Wednesday 27 May 2015 | Published in Health
With ongoing rain and cold periods forecast for the Cook Islands, it’s the perfect time for residents to protect themselves and their families against the flu.
Wednesday 20 May 2015 | Published in Health
The Cook Islands Public Health Service says it is doing its best to keep up with a programme to spray insecticide around the homes and workplaces of Chikungunya disease victims in a bid to control the spread of the debilitating virus.
Friday 15 May 2015 | Published in Health
Cook Islands Public Health Services staff have apparently been barred from talking to the media about the spread of mosquito-borne viruses on Rarotonga.
Thursday 14 May 2015 | Published in Health
The Cook Islands has the highest levels of obesity in the world.
Tuesday 12 May 2015 | Published in Health
The achievements and valued contributions of Cook Islands nurses will be celebrated this week as part of International Nurse Day today, May 12.
Tuesday 5 May 2015 | Published in Health
Residents around the eastern side of the island are without water today after heavy rainfall caused blockages to several water intakes.
Friday 1 May 2015 | Published in Health
It was all sweat, swinging hips and smiles on Wednesday afternoon when Ura Fitness fanatics gathered together opposite the Banana Court for their first of five live Ura Fitness shows.
Friday 1 May 2015 | Published in Health
With the first cases of Zika recorded in Vanuatu this week, the Ministry of Health say they are watching out for a return of the virus here in the Cook Islands.Currently, the only dengue-like virus affecting the islands is Chikungunya, as Dengue Fever and Zika were contained towards the end of last year with no cases reported since.
Thursday 30 April 2015 | Published in Health
According to the Ministry of Health, the Chikungunya outbreak is on the rise and it’s the community that have brought about this increase.
Monday 27 April 2015 | Published in Health
The staff at Rarotonga Hospital can finally catch a breath as their collapsed computer system comes back online following weeks of repairs.
Monday 20 April 2015 | Published in Health
For second-year nursing students at the Rarotonga Hospital, it’s a case of things getting easier the second time around.
Tuesday 31 March 2015 | Published in Health
Although she is now back in Cairns, Cook Islands woman Takaivaine Tetini Hakaoro is still working hard for kidney and diabetes awareness and her goal to get a dialysis machine in the Cook Islands.
Monday 30 March 2015 | Published in Health
Mosquito-borne illnesses are increasing in the Cook Islands, with 18 cases of chikungunya confirmed and 187 cases of a ‘dengue-like illness’ reported in the past three months.
Monday 23 March 2015 | Published in Health
A Cook Island woman’s weight loss journey sparked a walk around Rarotonga last Saturday to raise awareness for dialysis.
Monday 16 March 2015 | Published in Health
Matavera kids will be on the move tomorrow, with exciting activities at the popular Just Play Village Festival at Takitumu School field.
Tuesday 10 March 2015 | Published in Health
Protecting Cook Islands’ borders in the most effective way is the aim of the week-long workshop that started yesterday.
Friday 6 March 2015 | Published in Health
Healthy living was the focus of the first Ministry of Health Non-Communicable Disease Day held yesterday, aiming to combat one of the biggest health issues in the Cook Islands.
Wednesday 4 March 2015 | Published in Health
A total of 18 positive cases of the mosquito-borne disease chikungunya have been confirmed in the Cook Islands.
Sunday 1 March 2015 | Published in Health
On Monday Maya Carroll, or Yogi Maya as she is known, (pictured) and the team at Muri Beach Club Hotel will kick off another yoga retreat in paradise.
Friday 20 February 2015 | Published in Health
The Cook Islands Red Cross aims to save lives with their first annual first aid courses which were rolled out around the island this week.