Tuesday 14 August 2012 | Published in Local
The Democratic Party is holding their annual national conference today, when a new leader will be elected. All delegates and supporters are invited to attend the meeting, held between nine and four at the Takuvaine AOG Church Hall. Attendees will be addressed by Wilkie Rasmussen, who is the opposition’s acting leader, although he has been […]
Tuesday 14 August 2012 | Published in Local
A bizarre twist in the Bonny case has seen David Peppiatt put on Interpol’s most wanted list, despite Cook Islands police declaring him dead earlier this year. Detective Cyrus Robinson of Henderson’s Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) originally investigated and charged Aucklander Peppiatt with over 20 sexual crimes on under-age girls. Peppiatt never faced trial as […]
Tuesday 14 August 2012 | Published in Local
A Cook Islands police officer has been charged and sentenced for stealing a large sum of money from a crime scene. Davina Webb, a police officer since 2007, stole $5,000 from the crime scene of yacht Bonny. She was sentenced to one year of community service and one year of probation, after paying back the […]
Monday 13 August 2012 | Published in Local
Minister of Sport Mark Brown has expressed his disappointment at the current state of the country’s Olympic body. The Cook Islands Sport and National Olympic Committee (CISNOC) has been shrouded in controversy during the minister’s attendance at the London Olympics. There have been allegations of dishonesty flying around the organisation for the past few months […]
Monday 13 August 2012 | Published in Local
Two eminent Australian scientists are in the Cooks this week to conduct a climate change training programme. Australian Bureau of Meteorology scientists John Clarke and Ron Kane will be holding a climate change workshop to teach a select group of people how to use specific climate projection software. Ten participants chosen from a core group […]
Monday 13 August 2012 | Published in Local
The farewelling of the northern group at the Avatiu port on Saturday became emotional for all the wrong reasons as members of Penrhyn decided not to board the Lady Naomi. The Samoan ship was set to take passengers from the islands of Penrhyn, Pukapuka, Manihiki and Rakahanga on a balmy afternoon. But amongst the tear-filled […]
Saturday 11 August 2012 | Published in Local
Democratic Party President Sean Willis says they will not shortcut due process and circumvent the law to formalise the membership of Norman George in their party ranks. The party caucus and its executive resolved to exclude Cook Islands Party-elected member George this week, at what they term an ”extraordinary“ executive meeting held last Wednesday night. […]
Saturday 11 August 2012 | Published in Local
A $10,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the burglars who broke into a local business last weekend. Local businessman Bill Doherty is offering the reward to anyone who tells him who burgled the Landholdings Ltd office at Panama last Saturday night. A locked safe was stolen, but Doherty does […]
Saturday 11 August 2012 | Published in Local
The failure of the pawpaw heat treatment unit has failed to stem the announcement of a new soft loans scheme targeting farmers interested in cultivating export-quality produce. The Business Trade and Investment Board announced it is extending the successful soft loan scheme to the agricultural sector. The Agriculture Development Loan (ADL) will see growers have […]
Thursday 9 August 2012 | Published in Local
A review into the entire operations of the Cook Islands Pearl Authority (CIPA) is hoping to bring the internal issues surrounding the organisation to an end. The review, being undertaken by Vaine Wichman, is being conducted after earlier industry reviews in 2007 and 2010. New Zealand was involved in the second review before making a […]
Thursday 9 August 2012 | Published in Local
Foreign investors Leif and Julie Andersson have been revoked as Kia Orana Air shareholders, after their lack of follow-through with promised funding grounded the domestic airline. Kia Orana Air, a low-cost domestic airline first proposed in mid-2008, faced set-up difficulties and was grounded indefinitely in May this year. One such difficulty arose over the credibility […]
Thursday 9 August 2012 | Published in Local
Members of the public still wishing to receive the influenza vaccination this year will be out of luck. There is currently no stock of the vaccinations in the Cook Islands, and no further stock to be ordered, due to an increase in freighting costs. CITC Pharmacy ordered 70 vaccinations earlier in the year, which covers […]
Wednesday 8 August 2012 | Published in Local
A list of weeds needing biological control generated by local agricultural professionals will be updated when results of a feasibility study from two New Zealand experts is released.
Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in Local
New Zealand is holding a week-long celebration of the Cook Islands language for the first time this week. The first-ever National Cook Islands Language Week is being held between August 6 and 12, with the theme of ‘okotai manako – coming together united’. This event came from the consistent advocacy of Cook Islands people living […]
Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in Local
Akamata’anga a te ra ono no Aukute ki te ra 10 – ka rave ia te epetoma mua no te akaepaepa’anga i te reo Maori Kuki Airani in Aotearoa. Kua tae rava e tai ngauru ma rua mataiti i te tauta’anga kia akatupuia teia epetoma reo Maori Kuki Airani i Aotearoa. Na te taokotaianga Cook […]
Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Published in Local
The vibrancy and colour of the Cook Islands culture, language and her people was evident during the official 47th constitution celebrations on Saturday at the national auditorium. Singing, dancing, drumming and lots of laughs were all part of the official celebration of 47th year of self governance by the Cook Islands. Prime Minister Henry Puna […]
Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in Local
Tearoa Kairua radiated on stage during the Rakahanga kapa rima on Thursday night. 12080337 Related article(s):
Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in Local
The on-duty police officer involved in a crash last June has been discharged without conviction. Kris Goodwin fell asleep at the wheel while on night duty on June 4, and crashed into an unoccupied parked vehicle on the main road at Kavera. He appeared in the High Court in front of Justice of the Peace […]
Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in Local
The lawyer for the three Operation Eagle prisoners this week filed an application to appeal their sentences and get them released on bail. Lawyer Norman George sought leave of the High Court in front of Chief Justice Tom Weston on Thursday to appeal the sentences of prisoners Giavanni Marsters, Inano Matapo and Samuel Tangaroa in […]
Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands will ban the importing of plastic bags from September 19. As well as a ban on non-biodegradable plastic bags, the importing of biodegradable plastic shopping bags will also be monitored through a user-friendly permitting process. A release from the National Environment Service says the ban is of benefit to the community, who […]
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