
League players admit assault

Friday 20 May 2011 | Published in Local

Two Arorangi rugby league players have admitted to common assault charges after what their lawyer called heat of the moment fights springing from league passion. Both men, aged 25 and 32, were granted continued interim name suppression when they appeared in the dock before Justice of the Peace Tui Short yesterday to plead guilty. They […]


11 hours before alarm

Friday 20 May 2011 | Published in Local

Those onboard the sailing vessel Kwai did not realise a man had fallen overboard until he had been missing as long as 11 hours. In an email yesterday, Kwai captain Kim Smith said because of the investigation he cannot give too many details surrounding Arorangi man Manuela Fortes fall overboard. However, Smith did say no […]


Rubber ducky coaching crew

Friday 20 May 2011 | Published in Local

Paddling coach Fletcher Melvin and his assistant zoomed up and down the paddling course on their rubber ducky to check paddlers through the 8km time trial course on Wednesday. Here they are pictured racing back to the finish line after offering advice to V1 paddler Vina Manuel. Report and photos, pages 10-11. 11051939


Man leaves wife and 3 children

Thursday 19 May 2011 | Published in Local

It is not yet known whether an inquest will be held into the death of an Arorangi man, who is presumed drowned after falling overboard from the sailing vessel Kwai. Manuela Fortes, 48 years old this year, was a driver/operator for T & M Heather Ltd. He leaves behind a wife and three children. Fortes […]


3 patients arrive

Thursday 19 May 2011 | Published in Local

Patients from Palmerston Island are receiving medical treatment in Rarotonga after being transported from the northern group island on the police patrol boat Te Kukupa. A 61-year-old man, 15-year-old boy, and six-year-old girl were picked up from Palmerston by Te Kukupa crew, who were in nearby waters searching for an Arorangi man presumed drowned. The […]


Alcohol and speed in fatality

Thursday 19 May 2011 | Published in Local

Alcohol and speed are believed to be contributing factors in a fatal road crash which has left one young Cook Islander dead and another in a critical condition. Both men are believed to be in their early 20s. The head-on collision occurred on the back road at Nikao opposite the airport about 3am yesterday. The […]


Search off

Wednesday 18 May 2011 | Published in Local

The search has been called off for the missing man who reportedly fell from Kwai on Saturday evening. Police commissioner Maara Tetava made the decision to abandon the search at 8am yesterday more than 60 hours after the man fell overboard. Kwai, the Air Force Orion and Te Kukupa gave up the search shortly thereafter. […]


Names still suppressed

Wednesday 18 May 2011 | Published in Local

Those locked in the Arorangi prison while facing drugs and corruption charges are lucky a New Zealand judge is scheduled to preside over the Cook Islands High Court within weeks of their arrest, Justice Hugh Williams says. During a teleconference to consider bail applications for four of the accused yesterday, Justice Williams said had he […]


Voyaging at its best

Tuesday 17 May 2011 | Published in Local

Ocean-going vaka Marumaru Atua as seen from the Tahitian vaka Faafaite. Progress report on the epic journey to Hawaii, page 7. Photo Danee Hazama 11051612


New French ambassador visits Cooks

Tuesday 17 May 2011 | Published in Local

A new French ambassador to the Cook Islands has been appointed, and he will be presenting his credentials to the Queens Representative at 10.30am today. His Excellency Francis Etienne will be reading his letter of credentials to Sir Frederick Goodwin at government house in Vaimaanga. Etienne will be on Rarotonga until Thursday afternoon. He will […]


Drugs case up today

Tuesday 17 May 2011 | Published in Local

Cook Islands police continue to execute Operation Eagle the largest police operation of any kind in the country. To date 13 people have been arrested through the drugs sting, which is targeting the importation, distribution, and use of class A and C drugs. Police commissioner Maara Tetava says officers are continuing to follow up on […]


Local man missing at sea

Tuesday 17 May 2011 | Published in Local

A local man is still missing at sea near Palmerston Island after falling overboard from the sailing vessel Kwai on Saturday night. At press time last night, police patrol vessel Te Kukupa and a New Zealand Defence Force Orion were still searching for a local man who fell overboard from the Kwai at about 8pm […]


Secretary of Justice terminated

Monday 16 May 2011 | Published in Local

The Office of the Public Service Commissioner has confirmed that Secretary of Justice Mark Short has been terminated from employment as from last Friday. Commissioner Navy Epati said in a prepared statement that upon the completion of his offices investigation into a number of anomalies in the Ministry of Justice, it was found that the […]


Search for person missing overboard

Monday 16 May 2011 | Published in Local

The police patrol boat Te Kukupa is on its way to search for a missing person presumed to have fallen overboard from the sailing vessel Kwai. Te Kukupa left Rarotonga just after 2pm yesterday to search for the missing person, thought to have fallen overboard about 8pm on Saturday night, 150 nautical miles north-west of […]


Controversy in Pukapuka

Saturday 14 May 2011 | Published in Local

Controversy surrounding the June 7 by-election is driving a rift between the Democratic Party and its Pukapuka-Nassau branch. A group of 25 people in Pukapuka and Nassau, headed by Pukapuka-based Democratic Party chairman Rukuaro Marukore, has lodged a petition against the Democratic Partys candidate selection. The Democratic Party has confirmed that Vai Peua as its […]


Brakes fail

Saturday 14 May 2011 | Published in Local

Rarotongas golf course had a temporary obstacle at the sixth hole tee yesterday when a 12-tonne truck crashed through bush and on to the green after its brakes failed. No one was injured in the Nikao accident, which happened just before 11am. Police and the Rarotonga Fire Service were called to the scene, to secure […]


Matutu mama!

Friday 13 May 2011 | Published in Local

Local athlete Mona Henderson enjoys a pint of Matutu beer at the midway point of Wednesdays inaugural Matutu Mile fun run. Story and photos, pages 10-11. 11051202


New visas for Kiwi visitors

Friday 13 May 2011 | Published in Local

Cabinet has approved a new immigration policy for New Zealand citizens. Whereas most overseas visitors are entitled to a 30-day visa, New Zealand citizens can stay in the Cook Islands for a period of three months. Kiwi retirees are entitled to a 12-month visa. New Zealand citizens are entitled to come here for three months […]


No safe haven for drugs

Friday 13 May 2011 | Published in Local

Police minister Henry Puna yesterday applauded Cook Islands police for their arrest of 13 people allegedly involved in the importation and distribution of class A and C drugs. He said he was told the details of the year-long operation shortly after he was sworn into office, but kept them quiet. The matter was kept very […]


Woman admits drug charge

Friday 13 May 2011 | Published in Local

The first guilty plea to a charge laid under Operation Eagle was entered in the Cook Islands High Court at Avarua yesterday. Tina Upu (54), of Atupa, admitted one charge of possessing a class C controlled drug, namely cannabis, at Rarotonga on May 4 when she appeared in the dock before Justice of the Peace […]


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