
'Red eye' increase concerns Health

Tuesday 29 December 2015 | Published in Health

An increase in the number of people reporting to Rarotonga hospital with conjunctivitis, more popularly known here as “red eye” or “sexy eyes,” has Ministry of Health staff worried.


Vacant properties cause tutaka concerns

Thursday 10 December 2015 | Published in Health

Increasing numbers of abandoned homes and vacant and overgrown sections on Rarotonga is giving Ministry of Health staff some concern as they conduct progress with the 10-day pre-Christmas Tutaka this week.


Smoke issues prompt MOH visit

Tuesday 8 December 2015 | Published in Health

The Ministry of Health has promised to take action after complaints from residents in Vaimaanga that Rarotongan Resort and Spa staff have been burning plastic PVC furniture among other rubbish on a dump site opposite the resort.


Mental health boost for Mitiaro

Monday 7 December 2015 | Published in Health

In September this year, the Te kainga o Pa Taunga team from the Ministry of Health, made the long awaited visit to the island of Mitiaro.


Tutaka time again

Saturday 5 December 2015 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Health

The Ministry of Health will conduct its end of year Tutaka programme in Rarotonga, starting next week.


MOH takes hard line on abortion

Saturday 28 November 2015 | Published in Health

The Ministry of Health has stopped the country’s only gynaecologist from making tough phone calls on behalf of women who decide they want to terminate a pregnancy.


STI cases show significant drop

Wednesday 25 November 2015 | Published in Health

Cases of sexually transmitted diseases have dropped significantly in the past eight years, showing the country is becoming more contraception-savvy.


Health launches antibiotic guidelines

Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Health

Antibiotic resistance is now one of the biggest threats to global health and the Cook Islands Ministry of Health aims to make antibiotic prescriptions here more effective by launching the antibiotic guidelines handbook.


Mental health programme flourishes

Tuesday 17 November 2015 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Health

The monthly programme to provide solace to people suffering from stress and mental illness continues to gain momentum.


Hygiene key in helping to prevent illness spread

Friday 13 November 2015 | Published in Health

The number of people suffering diarrhea and vomiting presenting at the Rarotonga Hospital outpatients department and the Tupapa Community clinic has risen in the last two weeks.


Mosquito disease loses its sting

Friday 13 November 2015 | Published in Health

It’s 48 weeks since Chikungunya hit Rarotonga and to a lesser extent, other islands around the country, and since week 39, no new cases have been reported.


School donation helps breast cancer campaign

Tuesday 3 November 2015 | Published in Health

The Cook Islands Breast Cancer Foundation received a wonderful surprise on Friday last week, in the form of a donation of more than $300 from Avarua School.


Danger lurks in favourite meaty treats

Saturday 31 October 2015 | Published in Health

There are plenty of health-related reasons to rethink that decision to double the bacon or pile on the corned beef, and cancer is one of them says the World Health Organization.


Hats off to the women of Manihiki

Saturday 31 October 2015 | Published in Health

Cook Islands Breast Cancer Foundation president Jaewynn McKay looks at the excellent effort being made by Manihiki women to create awareness of breast cancer and the importance of healthy lifestyles.


Today's the day to help great cause

Saturday 31 October 2015 | Published in Health

Today is the day to get registered to be an official 2015 Mobro!


Grow a 'mo' and help fight prostate cancer

Thursday 29 October 2015 | Published in Health

Movember organisers are calling for the men of the Cook Islands to once again become “Mo’bros” and join in the fight again prostate cancer in the Cook Islands.


Why ambulance costs so much

Tuesday 27 October 2015 | Published in Health

The Ministry of Health have defended the cost behind the ambulance service following a CI News story about a tourist who felt ‘stung’ by an $800 ambulance trip.


Savings rely on health of worldwide markets

Thursday 22 October 2015 | Published in Health

The retirement savings of Cook Islanders worth more than $100 million continues to rely on the health of international markets.


Local produce a highlight of important day

Saturday 17 October 2015 | Published in Health

Breaking the cycle of rural poverty across the world was the theme of World Food Day, marked with plentiful local produce at Punanga Nui market yesterday.


Polluting piggery shut down

Friday 16 October 2015 | Published in Health

A commercial piggery that has been defying just about every environmental rule and has been operating for months in Turangi valley with the full knowledge of the National Environment Service and Public Health department, was shut down yesterday.


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