
Landowners stop Land Rovers

Friday 23 March 2012 | Published in Local

Four-wheel-drive safari tours have been booted off a private track that takes tourists along a bumpy section of off-roading behind the Rarotonga Hospital. Land owner John Rasmussen has filed an injunction against safari tour operators that bans them from using the track up hospital hill. Rasmussen said the track, which has been in use for […]


'Bump' in the road

Thursday 22 March 2012 | Published in Local

Motorists passing by the Nikao roads project yesterday morning could be seen chuckling to themselves in disbelief at the airport entrance. Though it is hardly a month old, the road seal laid down by the airport was getting dug up already. The works were contained to a very small area – a hole about one […]


Clean-up part of 'beautification'

Thursday 22 March 2012 | Published in Local

Responding to public complaints about trees being razed along the banks of the Takuvaine stream, National Environment Service (NES) director Vaitoti Tupa says he stands behind his decision to authorise all beautification work being undertaken by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning (MOIP). The recent cutting of trees in Takuvaine, Tupapa, Arorangi and Titikaveka is […]


16 work complaints to OPSC

Thursday 22 March 2012 | Published in Local

Sixteen employment complaints have been lodged with the Office of the Public Service Commissioner over the last calendar year. Amidst agitation about alleged mistreatment of female public servants, Cook Islands News asked the OPSC to explain the procedure by which it deals with formal complaints. “Four were related to bullying, threats, low pay, belittling etc […]


Spanish envoy establishes ties

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in Local

The Ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain will this week present his credentials to the Queen’s Representative Sir Frederick Goodwin. Ambassador Jesus Miguel Sanz Escorihuela touched down ON Rarotonga yesterday for a four-day visit to the Cook Islands. While here, Sanz Escorihuela will meet with government representatives to discuss bilateral and international relations between Spain […]


PM to chair PALM gathering in Japan

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in Local

Prime Minister Henry Puna will co-chair the sixth Pacific Island Leaders Meeting (PALM) alongside Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda in May. Customarily the chair of the Pacific Islands Forum – which this year is New Zealand – will co-chair PALM with the Japanese prime minister. This year, however, the Cook Islands has been afforded that […]


Diplomats renew ties before Forum

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in Local

A recent spate of foreign diplomats arriving in the Cook Islands to present their credentials has members of the public wondering whether countries are rushing to establish ties with the Cook Islands before it hosts the Pacific Islands Forum in August, in an effort to be granted observer status. Foreign affairs secretary Jim Gosselin says […]


PM rallies expats to come back to Cooks

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in Local

Superannuation portability, the return of young people back to the Cook Islands and building unity amongst Cook Island communities in the South Island were some of the key topics Prime Minister Henry Puna discussed when he visited with officials in New Zealand last week. His visit to Christchurch, Ashburton, Dunedin and Invercargill was one of […]


Toa must be 'out' by April 30

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in Local

The court yesterday denied an application by landowners for an interim injunction against Apex Agencies in relation to its Toa Petroleum depot. Chief Justice Tom Weston heard submissions from Tim Arnold on behalf of hundreds of landowners, who are being represented by Philip Nicholas, and from New Zealand barrister Paul Dale on behalf of Apex […]


Guarantee necessary

Monday 19 March 2012 | Published in Local

Tourism officials expect the Los Angeles-Rarotonga flight will never make a profit for the airline operating it, meaning it will stay reliant on the government underwrite that currently guarantees its existence. However, the direct Sydney-Rarotonga flight still has a potential to become more profitable as its popularity increases and if it was used more for […]


Lawyers concerned at debtor penalty

Monday 19 March 2012 | Published in Local

Members of the community last week cautioned a select committee against endorsing the Judicature Amendment Bill in its draft form. Appointed to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the bill, the select committee was this week chaired by opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen in chairman Henry Puna’s absence. Also on the committee are Norman George, Mona […]


CJ hears Toa case

Saturday 17 March 2012 | Published in Local

Chief Justice Tom Weston will begin hearing cases in the High Court at Avarua from Monday. He arrived in Rarotonga on Thursday, and spent all of yesterday reviewing case files. From 9am on Monday he will hear cases both civil and criminal, and will be presiding until Friday, March 30. On Monday at 9am, the […]


Men urged to seek early treatment

Friday 16 March 2012 | Published in Local

Several men spoke emotively about the impact prostate cancer had on them or their families during a Wednesday meeting at Sinai Hall, which marked the launch of the Cook Islands Prostate Foundation. They spoke in support of the Cook Islands Prostate Foundation, newly formed to raise awareness of prostate cancer and seek funds for running […]


Women workers fear 'backlash'

Friday 16 March 2012 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands Workers Association (CIWA) has seen an increase in the number of employment grievances being laid by both male and female public servants, says the organisation’s president Anthony Turua. “In recent years we have received an increase in the number of grievances (from) both men and women in the public sector,” he said, […]


Dunedin 'cute'

Thursday 15 March 2012 | Published in Local

Despite coming from a tiny Pacific island nation, Cook Islands Prime Minister Henry Puna describes Dunedin as “cute”. Puna, his wife Akaiti, Cook Islands High Commissioner to New Zealand Tiki Matapo and Puna’s chief executive Edwin Pittman were greeted with a traditional turou (welcome) by the city’s Cook Islands community at the University of Otago […]


Youthline NZ connecting to Cooks

Thursday 15 March 2012 | Published in Local

Telecom Cook Islands (TCI) is connecting Cook Islands youth with toll-free New Zealand helpline Youthline. The connection is ready to go live, but TCI has yet to announce a launch date as it is still testing the system to ensure it is fully functioning. Two Youthline workers were invited by the youth forum steering committee […]


Cyber crime war goes into schools

Wednesday 14 March 2012 | Published in Local

Pacific police chiefs took a pledge last year to make the rising tide of cybercrime a policing priority. As part of that commitment, senior sergeant Ngatamariki Pouao and information technology officer Aporo Kirikava recently travelled to Brisbane for a Cyber Safety Pasifika conference, administered and funded by the Australian Federal Police. Pouao was chosen to […]


Youth agree to 'choose life'

Wednesday 14 March 2012 | Published in Local

More than 140 young people from Rarotonga and her sister islands gathered in Vaimaanga yesterday to discuss suicide and how to prevent it from happening in the future. Discussion centred on the challenges and stressors young people face daily, ways they might react or respond to that stress, and examples of support networks they might […]


2 men arrested

Tuesday 13 March 2012 | Published in Local

Police arrested two men at the weekend for burglary and excess breath alcohol. A 27-year-old Tupapa man was arrested on Saturday morning for burgling the Triad Petrol Station in Tutakimoa. Staff arriving at work on Saturday morning discovered a large amount of cigarette cartons and alcohol was stolen from the shop overnight. Entry into the […]


Cuban envoy visits

Tuesday 13 March 2012 | Published in Local

A Cuban diplomat arrives in the Cook Islands today. Her Excellency Maria del Carmen Herrera Caserio, ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, will be visiting the Cook Islands from today until Friday. The purpose of her visit is to present her credentials to the Cook Islands government. A ceremony is yet to be confirmed. Diplomatic […]


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