
We can all do something to help

Friday 25 November 2011 | Published in Local

Today, White Ribbon Day, marks the beginning of 16 days of activities to ensure that we continue to strive for a society with zero balance to any form of violence against women and their children. Violence against our women takes many forms: physical, sexual, psychological and economic. It is estimated that over 50% of our […]


Prime minister meets US president

Friday 25 November 2011 | Published in Local

Prime Minister Henry Puna is one of a dozen Pacific leaders to have met United States President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in Hawaii earlier this month. The US played host to an APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) leaders meeting held in Honolulu, while Pacific leaders including Puna were simultaneously in Hawaii […]


Police introduce changes to justice system

Friday 25 November 2011 | Published in Local

Cook Islands police are introducing two restorative justice schemes to better deal with people facing minor offences. The diversion and pre-charge warning schemes will be reviewed in six months, before a decision is made about implementing them permanently. Targeted are first-time offenders, facing charges which carry maximum penalties of less than six or 12 months […]


Half our water leaking

Thursday 24 November 2011 | Published in Local

About half of Rarotongas public water supply is leaking into the ground through a 60-year-old reticulation scheme under the islands roads. Finance minister Mark Brown mentioned the current water problem yesterday in explaining efforts by government to improve Rarotongas water storage and supply infrastructure. He says there are plans for the storage capacity of water […]


Government eyes $2.5m surplus

Thursday 24 November 2011 | Published in Local

Government expects to have a $2.5 million surplus by the end of this financial year, and a national budget surplus of about $6.3 million in the 2013-14 financial year. That is a projection, based on figures during the financial year to date, in which visitor numbers to the Cook Islands have been strong and accordingly […]


Exploratory fishing agreement signed

Wednesday 23 November 2011 | Published in Local

A three-year access agreement with China for exploratory fishing of bigeye tuna and swordfish has been signed by government, netting up to $40.8 million for the country. It allows 17 Chinese vessels access to fish in the Cook Islands exclusive economic zone (EEZ) for the next three years as part of the Ministry of Marine […]


Police chief calls Tetavas comments inappropriate

Wednesday 23 November 2011 | Published in Local

Cook Islands Police commissioner Maata Tetavas request for the public not to bring complaints against police to the media is disappointing, says a United States police chief. Idaho police chief and regular visitor to the Cook Islands Jeff Gunter said he found Tetavas comments reported in Cook Islands News yesterday disappointing and inappropriate. He said […]


PM supports Hawaii maire industry

Monday 21 November 2011 | Published in Local

Prime Minister Henry Puna has pledged to do what he can to bolster the Cook Islands declining maire industry. During his recent trip to Oahu, Puna and chief executive Edwin Pittman met with Dave and Maile Thompson of Mea Pacific Traders, the Hawaii-based agents for Cook Islands maire. For years Mea Pacific Traders has publicised […]


Rattle chairs conference in Geneva

Saturday 19 November 2011 | Published in Local

In a historic first for the Pacific and for the Cook Islands in particular, the secretary general of Cook Islands Red Cross, Niki Rattle, will chair the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross Red Crescent being held in Geneva Switzerland from November 28 to December 1. Held every four years, the conference includes representation […]


New fishing vessels on the way

Saturday 19 November 2011 | Published in Local

One of the largest fishing companies in the world has been given the green light to fish for tuna in Cook Islands waters. The multi-national fishing company Luen Thai Fishing Venture, which has specifically designed boats for use in the Cook Islands seas, already has two vessels working in the Cook Islands and is expected […]


Guilty pleas to 11 drug charges

Friday 18 November 2011 | Published in Local

Defendants in the countrys largest ever drugs bust have admitted another 11 criminal charges. Operation Eagle defendants, of which 11 remain, appeared in the Cook Islands High Court at Avarua before senior justice of the peace John Kenning on Wednesday. Of the eight who stood in the dock, four entered guilty pleas to charges relating […]


Govt accepts police action

Friday 18 November 2011 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands government is satisfied with police actions in response to All Black Zac Guildfords drunken excursion around Rarotonga last week. Unless the government receives a complaint about Cook Islands Polices actions, it does not plan to undertake any review at this stage. Police decided not to lay any charges against the disgraced All […]


Spike in thefts and burglaries

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Local

Cook Islands Police are warning people to keep proper watch over their goods and money following a spike in reports of petty thefts and burglaries late last week. A number of people have been the victim of thieves during the last week, with money and mobile phones appearing to be the most sought after items […]


Solar power policy pulled

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Local

The state-owned energy operator Te Aponga Uira estimates it will reach its optimum level of grid-tied renewable installations on Rarotonga within the next two months. Once the grid reaches that capacity, people looking to invest in solar panels will not be able to tie their systems to the grid to store excess energy. Storage will […]


Fishing company ordered to cease operating

Wednesday 16 November 2011 | Published in Local

The Business Trade Investment Board (BTIB) has ordered Tuanua Fishing Ltd to cease all operations in the Cook Islands because the foreign enterprise does not have BTIB approval to operate locally. BTIB chief executive Terry Rangi says the company, which has two fishing boats, was verbally advised by BTIB to cease its Cook Islands operations […]


Guildfords getaway

Wednesday 16 November 2011 | Published in Local

Disgraced All Black Zac Guildford left Rarotonga in an unusual and frenzied getaway late on Monday night, the escape in line with the wingers very public and bizarre stay in the Cook Islands. Guildford was whisked out of Rarotonga aboard a late night Pacific Blue flight to Auckland on Monday, bringing to an end a […]


Police will not be pursuing charges

Wednesday 16 November 2011 | Published in Local

Cook Islands Police will not be pursuing charges against All Blacks firebrand Zac Guildford for his alcohol-fuelled antics in Rarotonga last week. Guildford left the Cook Islands early on Tuesday after being smuggled aboard an Auckland-bound flight via a catering truck late at night. Cook Islands Police gave Guildford permission to leave the country last […]


Zac meets men he hit

Tuesday 15 November 2011 | Published in Local

Disgraced All Black Zac Guildford yesterday met the two men he punched at Trader Jacks last Thursday night to apologise personally. Private meetings of about 30 minutes were held with each of the people Guilford offended, and his apologies were well received, according to All Blacks mental skills coach Gilbert Enoka. The meetings were positive […]


Complaint laid against Guildford

Tuesday 15 November 2011 | Published in Local

Cook Islands Police have begun investigating allegations of harassment and drink-driving levelled at troubled All Black winger Zac Guildford. Police yesterday talked to Cook Islands triathlete Kelly Pick regarding a letter published in Cook Islands News yesterday (Guildford harassed me CINews, November 13). In that letter, Pick accuses Guildford of shouting defamatory and inappropriate comments […]


Zac walks free

Monday 14 November 2011 | Published in Local

Local police have finally admitted that they did detain the drunk and naked All Black Zac Guildford on Thursday night after initially denying to Cook Islands News on Friday that police knew anything about Guildford. In fact, up to six police officers spent several hours of Thursday night chasing and apprehending Guildford before and after […]


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