
Pesticide danger explained

Friday 3 June 2011 | Published in Environment

Local grower Teava Iro (pictured below) explained to students at Lagoon Day yesterday the environmental hazards of using chemicals and pesticides to control weeds. Chemical fertilisers can kill soil or cause an imbalance in its nutrient makeup the result is unhealthy crops, and people and animals that eat poor quality food get sick, he said. […]


Climate change apriority

Thursday 2 June 2011 | Published in Environment

Climate change adaption and emergency risk response need to go hand in hand and be considered in relation to all government policy, Emergency Management Cook Islands (EMCI) training and community education advisor William Tuivaga says. He has just returned from a four-day conference in Samoa which focussed on the lessons learnt by small island developing […]


Respecting the lagoon

Thursday 2 June 2011 | Published in Environment

If we want to improve the health of the Rarotonga lagoon, we need to treat it like we treat our bodies, says Mii Kauvai of the Muri Environment Care Group. Treat the lagoon like you treat your body feed it with good things and it looks healthy, Kauvai told those who visited the Muri Environment […]


PM calls for environment action

Thursday 2 June 2011 | Published in Environment

Prime minister Henry Puna says the new lagoon research is a call to action for Cook Islanders. As environment minister, Puna is taking a keen interest in Environment Week, Lagoon Day and measures to clean up the Cook Islands. Puna congratulated the Ministry of Marine Resources on the research conducted as part of their new […]


Environment Week clean-up collection

Tuesday 31 May 2011 | Published in Environment

Residents of Takuvaine and Tutakimoa are being encouraged to put out all old whiteware and metal wastes including roofing iron for collection this Thursday. Malcolm Sword and Cook Islands General Transport have organised a metal and whiteware waste collection to coincide with Environment Week which runs from May 30 to June 3. Takuvaine and Tutakimoa […]


Lagoon Day focuses on healthy wetlands

Tuesday 31 May 2011 | Published in Environment

Wetlands for Healthy Islands will be the key message during this years Lagoon Day event which goes hand in hand with the National Environment Services 2011 theme. It is also the theme of environment week, which began yesterday.The two-day lagoon event, which starts tomorrow at Nukupure Park in Ngatangiia, brings together environment conservation experts to […]


Village gets behind Environment Week

Saturday 28 May 2011 | Published in Environment

Titikaveka youth and sports groups will be out in force this Monday to clean the village of glass, plastics and aluminium cans as part of the Taau Taku Tita operation. The Titikaveka cleanup operation on Monday coincides with the start of Environment Week that runs until June 3. Titikaveka cleanup coordinator Selina Napa is encouraging […]


New TIS role

Wednesday 25 May 2011 | Published in Environment

Former National Environment Service officer Ana Tiraa has been appointed biodiversity coordinator for Te Ipukarea Society (TIS). The society received two applications for the 12-week position. TIS programme manager Jacqui Evans says Tiraa will coordinate two major surveys the society is undertaking in coming months. She will coordinate the northern group sea bird survey which […]


Wetland champions

Wednesday 25 May 2011 | Published in Environment

The Matavera Girls Brigade has taken on the role of environment champions. Ten members between the ages of 10 and 14 have spent the past five months learning about the role of wetlands in the Cook Islands. This year the National Environment Service will embark on a campaign to create cultivate wetlands for the Cook […]


Self-sustainable living satisfying

Saturday 21 May 2011 | Published in Environment

In the past 50 or so years it was only alternative lifestylers who lived off the land, chose to have less things, consciously reduced water, fuel and power usage basically did the whole greenie/hippy thing. But now, as the world faces the consequences of years of consumerism without regard, individuals are rethinking their lifestyles. In […]


Campaign starts on Biodiversity Day

Saturday 21 May 2011 | Published in Environment

The National Environment Service will launch its national biodiversity report and wetlands campaign next week, tying in with Biodiversity Day on May 22. May 22nd marks the annual celebration of Biodiversity Day so it is quite fitting that the countrys report is launched then, as well as the campaign for wetlands for 2011, says Deyna […]


Draft fishing plan ready

Saturday 21 May 2011 | Published in Environment

An exploratory fishing monitoring committee is being pondered as the Ministry of Marine Resources prepares to take the final draft plan on the issue to cabinet. A monitoring committee would be made up of members of the Te Ipukarea Society and House of Ariki. This week the ministry held detailed discussions with those groups. MMR […]


Money for environment projects

Friday 20 May 2011 | Published in Environment

If you have a bright idea or environment-focused community project then you need to take advantage of the National Environment Services seed funding scheme. NES is inviting community groups who have planned projects or existing programmes that benefit your community or the environment to apply for seed funding of up to $500. All applicants have […]


Enviro group and ministry talk fishing

Tuesday 17 May 2011 | Published in Environment

Te Ipukarea Society executives and members are planning to meet with representatives of the Ministry of Marine Resources to determine whether the environmental group can be involved in the ministrys plans to undertake exploratory fishing. Society members developed a list of questions to the ministry about its draft plans for exploratory fishing over three years, […]


$1000 in prizes for environment week

Saturday 14 May 2011 | Published in Environment

Performing and visual art is being used to deliver the message for this years national environment week, with $1000 in prizes up for grabs. Wetlands for healthy islands is the theme for both the environment week and Lagoon Day this year. Performing art shows and art competitions are being organised by the National Environment Services […]


Big clean up

Saturday 7 May 2011 | Published in Environment

This year at least four outer islands are organising their own activities to supplement the national programme to recognise Environment Week (May 30-June 3). Mauke island National Environment Service officers will work with the Island Secretary to coordinate an island-wide clean up of all whiteware, e-waste, batteries and other rubbish lying around the island. This […]


Lagoon Day focuses on wetlands

Friday 6 May 2011 | Published in Environment

The spotlight is on wetlands for this years annual Lagoon Day education and awareness programme, now in its fourth year. Lagoon Day, on June 1 and 2, brings together experts in environment issues to raise awareness of the problems facing the lagoon environment and the possible solutions. Lagoon Day aims for positive change through hands-on […]


Interest grows in organics

Friday 6 May 2011 | Published in Environment

Organic growing advocate Teava Iro continues to spread the word about biological and ecological agriculture throughout the Cook Islands. Iro, a director of Cook Islands Noni Marketing Ltd and chairman of the Titikaveka Growers Association, gave a presentation on organic growing to about 40 people at a public meeting in Muri this week. The meeting, […]


Mauke turns out in force for tutaka

Tuesday 3 May 2011 | Published in Environment

Maukes tutaka clean up team comprising Ministry of Health personnel accompanied by the mayor and environment officer were all smiles and bubbling with praise at the closing of a very successful three-day inspection. Dr Metua Taurarii commented that this was the best result he had seen since coming back to Mauke a few years ago, […]


CI reps bid for climate change funds

Monday 2 May 2011 | Published in Environment

Billions of dollars worth of international funding for climate change-related activities is now more accessible to the Cook Islands following an international convention held in Bangkok last month. The four-day conference was an annual meeting of those involved in the ad-hoc working groups on long term cooperative action, which arose from earlier international climate change […]


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