
Christmas blitz on Raro roads

Friday 16 December 2011 | Published in Local

Cook Islands Police will be out in force on Rarotongas roads during the holiday period, targeting bad behaviour, speeders and drink-drivers in its Christmas blitz. Motorists will notice an increased police presence on the roads for the remainder of the year as the force rolls out its annual Christmas crackdown, Inspector Tere Patia said. Patia […]


Lawmakers can learn from neighbour nations

Friday 16 December 2011 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands must learn from the calamities of other Pacific nations as it develops its policies to regulate a possible deep sea mining industry in its waters, according to one environmental lawyer. Paul Lynch, legal adviser to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Natural Resources and Minerals Tom Marsters, said the Cook Islands government […]


Green theme from Xmas

Friday 16 December 2011 | Published in Local

The family group were among the 2000 plus crowd that packed into the BCI Stadium for the annual event. The group said they were dressed to the green theme island style that is. See Rapt with Christmas in the Park for more Christmas in the Park photos and story.


31 homes, sections need cleaning

Thursday 15 December 2011 | Published in Local

Overgrown homes on vacant lots and empty lands have been the biggest problem identified by the Ministry of Health during the final tutaka assessments carried out for 2011. Of the 3000 properties inspected as part of the Rarotonga-wide health inspections, 31 lots were identified as in need of clearing work, including some government properties, workshops […]


OBrien calls CISNOC meeting

Thursday 15 December 2011 | Published in Local

Full disclosure of CISNOCs financial status, including up to date accounts, will be presented to members at a meeting on Monday, December 19. Dan OBrien, treasurer of the Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee (CISNOC), has called the meeting inviting the entire membership by email yesterday. OBrien says he hopes as many members can […]


Family values run deep

Thursday 15 December 2011 | Published in Local

About 50 people from the Ahkeau and Mireka family reunion put down the genealogy books yesterday and helped clean up an old relatives overrun resting place. Descendants of the Ahkeau and Mireka family came from around the Cook Islands and as far as New Zealand, Australia and the United States to gather in Rarotonga this […]


Years work finished

Wednesday 14 December 2011 | Published in Local

All outstanding government business has been dealt with in parliament. Ministers and fellow MPs adopted all existing reports on parliaments order paper yesterday afternoon, including some which date back to 2008. The session adjourned at 4.30pm and will resume at 10am on Friday, when MPs will have the opportunity to deliver their Christmas and end-of-year […]


Ngati Vaikai claiming land ahead of opening

Wednesday 14 December 2011 | Published in Local

Not everyone will be celebrating the Thursday opening of the Takitumu palace commissioned by Pa Tepaeru Teariki Upokotini Marie Ariki. A notice has been filed with the court by Tupe Takau Short on behalf of his family, who claim that Te-mata-o-te-enua section 10 A1 part and parcel of the land on which the palace has […]


Prioritising PR for spouses

Wednesday 14 December 2011 | Published in Local

More than 50 spouses of Cook Islanders, seeking permanent resident (PR) status, are in line to receive a New Year gift from government. Deputy Prime Minister Tom Marsters, who holds the portfolio of foreign affairs and immigration, says he hopes to stage a mass ceremony in early 2012 at which PR can be awarded to […]


Tis the season of plenty

Tuesday 13 December 2011 | Published in Local

Keikilani Rea holds a 13-petalled tiare Maori, found on the back road at Turangi by Heirani Rea. Rea was making ei for the four-year anniversary of her fathers passing and noticed the flower on the same tree from which shes plucked an 11-petal and a 10-petal tiare Maori before. Its not the first unusual flower […]


New cargo service

Tuesday 13 December 2011 | Published in Local

In an effort to regularise its air freight service to the outer islands and to meet the demand for deliveries around Christmastime, Air Rarotonga is running a new cargo operation. Under the moniker JetX, the service will operate between Rarotonga and the southern group islands on Tuesdays and Thursdays from now until Christmas. The first […]


Pa Ariki talks health at palace opening

Tuesday 13 December 2011 | Published in Local

Delegations of cultural ambassadors from New Zealand and French Polynesia are trickling in this week, ahead of the highly-anticipated opening ceremony for Pa Marie Arikis Takitumu palace on Thursday. Maori king Tuheitia Paki is no longer coming to Rarotonga for the grand opening, but has sent his regards and a kapa haka team to represent […]


Government plans to double pension

Tuesday 13 December 2011 | Published in Local

Governments plan to double the elderly pension for those aged 70 years and older will start to be implemented in the next financial year. Finance minister Mark Brown says money will be allocated by government in the next fiscal years budget accordingly, although he has yet to stipulate how much. Speaking in parliament yesterday Brown […]


Parliament breaks for palace opening

Monday 12 December 2011 | Published in Local

Parliament will resume today at 1pm but is likely to break on Thursday to give members an opportunity to attend the opening of Pa Marie Arikis palace in Takitumu. In parliament on Friday speaker of the house Sir Geoffrey Henry advised members of next weeks schedule. The last session of parliament for 2011 began on […]


Students enjoy summer holiday

Monday 12 December 2011 | Published in Local

Examinations are over, certificates have been awarded and Cook Islands school children are now on holiday. The countrys summer break from primary and secondary school lessons officially came into effect on Friday. Some northern group schools closed a little earlier, having worked through the last term holiday to make up the required number of open […]


Govt appoints honourary advisors

Monday 12 December 2011 | Published in Local

Cabinet minister Teina Bishop has appointed two honourary advisors to Asia and China for the Cook Islands, following his recent trip to the Peoples Republic. Samuel Chou and Steven Wong will give Bishop advice on the Asian region and China in particular over the next three years, in relation to his ministerial portfolios. I am […]


Magical Mangaia

Monday 12 December 2011 | Published in Local

The community on Mangaia treated tourism wholesalers from North America and staff from the Cook Islands Tourism Corporations foreign offices to a special tour of their home on Saturday. The wholesalers visited Mangaias accommodation options, toured its sights and left the island stuffed with food like these kaura, which Mangaia mayor Tere Atariki said were […]


More fishing licences approved

Saturday 10 December 2011 | Published in Local

Cabinet has approved the issuing of another seven foreign fishing licences for governments exploratory fishing programme targeting tuna and swordfish over the next three years. Already cabinet has approved the granting of 17 fishing licences for Taiwanese vessels to operate in Cook Islands waters as part of the programme. In parliament yesterday marine resources minister […]


Crane fell in slow motion

Saturday 10 December 2011 | Published in Local

Eyewitnesses at the Avatiu harbour watched on as a crane fell off the wharf in slow motion and onto the boat it was loading. New Zealand visitor Keith Christian was at the western marina yesterday morning when he heard a small bang that set off a chain of events that would end with a hefty […]


Tutaka wraps up this afternoon

Friday 9 December 2011 | Published in Local

Health inspectors and public health officers the tutaka team expect to finish inspecting Rarotonga residences by the end of today. The fourth tutaka inspection of the year commenced on Monday. Inspectors managed to visit about 3000 residences this week, and note that overgrowth seems to be the islands biggest problem area. Five teams of four […]


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