Thursday 7 July 2011 | Published in Environment
For four-and-a-half years, Caryn Chilwell and her partner Brian Freeth have paid rent on a quarter-acre section in Turangi to run a small-scale commercial recycling business, a venture Chilwell calls a labour of love on account of its slim profit margins. But they are tired of paying out of their own pockets to subsidise what […]
Thursday 7 July 2011 | Published in Environment
A Pacific regional proposal writing workshop has opened in the Cook Islands to help Forum Island Countries (FICs) access funds to support renewable energy and salt water desalination projects The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) have pooled resources to coordinate the workshop focusing on the Pacific […]
Monday 4 July 2011 | Published in Environment
Representatives from 14 Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat member nations will gather in the Cook Islands this week for a five-day workshop on accessing funds for environmental projects. The workshops will supply training and details on writing project proposals needed to attract backing for projects through funds such as the Pacific Environment Community Fund. The participants […]
Saturday 2 July 2011 | Published in Environment
Araura College students presented their English poems, Maori purua, artwork, dance and ute compilations as part of last months Environment Week competition for proud parents and families at the school hall last week. For the past few weeks the students and teachers practised their ute and in the end the form 1 Vaireka/Kitai classes won […]
Tuesday 28 June 2011 | Published in Environment
Rarotonga residents, business owners and hoteliers are being encouraged to clean their properties ahead of next weeks tutaka. From July 4 to 8 the Ministry of Health, Cook Islands Police, National Environment Service, Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning and Ministry of Finance and Economic Management statistics division will inspect all properties within all areas of […]
Thursday 23 June 2011 | Published in Environment
Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) programme manager Jacqui Evans has returned to the Cook Islands from Fiji where she was involved in a mid term review of the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF). Evans says the fund is a joint initiative of the French Development Agency, Conservation International, Global Environment Facility, Japanese government, MacArthur Foundation and […]
Tuesday 21 June 2011 | Published in Environment
Some of the worlds biggest kitesurfing names are coming to the Cook Islands to compete in next weeks competition. The pros start trickling in this week. World champion Jesse Richman, sponsored Tahitian rider Moehau Goold and head judge Bradley Price are on Thursdays flight from Papeete. Richman is just 18 but already a two-time KPWT […]
Tuesday 21 June 2011 | Published in Environment
Five community groups with environment focused projects will receive seed funding from the National Environment Service. A fun and educational Wetlands Quiz night was held at the end of the recent environment week with funds raised from team entry fees going towards the community-based environment projects on Rarotonga and the outer islands. We recognise that […]
Tuesday 14 June 2011 | Published in Environment
An article in Saturdays CINews indicated that years ago the Aitutaki Environment Authority gave two people approval to erect permanent structures on motu Maina Iti. While there are two permanent structures on the motu, environment officer Bobby Bishop says the authority never gave the builders permission to construct them. CINews apologises for the error.
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Environment
Lagoon Day finished a week ago, but not for all of us. Debriefs, reports and recommendations will hopefully ensure an even better event in 2012. For me personally its been a long, but interesting task to read through students answers gained during presentations. Especially encouraging to read comments such as, I learned things this year […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Environment
The Aitutaki Environment Authority has moved to stop all building on motu Maina Iti. Maina Iti is a sand cay that emerged naturally about 20 years ago. As such, it falls under the jurisdiction of the Crown so the Environment Authoritys decision awaits endorsement from the Island Council. Presently there are two permanent structures on […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Environment
A mixture of poems and artworks created by Rarotonga students and displayed through the three banks on Rarotonga portrayed this years Environment Week theme The values and roles wetlands play in our lives and our environment. Yesterday the winners of the art and poem competitions were announced but the judges job was made difficult by […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Environment
This years Lagoon Day winners were drawn from all work sheets that were 85 to 100 percent correctly answered. There were so many well answered sheets and not enough prizes. For their outstanding efforts Papaaroa School students Loana Taikakara and Simonne Pirake won a student dive with the Dive Centre. Other prize winners are (Arorangi) […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Environment
Senior students were asked how has Lagoon Day helped you? when they visited the environment expo last week. Here we share some of their responses to the question. Were reducing and managing our rubbish. Sanitation systems have been upgraded. Ive realised I have to do the right things and protect our environment and lagoon. I […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Environment
June Hosking, coodinator of the recent Lagoon Day environment awareness and education events, was asked what do you propose we do? by Koutu Nui Aronga Mana when they visited Nukupure Park for the two-day programme. Here Hosking puts her thoughts together on the way forward to protect and preserve our precious natural environment. 1. Immediate […]
Wednesday 8 June 2011 | Published in Environment
Close to 20 pumped up under 16 paddlers will tackle the Tama Aito 6km course through Muri lagoon on Monday, June 13 and get a taste of whats in store for them in years to come. Tama Aito is the junior division of Te Aito Cook Islands the premier singles oe vaka race in the […]
Wednesday 8 June 2011 | Published in Environment
Emergency Management Cook Islands director Charles Carlson (left), Office of the Prime Minister central policy and planning director Liz Koteka (second from left), and other regional representatives at the Cook Islands display within the 2011 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction held in Geneva, Switzerland last month. 11060701 Emergency Management Cook Islands (EMCI) director Charles […]
Tuesday 7 June 2011 | Published in Environment
June Hosking brought a model of her waterless toilet the Rotaloo to Lagoon Day for students to ponder. The Rotaloo uses no water, and stores its waste in a high-temperature tank, which breaks down waste and converts it into humus. Humus, or compost, is bacteria-free organic matter, which is full of nutrients and can be […]
Saturday 4 June 2011 | Published in Environment
Protecting the environment has been the main mission for Rarotonga kids this week as hundreds of students took part in the various Environment Week activities, including visiting the two-day Lagoon Day in Ngatangiia. Earlier this week four schools took to the stage for the Environment Week performing arts competition. Many showed off their artistic and […]
Saturday 4 June 2011 | Published in Environment
The National Environment Service is inviting submissions on an application by Charlie Strickland Senior for quarry work and industrial development in Arorangi. Strickland Snr is applying for a project permit, as required by the Environment Act 2003. The work is to be undertaken on a section of land Tokerau Tapere in Arorangi. Anyone may make […]
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