
Register for big savings

Wednesday 18 February 2015 | Published in Health

The Sanitation Upgrade Programme for the Titikaveka area has already reached over 121 registrations.


Spray programme does the job

Wednesday 18 February 2015 | Published in Health

The seven cases of chikungunya reported in the Cook Islands have now been reported as having taken place in 2014 – not this year, as previously indicated by Public Health.


Sexual health key to development

Thursday 12 February 2015 | Published in Health

The key to development of the Cook Islands is addressing issues around reproductive health.


NCD stats give cause for alarm

Friday 6 February 2015 | Published in Health

Startling statistics show the number of new Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) cases throughout the Cook Islands has increased rapidly over the past four years, raising questions about the effectiveness of national health initiatives.


Medicine rules in good health

Thursday 5 February 2015 | Published in Health

Regulating pharmacy practices and the availability of medicines to make prescribing them safer is the aim of a visiting pharmacy consultant working with the Ministry of Health this week.


Healthy lunches catch on with youngsters

Thursday 5 February 2015 | Published in Health

The words ‘reduce, re-use and recycle’ are the focus of a healthy lunch programme making a difference to the health of Rarotongan youngsters and their environment.


Mosquito virus confirmed here

Saturday 31 January 2015 | Written by Supplied | Published in Health

Seven cases of the chikungunya virus have been confirmed on Rarotonga and the wider community is urged to destroy potential mosquito breeding sites to prevent an outbreak.


Food safety focus of training programme

Thursday 29 January 2015 | Published in Health

A 10-day ‘Competent Authority for Food’ training course run by the Ministry of Marine Resources began on Monday and will run until February 6.


Minister of Health back in Bangkok

Thursday 29 January 2015 | Published in Health

Minister of Health Nandi Glassie has returned to Bangkok, this time to attend an Asia-Pacific inter-governmental meeting on HIV and AIDS.


Free courses could help save lives

Tuesday 27 January 2015 | Published in Health

Anyone wanting to equip themselves with lifesaving skills and knowledge should mark Thursday, January 29 on their calendars.


More locals quit smoking

Saturday 24 January 2015 | Published in Health

While Public Health campaigns encouraging Cook Islanders to eat less and exercise are having a positive effect, so it seems, are efforts to get people to quit smoking.


Check for flies before you bite

Saturday 24 January 2015 | Published in Health

Check for any fruit fly rot before you take a bite out of your juicy mango.


Third place on obesity list good news says nutritionist

Friday 23 January 2015 | Published in Health

The Cook Islands has scored third in a new list of the world’s most obese countries, with a new study claiming a hefty 63 per cent of the country’s population is overweight. But while some people who have contacted CINews say it’s shocking, as far Cook Islands Public Health nutritionist Karen Tairea is concerned, it’s good news.


Concern at growth of dementia

Thursday 15 January 2015 | Published in Health

As the population grows older, more cases of dementia are being diagnosed in the Cook Islands.


Flooded septic tanks major health concern

Monday 12 January 2015 | Published in Health

Ministry of Health officials have been conducting health risk assessments in communities across Rarotonga after recent heavy rains and have identified three major health issues.


Bid to better gathering of information

Friday 9 January 2015 | Published in Health

A big improvement in the gathering of population statistics is expected in the Cook Islands over the next decade.


Ebola suit no-show 'concerning'

Monday 5 January 2015 | Published in Health

The Cook Islands is still waiting for a promised 100 protective suits for health workers dealing with a future Ebola outbreak in this country.


Fluoridation question brings new issue for health services

Saturday 3 January 2015 | Published in Health

On average, every five-year-old in the Cook Islands has a smile with at least six decaying teeth.


Four dengue cases suspected on Raro

Wednesday 31 December 2014 | Published in Health

One case of the mosquito-borne illness dengue fever has been confirmed on Rarotonga and another four cases are suspected, says the Ministry of Heath.


Free healthy breakfast goes down a treat

Tuesday 30 December 2014 | Published in Health

The most important meal of the day was enjoyed free by many people on Rarotonga yesterday, thanks to the generosity of a church and its sponsors.


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