Monday 5 March 2012 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands Tourism Corporation is updating the brochures it distributes at its headquarters and branch offices around the region and the world. The current A4 brochure – which is often referred to as The Cooks Book – will be replaced by an A5 brochure designed to complement the corporation’s updated website. Noel Bartley of […]
Monday 5 March 2012 | Published in Local
The Opposition and Democratic Party under Wilkie Rasmussen’s leadership will stick to the basics but have an open mind towards forces of change to make better the lives of Cook Islanders. “My approach will be quite structured, logical and common sense,” Rasmussen said yesterday in a statement to Cook Islands News. “This is in contrast […]
Monday 5 March 2012 | Published in Local
Financial secretary Richard Neves will face the music on Matariki FM today. Broadcaster William Framhein will be putting some tough questions to the country’s leading public servant between 7 and 9 o’clock tonight. Framhein says the interview will cover the performance of government agencies, country debt and payment programming, CISNOC’s debt and the additional budget […]
Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in Local
Five family groups are vying for 60.57 hectares (149.67 acres) of Pokoinu land. A three-day hearing was set down for this past week but subsequently adjourned, and will begin on Wednesday. The hearing is expected to last through Friday afternoon. Originally three groups were contesting the relevant sections, which include the Rarotonga golf course and […]
Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in Local
Veteran New Zealand parliamentarian Winston Peters has promised to do his bit for Cook Islands retirees who have worked in New Zealand and would be entitled to a New Zealand pension if they lived in New Zealand. “I will be looking into this and taking it up in the appropriate place. I will raise the […]
Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Local
Telecom Cook Islands has scheduled a 3G trial for April. Chief executive Jules Maher says bringing 3G to the Cook Islands will be an expensive undertaking, one that will necessitate a gradual rollout. Still, he says, it is something Telecom is keen to achieve. “Ideally it would be wonderful to have 3G throughout the country […]
Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Local
Injured Vietnam veteran Bill Framhein moved home to Rarotonga years ago for a better quality of life, but quickly learned that living in the Cook Islands would disqualify him from collecting his veterans’ pension and superannuation. Currently Framhein spends half the year in Porirua and the other half with his wife Lydia in Rarotonga – […]
Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Local
Empire Theatre management is crestfallen to learn that the pirates are back. In an attempt to quash piracy, the theatre worked out a series of arrangements with New Zealand film distribution companies whereby it receives certain films before their world release dates. Those companies agreed to the arrangement on the basis that the Cook Islands […]
Thursday 1 March 2012 | Published in Local
New mum Rangi Rau didn’t care that she was probably the only woman in the country to give birth to a leap year baby – she was just ecstatic to finally meet her baby girl. The 20-year-old first time mum didn’t really know what the fuss was about when CINews paid her a visit to […]
Thursday 1 March 2012 | Published in Local
A consortium involving Cook Islanders, Tahitians and New Zealanders is contemplating establishing a ferry service for the outer islands, according to documents acquired by CINews and confirmed by Tim Tepaki. “The outer islands are dead,” Tepaki says. “Someone has to do something. The private sector needs to step up.” Tepaki believes that the Cook Islands […]
Wednesday 29 February 2012 | Published in Local
Today’s Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee special meeting is sure to be a heated one with national federations ready to air their views on the widely publicised financial mismanagement at the national sports office. While the agenda for today’s meeting includes updates on the finances of CISNOC, budget submissions for 2012-2013, reviewing the […]
Wednesday 29 February 2012 | Published in Local
Both tenders received for a piece of land at the Rarotonga International Airport have been rejected. The Airport Authority last year advertised a section of land between the Air New Zealand hangar and the airport’s heat treatment plant, inviting companies to place bids. Domestic airline hopefuls Kia Orana Air put in a tender, as did […]
Wednesday 29 February 2012 | Published in Local
It is the same scene that has been playing out across the island over recent months – another home burgled and another family left feeling unsafe. In this case Jules and Katie Maher have taken the step of moving out of their home in Inave “for safety reasons and out of concern for our family,” […]
Wednesday 29 February 2012 | Published in Local
Burglaries and thefts are still plaguing the community with 56 incidents including common assault, motor vehicle accidents and reckless driving reported to police between February 24 and 27. A Tupapa resident next to the Apostolic Church reported $65 stolen from her home and the suspect is believed to be a male person from Ngatangiia. Tourists […]
Tuesday 28 February 2012 | Published in Local
It was yesterday revealed that an Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement providing for a grant of approximately $4 million, for projects yet to be identified, was signed last week between Prime Minister Henry Puna, Minister of Foreign Affairs Tom Marsters and a special Chinese envoy visiting the Cook Islands. However, last week reasons for the […]
Tuesday 28 February 2012 | Published in Local
CISNOC is going ahead with a special general meeting tomorrow. The meeting is to discuss the 2012 budget, outstanding payments and funding for the national activity programme. The meeting had been scheduled for February 15 but was postponed. CISNOC president Sir Geoffrey Henry is in New Zealand receiving medical treatment, and will be absent from […]
Monday 27 February 2012 | Published in Local
An upgraded tourism office and visitor information centre will be officially opened today on the outer island of Atiu. The office will provide information, displays of locally made arts and crafts and a conference training room where Cook Islands Tourism Corporation will provide tourism training for the local people. The upgrades will be officially opened […]
Monday 27 February 2012 | Published in Local
The Muri water quality issue is about to become bigger. A meeting will be held on Thursday to discuss plans for improving waste water disposal in the settlement. WATSAN project director Ken McDonald said: “there are 242 houses in Muri, of these 239 require improvements to their sanitation systems to bring them in line with […]
Monday 27 February 2012 | Published in Local
Ezekiel Tatuava-Enjoy (5), Zachariah Turepu-Gukisuva (5) and 4-year-old Paerangi Tatuava-Taripo. 12022603 First cousins picture perfect in their pareu shirts as they hammed it up for the camera. The trio were part of a large gathering in Muri for the wedding of Krystina Kauvai and Eugine Tatuava on Saturday. While most cameras and eyes were trained […]
Saturday 25 February 2012 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund has exceeded $50 million in managed funds, CINSF management have reported. The fund has slowly grown since 2001 when it managed $67,000 for just 463 members through an investment portfolio managed by Frank Russell Investments in New Zealand. Today, the fund includes more than 6600 registered members. Chief executive […]
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