
Maoates attack audit

Wednesday 11 August 2010 | Published in Local

The audit report into the Toagate scandal is ‘full of rubbish’ according to former Deputy Prime Minister Sir Terepai Maoate. The Ngatangiia MP has lashed out once again at the Audit Office and the Audit Director Paul Allsworth following the report that condemns government’s attempt to nationalise the fuel industry. “The auditor’s comments – the […]


Amended budget likely

Tuesday 10 August 2010 | Published in Local

An amended version of the 2009-10 supplementary budget is likely to be tabled when Parliament resumes today. Acting Prime Minister and Finance Minister Wilkie Rasmussen plans to withdraw the $186.4 million bill and then table the new appropriation amendment and validation bill in its place. Progress on the budgets has been slow but at least […]


Major arts symposium starts

Tuesday 10 August 2010 | Published in Local

The Pacific Arts Association (PAA) 10th International symposium opened yesterday at Rarotonga’s Crown Beach and brought together artists, scholars and students from across the region and all over the world Although the three day symposium is not open to the public, anyone is free to attend related exhibitions and functions Tonight, NZ-based media artist Janet […]


Maoate plays down Toagate

Tuesday 10 August 2010 | Published in Local

Former finance minister Sir Terepai Maoate downplayed the Toagate scandal when he spoke on the supplementary bill in Parliament yesterday. It is one of the first times the disgraced MP has spoken publicly about his involvement in the failed attempt to nationalise the fuel industry. Sir Terepai was critical of the Audit Office review of […]


Manihiki's main man on the drum

Monday 9 August 2010 | Published in Local

Papa Teokotai Ioapa and his Manihiki drummers Te Fuinga o Niva successfully defended their drumming champion’s title at the last day of Te Maeva Nui competitions on Saturday. Report and photos, pages 10-12 today. 10080826


Tini's appointment 'political' and 'biased'

Monday 9 August 2010 | Published in Local

A new audit report reveals former Cook Islands Investment Corporation chief executive John Tini was actually a political appointment despite the appearance that he got the job on merit. The Audit Office review, dated August 3, has yet to be made public but has been sent to key government officials. The report warns that with […]


Top three cutbacks

Monday 9 August 2010 | Published in Local

Finance Minister Wilkie Rasmussen has delivered on his promises to cut the allocations to MPs and Parliament. In the 2010-11 Budget, parliamentary services have been slashed by 24.4 per cent – the largest drop in funding for all the ministries. The cut represents a saving of $178,497. In the budget for 2009-10, parliamentary services received […]


Rupert moves to Raro

Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Local

Not many dogs get a second chance. But this little lion was rescued from the pound and has now started a new life on Rarotonga. Rupert is a new addition to an exclusive club of around less than 20 pedigree dogs on Rarotonga. He is a breed called a Lwchen, which means “little lion” in […]


Budget push

Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Local

Parliament resumes on Monday as government hopes to tackle the passage of the supplementary budget and new annual Budget. MPs have met informally for the past two days to discuss the validity of the supplementary budget and how to progress with its passage in the House. Parliament adjourned on Tuesday amid concern that the budget […]


Trade Day delights

Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Local

If you missed out on yesterday’s Trade Day market, don’t worry because it’s on again today, but you’d better cross your fingers that everything hasn’t sold out. That’s because yesterday, huge crowds took advantage of the market day to buy some of the finest Cook Islands art, crafts and locally made oils, soaps and food. […]


MPs meet again

Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Local

Members of parliament are set to meet again today to hold talks about the passage of the supplementary budget and the main budget for 2010-11. Finance minister Wilkie Rasmussen told CI News that both budgets should now be passed by next Thursday. He said yesterday’s talks resulted in agreement over the passing of the supplementary […]


QR's warrant expires

Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Local

Sir Frederick Goodwin was replaced by an acting Queen’s Representative last month following delays in the arrival of a warrant for his new three-year term. When Parliament resumed late last month it was Acting Chief Justice Robert Fisher who carried out the functions of the QR and issued the formal notice recommending the bills be […]


Snap election

Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Local

Members of parliament are eyeing up October 27 as the snap election date – an election likely to be called next Thursday. Acting Prime Minister Wilkie Rasmussen says government will announce the date of the election when parliament completes the passage of the two budgets next week. Parliament resumes again on Monday after adjourning on […]


Row escalates

Thursday 5 August 2010 | Published in Local

An escalating row between Opposition Party deputy leader Teina Bishop and Norman George resulted in a strong warning about ‘dishonourable conduct’ in Parliament earlier this week. Speaker, Mapu Taia, was forced to suspend the sitting for 10 minutes to allow MPs to ‘cool off’ after a motion by Acting PM Wilkie Rasmussen to adjourn Parliament […]


More questions

Thursday 5 August 2010 | Published in Local

Finance minister Wilkie Rasmussen said the first instalment in the Toa profit guarantee agreement of almost $900,000 is one of two items in the supplementary budget that needs to be reviewed by Parliament before it can be passed into law. On Tuesday Parliament adjourned until next Monday to allow time for government to seek more […]


All welcome

Tuesday 3 August 2010 | Published in Local

Everyone is invited to tomorrow’s Constitution Day flag raising ceremony at the National Auditorium. Tomorrow marks the 45th year of the Cook Islands’ self governance and the commemoration programme will begin at 9.30am. Between 9.30am and 10am dignitaries will be welcomed to the auditorium before the official programme begins with a prayer followed by the […]


Demos told to apologise

Tuesday 3 August 2010 | Published in Local

CIP MP Norman George has challenged the Democratic Party government to ‘show repentance’ over the Toagate ‘balls-up’ by not putting up candidates this election. George told Parliament yesterday that the saddest aspect to the scandal was that the author, who he said was former finance minister Sir Terepai Maoate, was non-repentant and had not even […]


Govt seeks Budget advice

Tuesday 3 August 2010 | Published in Local

Government will seek more legal advice on whether the supplementary budget, tabled outside of the 2009-10 financial year, can be passed in Parliament. On the eve of Constitution Day, Parliament is still uncertain whether the extra budget will comply with the provisions of the Constitution of the Cook Islands. Local businessman John Scott’s letter to […]


Heavenly harmony

Tuesday 3 August 2010 | Published in Local

Enuamanu warriors and maidens sang with big hearts and big voices on Sunday night when they gathered at the National Auditorium for the choir and imene tuki competition of Te Maeva Nui. Beautiful sounds of praise page 10. 10080215


Slovakia flavour at celebrations

Monday 2 August 2010 | Published in Local

Short bursts of heavy rain on Saturday did little to dampen the festive atmosphere at the opening of the 2010 Te Maeva Nui celebrations at the Punanga Nui Market. Teams taking part in this year’s weeklong celebrations and cultural competition marched through Avarua from the courthouse to the market in Avatiu for the official opening […]


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