
Tree of life

Tuesday 2 November 2010 | Published in Local

Almost 140 disadvantaged Rarotongan children will benefit from the generosity of strangers this Christmas, through the Westpac Bank’s Community Giving Tree initiative. For the second consecutive year people will be able to make donations or buy gifts for the children, selected with the help of staff from the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ children and families […]


Support for parents of teens

Tuesday 2 November 2010 | Published in Local

Parents are being encouraged to take part in a free workshop tomorrow about how they can support their teens when they leave school to get a job. The Ministry of Education is running a series of free workshops for parents and caregivers that explore practical ways to support teens through study and career planning. The […]


Tourism CEO backs call for crime watch

Tuesday 2 November 2010 | Published in Local

A proactive approach to tackling rising burglaries on Rarotonga would be to set up island-wide neighbourhood watch groups, an initiative that Cook Islands Tourism Corporation (CIT) would fully support and encourage, says corporation CEO Carmel Beattie. She says CIT wants to see neighbourhood watch groups being set up throughout Rarotonga – “we have a problem […]


New-look Treddlecat launched

Monday 1 November 2010 | Published in Local

Father Damien blessed the fourth version of local inventor Ken Kingsbury’s Treddlecat at a ceremony on Saturday. The boat was then launched on to Muri Lagoon, where it joins two other versions of Treddlecat, a vessel which is entirely powered by an easy pedalling motion. Kingsbury hopes to get the funding to begin production of […]


Pencil or pen? The pencil rules

Monday 1 November 2010 | Published in Local

The use of pencils in casting a vote at the general election remains a concern for some voters. ‘Ballot security’ is an issue raised in democratic countries that use pencil instead of pen on the voting paper — including Australia. New Zealand, on the other hand – the country we have our closest tie with […]


Today is Turama

Monday 1 November 2010 | Published in Local

Turama – the festival of light on the eve of All Souls Day – will be held this evening on Rarotonga. While All Souls Day is November 2, in the Cook Islands it has become customary to anticipate this day with the festival of light known locally as Turama. Turama is the time when the […]


'Hard drugs' rumoured

Monday 1 November 2010 | Published in Local

While rumours circulate about hard drugs like crystal meth, cocaine and ecstasy having infiltrated Rarotonga, police have no hard evidence to back that claim. Both acting detective inspector Areumu Ingaua and superintendent Akatauira Matapo say that the claims are unsubstantiated, and they have not come across hard drugs or information about hard drugs in any […]


Cyclone church service

Saturday 30 October 2010 | Published in Local

All churches that fall under the Religious Advisory Council are gathering tomorrow evening for a prayer service to mark the start of the cyclone season. This season, the national meteorological services predict average to above-average cyclone activity – the southwest Pacific should expect between nine and 12 cyclones to form this year. While risk for […]


It's Tutaka time again

Saturday 30 October 2010 | Published in Local

Michelle Harris It’s the nature of the beast. The main reason is because kids can’t afford to buy what other kids have like iPods. It’s a trend thing. “/> It’s the nature of the beast. The main reason is because kids can’t afford to buy what other kids have like iPods. It’s a trend thing. […]


Septic systems fail inspection

Saturday 30 October 2010 | Published in Local

Public Health has found around 90 per cent of the septic systems in a recent survey of 50 random properties from Tupapa to Vaimaanga are not working properly. Director of Community Services, Dr Rangi Fariu, says the shocking result of the survey does not paint a good picture of sewage treatment standards on the island. […]


Vaka TV investor ordered 'out'

Friday 29 October 2010 | Published in Local

Ministry of Internal Affairs staff are investigating whether an Australian woman should be deported, following an employment and investment dispute involving Chillis Sports Bar owner and Vaka Television chief executive Dave Reuther. Christine Backer, of Queensland, is anxiously awaiting the outcome of the investigation into the cancellation of her work permit by Reuther – her […]


Chinese official studies election

Friday 29 October 2010 | Published in Local

The People’s Republic of China is closely following the Cook Islands general elections – even going so far as to send an official here on a ‘fact-finding mission’ this week. Second secretary Wang Xin from the Chinese Embassy in Wellington was here meeting with a number of people including representatives from the two main political […]


KukiCel trial planned

Thursday 28 October 2010 | Published in Local

Mervin Communications hopes to trial its KukiCel mobile phone service for three months from November 1. The company briefly demonstrated the service last May and since that time director William Framhein continues to lobby government to have the Telecommunications Act amended, which would allow it to set up and operate KukiCel. Framhein said the company […]


Call to WSBC creditors

Thursday 28 October 2010 | Published in Local

Court-appointed managers of the Wall Street Banking Corporation (WSBC) are calling any creditors in the Cook Islands to come forward and make their claims before the company is formally dissolved on November 19. WSBC was until last year licensed to do business here in the Cook Islands. The bank became embroiled in a legal battle […]


Milkybar kid finalist

Thursday 28 October 2010 | Published in Local

Local mechanic Eric Short’s grand-daughter Hinetaapora Short (above) was yesterday named as the fifth Milkybar kid finalist. Since August, kids all over New Zealand have been auditioning for the role of Milkybar kid – the gig will include a starring role in the 2011 Milkybar television commercial. Judges have narrowed it down to ten finalists, […]


CIP target youth vote

Thursday 28 October 2010 | Published in Local

Cook Islands Party youth director Kura Lusby says she sees a better future for youth in which they take responsibility and act responsibly. She says it is unfortunate that the only time youth are considered is at election time. Lusby says the youth vote is certainly a key tool to influencing the outcome of any […]


Ring road approved by cabinet

Wednesday 27 October 2010 | Published in Local

Main road to be redirected around Mirage resort site The main road at Vaimaanga will be replaced by a new ring road around the 11-hectare site of the failed Sheraton hotel development following a decision by cabinet last month. The cabinet approval paves the way for an agreement redirecting the road to be entered into […]


Wilkie slams 'gutter style' politicking

Wednesday 27 October 2010 | Published in Local

‘Perturbed leadership’ is the Cook Islands Party’s problem, according to Democratic Party deputy leader Wilkie Rasmussen. The finance minister hit back at the CIP yesterday after they attacked him for his remarks about CIP politicking being pointless. “The acidic attack on myself as deputy leader of the Democratic Party and Member of Parliament for Tongareva […]


Raro stamp planned

Monday 25 October 2010 | Published in Local

It’s still in the early stages, but Philatelic Collectors Inc (PCI) are planning to design a ‘Rarotonga’ stamp. The new philatelic bureau operator says Rarotonga has never previously issued its own stamp, and the topic was discussed at a meeting of Cabinet back in April. “The reason for this is quite basic,” said PCI’s Peter […]


New approach at national library

Monday 25 October 2010 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands National Library has been lending out books since it first opened back in 1992 and since then it has had the problem of borrowers not returning books. According to librarian Odile Urirau about 10-20 books a year are not returned. Urirau, who has been working for the National Library since 2001, says […]


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