
Zac walks free

Monday 14 November 2011 | Published in Local

Local police have finally admitted that they did detain the drunk and naked All Black Zac Guildford on Thursday night after initially denying to Cook Islands News on Friday that police knew anything about Guildford. In fact, up to six police officers spent several hours of Thursday night chasing and apprehending Guildford before and after […]


Guilfords drunken, naked night out

Saturday 12 November 2011 | Published in Local

Though he was naked, drunk and covered in wounds when he ran into the night spot, Trader Jacks bar staff recognised New Zealand Rugby World Cup player Zac Guildford instantly. Junior, who was working behind the bar at Trader Jacks at the time of the incident, said Guildford had run up from the town area […]


Dagg of a rumour!

Saturday 12 November 2011 | Published in Local

The coconut wireless Rarotonga’s version of the rumour mill was buzzing yesterday. A high-profile rugby contingent which includes All Blacks Zac Guildford and Israel Dagg, All Blacks assistant coach Wayne Smith, New Zealand Rugby Union chairman Jock Hobbs and Rugby World Cup chief executive Martin Snedden is on Rarotonga at the moment. And while World […]


All Black Zac in trouble

Saturday 12 November 2011 | Published in Local

Troubled All Blacks star Zac Guildford may have landed himself in more trouble during a Rarotonga holiday this week after he was found stumbling into Trader Jacks on Thursday night, drunk, bleeding and completely naked. Trader Jacks staff and a bar full of tourists watched stunned as the All Blacks winger ran into the Avarua […]


Not a hazard

Friday 11 November 2011 | Published in Local

The Taiwanese fishing vessel which sunk in the waters of the northern Cook Islands was reportedly carrying 30,000 kilolitres of diesel fuel for reference, that is about six large water tanks worth but former harbour master Don Silk says that given its position, it does not pose a significant environmental risk. There are many more […]


Making a splash

Friday 11 November 2011 | Published in Local

Star jump swim warm up! Local children ward off the chill of the cold water with a couple of star jumps before making a splash at Wednesdays first ANZ Tamariki Sports swimming lesson for the new season. 11111001


Comment sparks controversy at CISNOC

Friday 11 November 2011 | Published in Local

Members of the Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee (CISNOC) are disgusted and bemused at racial comments made this week by the organisations president and former Prime Minister Sir Geoffrey Henry. He told Cook Islands Television, in an interview that aired on Wednesday evening, that mainly papaa members voted in support of a motion […]


CISNOC executive plans Monday meeting

Friday 11 November 2011 | Published in Local

CISNOCs executive board has scheduled its next meeting for Monday to determine how the organisation can move forward in a positive way. Sir Geoffrey Henry, president of the Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee (CISNOC) says there are a few key recommendations the board will consider, arising from the special general meeting on Tuesday […]


Motu owners meet

Thursday 10 November 2011 | Published in Local

The owners of Koromiri 3J the left-hand section of motu Koromiri met last night to discuss the use of their land by members of the public. Notices were posted yesterday advising members of the landowning family of two public meetings at the Muri meeting house. They were scheduled within a half hour of one another. […]


CISNOC admits financial trouble

Thursday 10 November 2011 | Published in Local

For the first time, board executives of the Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee (CISNOC) have admitted to members that all is not well with the organisations finances. Despite repeated requests for in depth financial information by members of national sports federations and island sports associations, as well as local media, CISNOCs executive has […]


First local votes cast in NZ election

Thursday 10 November 2011 | Published in Local

Cook Islands residents are exercising their right to vote in the New Zealand election. The New Zealand High Commission in Rarotonga opened its voting booth within the Avarua offices yesterday at 9am. An eager elector was the first to cast a vote getting in before New Zealand High Commissioner to the Cook Islands John Carter, […]


Crash may have involved underage driver

Wednesday 9 November 2011 | Published in Local

Police are investigating the motor vehicle accident in which Arorangi teenager Mona Taio was injured. It appears Taio (16) was the pillion passenger on a motorbike being driven by a 15-year-old. Police commissioner Maara Tetava says it looks like the underage driver overtook another vehicle and crashed into a turning motorbike. The incident happened on […]


Police investigating death of 10-year-old

Wednesday 9 November 2011 | Published in Local

Police are investigating the death of a 10-year-old Takuvaine girl, who passed away in Rarotonga hospital on Sunday. The girl would have celebrated her 11th birthday on Monday. Police commissioner Maara Tetava was asked to comment yesterday on speculation that the child was beaten to death, or died as a result of injuries from a […]


CISNOC meeting heated

Wednesday 9 November 2011 | Published in Local

Disgruntled CISNOC members finally had their chance to address concerns in a much-anticipated special general meeting of the organisation last night. Since August, when government urgently had to loan the organisation $126,000 to send Team Cook Islands to the Pacific Games in New Caledonia, debate has circulated about CISNOCs fiscal status and its capability to […]


By-election likely

Wednesday 9 November 2011 | Published in Local

There is likely to be a by-election for the Atiu mayoralty, following Taoro Browns appointment to an Auckland-based job with the Ministry of Health. Brown, who was elected as the Atiu mayor almost a year ago, is due to start in his new capacity as a patient transferral officer in the next couple of weeks. […]


Rain dance at Sevens in Heaven

Monday 7 November 2011 | Published in Local

Clee Marsters and friends from the Tourism Corporation were prepared for everything at the final day of the Sevens in Heaven tournament on Saturday. The crew turned out in brightly dye-tied t-shirts and pareu topped off with umbrella hats which came in handy during bursts of much needed rain showers. To avoid the dye running […]


18 charges dismissed

Monday 7 November 2011 | Published in Local

An almost three-year-old criminal court case involving 18 charges, mostly for burglary, has been dismissed in the Cook Islands High Court at Avarua. The case against Metuamoeroa Tangatapoto was called in the court before senior justice of the peace John Kenning yesterday. (last Thursday) Some of Tangatapotos charges related to 2008 and 2009 incidents and […]


Tsunami exercise on Wednesday

Monday 7 November 2011 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands tsunami response capabilities will be put to the test this Wednesday, November 9 as part of a Pacific-wide disaster exercise. Sirens will sound across Rarotonga and on each of the outer islands as part of the exercise. Emergency Management Cook Islands director Charles Carlson said he did not want people to panic […]


Government posts travel plans online

Saturday 5 November 2011 | Published in Local

Government is providing further travel disclosure about ministerial movements via the internet. The approach by government to disclose information about travel undertaken by members of parliament and cabinet ministers in part satisfies a request from the public for greater transparency and accountability. Up until recently it has been difficult extracting such information from government. This […]


Submissions for budget document close

Saturday 5 November 2011 | Published in Local

Government has received just six submissions on its budget consultation document, which outlines proposals for spending in the next fiscal year. Submissions closed on October 31, although two received on November 1 have been accepted. The six submissions include those from the Cook Islands Workers Association (CIWA), businessman Scott Arlander, and the Cook Islands Development […]


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