime investigation bureau (CIB) confirmed that the stolen silver Toyota Camry found in Arorangi on Monday was taken by […]


Who's listed

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Thursday 6: The 15 Team Cook Islands athletes who look likely to miss the 2009 Pacific Mini Games and the passports they hold are: – Boxer Mathew Titoa (Samoa). – League players Bilsy Gukisuva (Fiji), Andrew Iroa (Fiji), Ailaoa Samania (Samoa) and Lulua Tua (Samoa). – Rugby sevens players Duane Gukisuva (Fiji), Sailosi Naisausau (Fiji), […]


Credit rating drops

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Cooks downgraded because of rise in debt Wednesday 12: Credit ratings agency Standard and Poor’s has just revised its outlook on the Cook Islands from stable to negative, but affirmed its ‘BB/B’ foreign currency and local currency credit ratings. S&P says government’s net debt is likely to rise sharply from 3 percent of GDP (gross […]


7 new HoMs to be appointed

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Thursday 6: There could be up to seven new heads of ministries today – depending on whether the successful applicants accept or not. Public service commissioner Navy Epati says the seven have been contacted and will be put on ‘transitional arrangements’ until the terms of their three-year contracts can be negotiated. Unsuccessful applicants, says Epati, […]


Escaped cons may be armed

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Tuesday 11: The two escaped convicts at large on Rarotonga are suspected to be carrying a fire arm. Roger Tauarea and Daniel Mare are still on the run from authorities after escaping from Arorangi prison on Saturday night. Police inspector Arama Tera says they’ve received a phone call from a member of the public who […]


15 athletes not eligible

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Thursday 6: Up to 15 athletes will be chopped from Team Cook Islands because of an eligibility rule that was not communicated. Pleas to the Pacific Games Council for flexibility to allow non New Zealand passport holders to represent the country at the Pacific Mini Games have failed. This means that Team Cook Islands will […]


World youth netball begins!

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Cooks praised, dream realised Tuesday 11: The opening of the World Youth Netball Championships was a colourful affair as the 20 under 21 netball teams paraded around the Telecom Sports Arena in their team colours. Teams marched, ambled and danced their way through the packed arena. In her opening address, International Federation of Netball Associations […]


Dog bites jogger

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Monday 10: A tourist needed medical treatment after being attacked by a dog last week. Around 7am on Monday, two women, believed to be French, were jogging on the footpath ocean side along the main road of Avarua. They were heading towards Trader Jacks jogging behind a man walking his two dogs on their leashes. […]


Tender out today?

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Monday 10: The government tender committee is expected to release its decision as to who will be offered the tender for host broadcasting at the Pacific Mini Games next month. PMG 2009 organising committee marketing & sponsorship director Tui Short was hopeful that a decision would be made last Wednesday, but this was not the […]


Economy contracts

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Monday 10: Value added tax (VAT) receipts for the 2008-09 financial year showed an increase of 0.5 percent over the last budget estimates (supplementary 3), indicating a slowdown in the economy. This slowdown was put down, in part, to the worldwide recession and the loss of one cargo vessel in the first half of the […]


Dangerous criminal and teen escape jail

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Monday 10: Two men tied bed sheets together to escape over the Arorangi prison wall on Saturday night. Police are searching for Roger Tauarea and Daniel Mare who fled from the correction facility around 11.30pm. The escapees had turned the sheets into a ladder which was used to climb over the prison wall. Tauarea, 38, […]


New deli raided a third time

Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Local

Saturday 8: Saturday 8: Police are investigating the third burglary since March of Le Bon Vivant. In the early hours of Tuesday morning, the Avarua café-deli was broken into. Police say those responsible gained entry by throwing a brick through a side window. They then stole the cash float from the register and an army […]


Constitution Day messages to govt

Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Local

– Deliver on infrastructure – No tax in jubilee year 5 August: The trials and tribulations that the Cook Islands have faced and the future plans for the nation were the central talking points of yesterday’s 44th constitution celebrations. Close to 350 people gathered in the National Auditorium to mark the milestone. Proceedings included raising […]


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