
Get the best from your cooking fuel

Saturday 1 October 2011 | Published in Environment

Apart from using the suns energy to heat an oven, the Hoskings are also big advocates of saving power and money through employing efficient methods of cooking. Their methods are low-cost and dont require much more effort than a little forward-thinking, meaning their techniques can be taken on by almost any home and are well-suited […]


Solar hopefuls shouldnt worry

Saturday 1 October 2011 | Published in Environment

Home owners and businesses who have ordered solar panels should not worry over possible changes to Rarotongas renewable energy policies, according to Cook Islands businessman and alternative energy advocate James Beer. With policy changes governing the size of solar installations likely to come from Te Aponga Uira (TAU) this week, Beer said people who have […]


Rare giant octopus found

Thursday 29 September 2011 | Published in Environment

Nan Hauser and her team have managed to reel in the slipperiest and most exciting discovery of the year a four-metre Haliphron atlanticus. In laymans terms, thats the largest known species of octopus in the world. Its also the third one found in the South Pacific ever. The specimen is currently occupying a cooler in […]


From spinning to grinning

Saturday 17 September 2011 | Published in Environment

Out in Rarotongas east, the trade winds blow a consistent breeze and are providing a steady rotation to Tamaiva Tuaveras wind turbine at Muri. It is now a year since the owner of Captain Tamas Lagoon Cruises installed the five-kilowatt turbine at his hillside house just up from the beaches at Muri lagoon, and Tuavera […]


Floating plans for offshore wind

Saturday 17 September 2011 | Published in Environment

Wind farm advocates are backing the technology with an increasing conviction with the belief that high-volume, Chinese-made parts and investment in offshore technology will reduce the price of wind energy. Chinese companies have stepped up their production of wind turbine parts to help meet the growing demand within its borders for the technology. Until recently, […]


Walk or ride to cut emissions next Friday

Wednesday 14 September 2011 | Published in Environment

Rarotonga is preparing to hit the pavement in its fight against fossil fuels. The National Environment Service (NES) is coordinating a Move Rarotonga campaign to raise awareness of issues like climate change, fossil fuel use and waste management. Scheduled for Friday, September 23, the campaign encourages everyone on Rarotonga to ride a bicycle, walk, jog, […]


Solar likely for low-income homes

Wednesday 14 September 2011 | Published in Environment

Solar panels, and subsequently reduced electricity bills, are within reach of low income households throughout the Cook Islands, finance minister Mark Brown says. A deal is being negotiated at present between the Cook Islands government and European Investment Bank (EIB) which may see Cook Islanders access renewable energy infrastructure through low-interest loans. Government has access […]


Cooks press for closer US ties

Tuesday 13 September 2011 | Published in Environment

The Cook Islands should receive a portion of United States climate change funding totalling $21 million, which is being released to the Pacific region. Cabinet minister Teina Bishop talked with US government officials at the recent 2011 Pacific Leaders Forum in New Zealand. State department deputy assistant secretary Daniel Clune told Bishop the US is […]


More political support needed

Saturday 10 September 2011 | Published in Environment

The Cook Islands has the chance to become the world-leader in sustainable thinking, but it first needs more political support and funding to get there, says alternative energy advocate James Beer. Beer said the Cooks was better positioned than almost any country to become completely reliant on renewable energies for its electricity supplies, but individuals […]


Clean up brigade attacks rubbish

Saturday 10 September 2011 | Published in Environment

More than 30 teams banded together to clean up Rarotongas little portion of the world yesterday. To mark Clean Up the World Day, teams spent the day picking rubbish out of streams and scouring the streets for forgotten refuse. They donned gloves and armed themselves with plastic bags, and pored over beaches and roads for […]


Seabird survey

Tuesday 6 September 2011 | Published in Environment

Joseph Brider of the National Environment Service and Ian Karika, for Te Ipukarea Society (TIS), are doing a seabird and invasive alien species (IAS) survey in the northern Cook Islands. The survey commenced last month. IAS are plants or animals that are introduced to a place and have an adverse effect on that place economically, […]


First raui signs up in Muri

Tuesday 6 September 2011 | Published in Environment

A number of new raui signs have been put up in the Muri area, the first tapere at Rarotonga to do so. Last week, members of the Koutu Nui and local acommodation owners took part in an official blessing ceremony as the raui sign was put in place on Muri beach alongside Pacific Resort Rarotonga. […]


Dont burn change a generational habit

Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Environment

The smell of smoke wafting through the quiet evening air is all too familiar. That will be the burning of household rubbish be it leaves that were raked that day, fresh lawn clippings or the rubbish pit out the back of the house that has now been filled to the brim. It is the most […]


USP aims to be first green campus in Pacific

Saturday 27 August 2011 | Published in Environment

At last Fridays graduation, the acting vice chancellor of the University of the South Pacific (USP) Dr Esther Williams challenged USP Cook Islands campus to reduce its reliance on non- renewable energy to close to zero. The campus electrical engineer Ngateina Rani believes that this target can be achieved by 2012. USP Cook Islands campus […]


Vaka in the California limelight

Wednesday 24 August 2011 | Published in Environment

Cook Islands vaka Marumaru Atua is docked at Dana Point on the California coast and should be in Cabrillo a beach slightly north of her current location before the weekend. Since leaving San Francisco, the vaka has stopped in the California coastal towns of Monterey, Santa Barbara and Malibu. In Monterey, the vaka were greeted […]


Pacific auditors to look at fishing

Wednesday 24 August 2011 | Published in Environment

A Pacific Regional Audit Initiative has been implemented following a meeting of the regions heads of supreme audit institutions in Tonga earlier this month. The Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) includes the Cook Islands audit office and audit director Paul Allsworth represented the country at the Nukualofa conference from August 2 to 5. […]


Two CI reps at climate change review

Tuesday 23 August 2011 | Published in Environment

Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning (MOIP) staff Vaipo Mataora and Teu Mataroa returned to Rarotonga last week from a climate change conference in Vanuatu. The Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) project involves 13 Pacific island nations. A meeting to review and discuss progress of the regional project, which coordinates adaptation activities in each member […]


Ozone regulations kicking in

Tuesday 23 August 2011 | Published in Environment

People or businesses importing, using, handling or selling gases associated with air cooling will soon be required to hold permits. Recently the Environment Act (Ozone Layer Protection) Regulations 2008 were established, and the National Environment Service (NES) will begin enforcing them in phases. By January 2012, those who import gases, goods and equipment containing ozone-depleting […]


Team of 152 heading to Noumea

Saturday 20 August 2011 | Published in Environment

Today is exactly a week until the opening of the 14th Pacific Games in New Caledonia where 5000 athletes from 22 countries will compete in 28 sports. New Caledonia has spent the past four years preparing for the games and all is set for one of the biggest sporting events in the region. All athletes […]


Ministry wants more data on fish

Saturday 20 August 2011 | Published in Environment

The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) is teaming up with the Cook Islands Fishing Association to encourage greater data collection by artisanal, subsistence and recreational fishers. MMR has developed a new catch logbook programme which is being rolled out in all islands to provide capacity for extra information on fishing and catch to be recorded […]


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