
Sharks sighted in lagoon

Tuesday 11 January 2011 | Published in Environment

Two sharks spotted in the lagoon have prompted the Ministry of Marine Resources to urge people to be mindful when heading out for a cooling dip in the sea. But there’s no need to panic – the two sharks were spotted in the Arorangi lagoon area over the Christmas weekend. Vaiimaanga resident Arama Wigmore had […]


Cooling gear under survey

Thursday 6 January 2011 | Published in Environment

Young people recently surveyed the island to find out how environmentally friendly our cooling units are. Businesses and homes answered questions on their use of HCFC (hydrochlorofluorocarbon) in refrigerants. The survey was organised by national ozone officer at the National Environment Service, Tauraki Raea. The aim was to find out what impact phasing out of […]


'Fish traps not the main problem'

Wednesday 29 December 2010 | Published in Environment

Environmentalist Jaqcui Evans of Te Ipukarea Society Inc has responded to the suggestion by Keta Williams that removing a fish trap at Avana could help reduce the build up of pollution in Muri Lagoon. She said that she was expecting there would be a meeting of Muri Environment Care about the issue so they could […]


PM recognises eDay organisers

Thursday 23 December 2010 | Published in Environment

The team who organised e-Waste Day have been congratulated by Prime Minister Henry Puna. Senior Environment Officer for the National Environment Service, Deyna Marsh, was given a special award in recognition of the extra effort she put in to make sure that the day was a success. “The environment is an important component of our […]


Trap removal could aid lagoon

Wednesday 22 December 2010 | Published in Environment

Muri pu tapere Keta Williams says that getting rid of one of the disused fish traps could have a massive impact on the health of the lagoon at Muri. “No one is using the fish trap now and there is a build up of silt. It’s causing the outflow to go to the inland side. […]


ANZ launches new global corporate wardrobe

Monday 20 December 2010 | Published in Environment

ANZ today launched a new corporate wardrobe featuring Pacific designs in the Cook Islands, as part of a global launch that brings a consistent look to staff across the 32 countries where the bank operates. The Pacific’s distinct style has been incorporated into the wardrobe design, with staff having the option of incorporating ‘Pacific Friday’ […]


McCully has $2m for jetty

Saturday 18 December 2010 | Published in Environment

Minister of infrastructure and planning Teariki Heather met Murray McCully to discuss plans for the Arorangi jetty and new strategies for waste management. “The jetty has been confirmed by the chiefs and the people have agreed to it,” Heather said. “Minister McCully said there is $2 million funding there for when we are ready to […]


Voices from the Pacific in Cancun

Friday 10 December 2010 | Published in Environment

Cook Islander Luana Bosanquet-Heays, one of three Pacific youth in the Project Survival Pacific delegation at the United Nations COP16 Climate Change Negotiations in Cancun, Mexico, says the Pacific is playing a crucial role at the event which ends today. She and Krishneil Narayan and Romita Dutt from Fiji have taken part in various activities […]


eDay a 'resounding success'

Thursday 9 December 2010 | Published in Environment

Prime Minister Henry Puna visited the drop off site for e-waste yesterday at the Atukura Grounds and called the initiative ‘A resounding success’. “It’s amazing how much of this e-waste there is sitting around on the island. What is also amazing is the willingness of so many people to come together and make a difference,” […]


POPs action starts with e-waste

Tuesday 7 December 2010 | Published in Environment

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are chemicals which could put people in the Cook Islands at risk of illness. Now a group has been put together to tackle the problem – starting by getting e-waste off the island. The Cook Islands government signed up to the Stockholm Convention in 2004 agreeing to ban many of the […]


Schools in climate change competition

Tuesday 7 December 2010 | Published in Environment

St Joseph’s school pupils won first place and $300 in a performance competition organised by the Cook Islands Red Cross and Ministry of Education to raise awareness about climate change. About 120 Rarotongan primary school pupils were involved in the competition, the results of which were announced on Friday. Second place and $200 went to […]


Cook Islands youth at climate change meeting

Tuesday 7 December 2010 | Published in Environment

Cook Islander Luana Bosanquet-Heays is one of three Pacific youth at the United Nations COP16 Climate Change Negotiations in Cancun, Mexico, to represent the voice of the Pacific people from November 26 to December 10. As part of the Project Survival Pacific delegation, Bosanquet-Heays will be calling for world leaders and politicians at the meeting […]


Cooks raises climate concerns

Friday 3 December 2010 | Published in Environment

Cook Islands delegates at the United Nations climate conference in Cancun, Mexico sent out strong messages this week, raising issues of concern to island countries. The Cook Islands made it very clear that any issue of co-financing under the Adaptation Fund should not be a burden to small island developing states. The call was by […]


Turangi's twister

Monday 29 November 2010 | Published in Environment

Some beachfront residents ran for safety to escape a towering water twister – 500 metres tall – as it churned across the Turangi lagoon and headed straight for them. “We were looking straight up this huge, swirling column as we ran in all directions,” says Kanoe Aquino, who said they are all still excitedly talking […]


Young paddlers make their mark

Wednesday 24 November 2010 | Published in Environment

A special tree-planting ceremony kicked off yesterday’s junior paddler races at Muri lagoon. Fourteen juniors’ teams from Hawaii, New Zealand and the Cooks planted 15 ironwood trees at Nukupure Park in Ngatangiia to help prevent beach erosion around the foreshore area. The replanting ceremony was led by the Hawaiian team – one member planted the […]


Buoy set to monitor Muri water quality

Wednesday 24 November 2010 | Published in Environment

The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) this week deployed an automated water quality buoy in the channel between motu Koromiri and Muri beach. The YSI EMM68 automated, solar-powered buoy will enhance MMR’s water quality monitoring programme for water and sanitation projects at Muri lagoon. It will act as an early warning system for harmful algal […]


Solar Bob tackles power bills

Tuesday 16 November 2010 | Published in Environment

Bob ‘Solar Bob’ Reilly is getting more orders than ever for his Solar Breeze, the solar powered spinning fan that he says is a real money spinner for customers. “The Fishing Club had two installed last year and they have lowered their electricity bills by $1000 a month,” Reilly said. Now orders are pouring in, […]


Muri development 'unsustainable': Evans

Monday 15 November 2010 | Published in Environment

A technical assistant will soon be hired to draw up a solution to the pollution of Muri Lagoon. But they are likely to struggle to come up with a solution which keeps sewage treatment on individual sites. Jacqui Evans worked on the problem of lagoon pollution caused by septic tanks at Public Health for five […]


Climate change research scholarships on offer

Thursday 11 November 2010 | Published in Environment

Scholarships for research students in climate change are now being offered by the University of the South Pacific (USP). Graduates in any relevant subject who want to pursue a Masters or PhD degree through research on climate variability and change are being invited to apply. The university has provided a range of possible topics for […]


NCW to oversee environment funds

Thursday 11 November 2010 | Published in Environment

The National Council of Women (NCW) has been chosen by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to oversee all the projects they provide with small grants. The GEF has put half a million dollars into the Cook Islands in the last three years. This has been funding for community projects to protect the environment such as […]


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