Monday 19 July 2010 | Published in Local
Cook Islands journalist Lisa Williams-Lahari will be the local coordinator for an International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) project in the Pacific. The project is designed to strengthen the role of media workers and press freedom advocates in defending and promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms in the region. Media for Democracy and Human Rights in […]
Monday 19 July 2010 | Published in Local
Solicitor-General Tingika Elikana has reportedly issued a legal opinion that rejects the Audit Office view that the Former Finance Minister and Associate Minister had a conflict of interest in receiving $60,000 in business support loans from government. The report condemning the Business Trade Investment Board’s (BTIB) decision to grant two loans to businesses owned by […]
Saturday 17 July 2010 | Published in Local
Tupapa-Maraerenga MP John Tangi has lost the chance to remain the Democratic Party’s candidate for the constituency at the general elections. While Tangi has conceded that Nooroa Tupa is the new candidate after winning the three man run off, he has indicated he may consider other options for candidacy this year. “This is only the […]
Saturday 17 July 2010 | Published in Local
Former Finance Minister Sir Terepai Maoate and his son, former associate Minister of Finance Terepai Maoate Jnr, have been condemned by a new audit report for introducing an economic stimulus package – a $550,000 business loan fund – and then directly benefiting from it to the tune of $60,000. Sir Terepai, the former Deputy Prime […]
Thursday 15 July 2010 | Published in Local
Prime Minister Jim Marurai is reportedly thinking of calling a sitting of Parliament for July 23 just a week before the deadline for tabling the annual Budget. Finance minister Wilkie Rasmussen told CI News yesterday that the now balanced Budget is ready to go to Parliament following its approval by cabinet this month. Under the […]
Thursday 15 July 2010 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands masters’ athletics team have returned home from Tahiti with a whopping 61 medals –possibly the most medals ever won by a Cook Islands’ sports team. Members of the successful team returned home from the Oceania Masters Athletics Championships in Tahiti on Tuesday weighed down with their medals but buoyed by the awesome […]
Thursday 15 July 2010 | Published in Local
Avatiu’s Poko Keu is disappointed at the process carried out to select Sam ‘Gumby’ Crocombe as the Democratic Party election candidate for Ruatonga-Avatiu-Panama-Palmerston-Atupa (RAPPA). He also believes it unfairly all came down to “who had the most money” to mount a successful campaign come election time. On Tuesday party executives announced that a run off […]
Tuesday 13 July 2010 | Published in Local
Businesswoman Ellena Tavioni appeared in court yesterday as a petition for the winding up of her clothing business Tav Ltd was presented to the High Court by the Collector of Inland Revenue. But the case of Ministry of Finance & Economic Management (MFEM) vs Tav Ltd was adjourned to August 30 as Tavioni’s lawyer Tony […]
Tuesday 13 July 2010 | Published in Local
Police patrol boat Te Kukupa was sent to retrieve 11 of 13 people on board the yacht SV Southern Cross after it experienced engine trouble at the weekend. Police received information on Saturday that the 58ft ketch had experienced engine problems near Palmerston island en route to Rarotonga. The yacht was expected to arrive in […]
Tuesday 13 July 2010 | Published in Local
Though clouds obscured the Sunday morning eclipse in Mangaia, most tourists fell too much in love with the island to let it ruin their holiday. There were some who couldn’t conceal their disappointment, but the majority of eclipse-chasers who travelled to Mangaia this weekend said that the island’s beauty and its people more than made […]
Tuesday 13 July 2010 | Published in Local
Businessman James Beer has been confirmed as the Democratic Party’s election candidate for Murienua after last week’s run off against Angeline Tuara. But with Beer scarcely past the first post in his ambition to become an MP, Tuara’s supporters were reportedly planning to complain and ask for a recount of the votes. Yesterday, the Demo […]
Monday 12 July 2010 | Published in Local
The Toagate Audit report has pointed out many issues which affected the performance of cabinet throughout the process which lead to the deal. Several members of the cabinet and caucus pointed to a lack of leadership from the Prime Minister Jim Marurai. They indicated that former Deputy Prime Minister Sir Terepai Maoate exerted dominance “especially […]
Monday 12 July 2010 | Published in Local
Solar eclipse a heavenly spectacle for 400 visitors Mangaia woke early yesterday to catch a glimpse of the total solar eclipse tracking across its sky, though it hid behind a thick cloud cover to the disappointment of eclipse-chasers who travelled from as far as Japan and Germany. The Mangaia runway yesterday was loaded with hundreds […]
Saturday 10 July 2010 | Published in Local
The Toagate debacle reveals clear conspiracy, mismanagement and exploitation of public funds, Cook Islands Workers Association (CIWA) president Anthony Turua says. In a release in response to the just released audit review into Government’s attempt to nationalise the fuel industry, Turua said the report is “sickening” especially in reference to the failed strategy, high court […]
Saturday 10 July 2010 | Published in Local
Tomorrow’s solar eclipse promises to turn eyes skyward – including those that would under normal circumstances be glued to the World Cup Soccer finals. People have already begun arriving to Rarotonga in droves, heavy camera equipment in tow. One tourist arrived with 50kg of equipment tightly packed into a case, only to confront Air Raro’s […]
Saturday 10 July 2010 | Published in Local
Four Cook Islands Football Association (CIFA) delegates have just returned from attending the 60th FIFA Congress held in Johannesburg, South Africa. The congress was held at the same time as the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The delegates included CIFA president Lee Harmon, vice president Jake Numanga, and board members John Paul Wilson and Moeroa Tamangaro. […]
Friday 9 July 2010 | Published in Local
Avatea Primary School’s Room 4 and 6 students donned their best Kia Orana wear for a special field trip to check out traditional sailing vaka Marumaru Atua. Before boarding vaka Marumaru Atua, the group of around 40 students performed a dance and sang a song for the vaka crew that were at Avatiu harbour to […]
Friday 9 July 2010 | Published in Local
Police yesterday apprehended four youths they believe are responsible for nine recent burglaries. Two of the accused were just 11-years-old, one was 12 and the other was 16 – all are from the Avarua area. The four youths appeared in court yesterday but were referred to juvenile court. Stolen properties recovered from the accused include […]
Friday 9 July 2010 | Published in Local
Those who are keen to watch the eclipse will be happy to hear that Meteorological Services predict favourable weather for the weekend. Forecaster Maara Vaiimene said that the trough of low pressure hanging over the Southern Cooks – which was partially responsible for Tuesday night’s deluge – is continuing to move away from Rarotonga and […]
Friday 9 July 2010 | Published in Local
Report finds failings with Cabinet and govt officials The audit review into Government’s attempt to nationalise the fuel industry has been released, and will undoubtedly have many ducking for cover. The report of the review has found failings on the part of the former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Sir Terepai Maoate. It […]
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