
Changed funding focus may affect ciguatera monitoring

Monday 29 December 2014 | Published in Health

The Ministry of Marine Resources is concerned that programmes to monitor levels of ciguatera poisoning in Rarotonga’s lagoon may be affected by a change of direction taken by the Australia Awards Fellowships.


Keep active, be prepared

Tuesday 23 December 2014 | Published in Health

Before you get active and head to the beach to cool down, the Cook Islands Water Safety and Surf Lifesaving Council urge the community to remember the ‘water safety code’.


Dengue danger alert

Tuesday 23 December 2014 | Published in Health

Santa may not be the only ‘guest’ arriving at Rarotonga homes this Christmas.


Ministries join forces to test water quality

Friday 19 December 2014 | Published in Health

The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) and Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work in co-operation on water quality monitoring associated with the Sanitation Upgrade Programme (SUP).


Tamariki get healthy at Village Festival

Wednesday 17 December 2014 | Published in Health

One can of fizzy drink contains 10 teaspoons of sugar– way too much sugar to maintain good health.


Mobro efforts score generous donations

Monday 15 December 2014 | Published in Health

The Cook Islands Prostate Foundation will be able to develop and continue awareness and education programmes after receiving generous donations from individuals and businesses who helped support the Movember campaign.


Punanga Tauturu turns to Facebook

Wednesday 10 December 2014 | Published in Health

Punanga Tauturu Inc (PTI) has joined the social media age and is launching a Facebook page to commemorate Human Rights Day 2014.


Mosquito disease warning

Wednesday 10 December 2014 | Published in Health

The season for mosquito-borne diseases is almost here and with it comes a warning from public health to combat diseases like dengue fever by using repellent and avoiding creating mozzie-friendly environments.


Successful support system researched

Monday 8 December 2014 | Published in Health

A senior lecturer from the University of Otago has been on the island organising and conducting a research project of the mentoring programme offered by the Rotaianga men’s centre in Tupapa.


Te Kainga celebrates Christmas with friends

Saturday 6 December 2014 | Published in Health

Christmas celebrations came early for the drop in visitors of Te Kainga Pa Taunga on Thursday complete with all the Christmas trimmings.


Help is available, say no to violence

Saturday 6 December 2014 | Published in Health

The festive season is a time of sharing and giving but it is also when cases of domestic violence spikes.


We do our best: Mitiaro nurse

Thursday 4 December 2014 | Published in Health

Mitiaro nurse practitioner Ngatokorima Patia is livid about a comment made in a letter to the editor titled ‘try living in the outer islands’ about the health care on the island.


Movember shave-off raises $3,500

Tuesday 2 December 2014 | Published in Health

The month long men’s health awareness campaign, Movember Cook Islands has come to an end.


Violence against women to be addressed

Tuesday 2 December 2014 | Published in Health

The Cook Islands National Council of Women President, Vaine Wichman will represent the Cook Islands, Te Marae Ora, and the Gender and Development Division at the Human Rights in the Pacific Conference being convened by Massey University from December 8 to 9 in Auckland.


'Harnessing emotions' course timely

Saturday 29 November 2014 | Published in Health

Two individuals with a wealth of experience in family violence conducted a two day course in partnership with the Rotaianga Men’s support centre.


Movember to end with shave off

Saturday 29 November 2014 | Published in Health

The Mobro campaign is coming to an end this month after nearly four weeks of overgrown moustaches all in the hope of raising awareness in the community about prostate cancer.


Glassie helps with family planning in Thailand

Friday 28 November 2014 | Published in Health

Cook Islands Health Minister Nandi Glassie used his weekend between two United Nations meetings in Bangkok to visit a ground-breaking youth programme in Northern Thailand.


Telecom text support for breast cancer awareness

Thursday 27 November 2014 | Published in Health

Although Breast Cancer month has long ended, the Cook Islands Breast Cancer Foundation collected a cheque from Telecom Cook Islands for donations received through text.


'We all need to work together to end all violence against women'

Thursday 27 November 2014 | Published in Health

White Ribbon Day was commemorated yesterday with the clear message of ending violence against women.


Anger addressed at workshop

Saturday 22 November 2014 | Published in Health

An anger management workshop organised by the Rotaianga Men’s Support Centre will be run next week parallel with White Ribbon Day. “Harnessing the emotions is the focus of the workshop,” says Bob Kimiangatau, Manager of the Rotaianga Centre. Individuals taking part in the workshop will be taught how to deal with their emotions and identify what triggers their anger.


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