
Marine park doco in production

Wednesday 28 March 2012 | Published in Environment

A team of renowned videographers was in Rarotonga and Aitutaki last week to shoot footage for a documentary that will launch the proposed Cook Islands marine park on to the international stage. Accompanying the crew were Conservation International president Russell Mittermeier and his son Mickey and project director Peter Stonier. Freelance cameraman Richard Wollocombe, who […]


New perspective for advisor

Tuesday 27 March 2012 | Published in Environment

Having worked almost exclusively on the donor side of donor projects until now, joining the WATSAN team as communications advisor is giving Catrina McDiarmid a new perspective on her work. McDiarmid has previously worked at the New Zealand ministry of foreign affairs and at the New Zealand Aid Programme in Wellington, both times as a […]


T-shirts for Facebookers

Tuesday 27 March 2012 | Published in Environment

In the world of water and sanitation, you know you’re doing right when the shirt hits the fan. And the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning’s Water, Waste and Sanitation unit (WATSAN) is trying to do just that – get some free shirts to its new friends on Facebook. WATSAN is trying to open up as […]


Wildlife trade fight goes regional

Monday 26 March 2012 | Published in Environment

Environment officer Elizabeth Munro is representing the Cook Islands at three back-to-back regional workshops in Fiji. Two are being put on by Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), one regarding international trade in wild fauna and flora and the other on a regional approach to marine management. The first, formally entitled CITES (Convention […]


MMR is going back to school

Monday 26 March 2012 | Published in Environment

Staff of the Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) have been going back to school – not as students but as instructors to impart information about the numerous marine animals and plants in our lagoon. Part of the aim is to explain a bit more about the role of MMR in conserving and managing these resources. […]


Climate change appointment

Saturday 24 March 2012 | Published in Environment

Rerekura Teaurere has been appointed climate change co-coordinator within the climate change division of the Office of the Prime Minster. Though she grew up in New Zealand, Rerekura is of Penryhn descent, and recently completed a master of science honours degree at the University of Auckland. Her thesis focused on exploring inter-organisational influences on sustainable […]


Tuna stocks worth millions: MMR

Saturday 24 March 2012 | Published in Environment

A stock assessment carried out by the French Space Agency (CSL) for the Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) has estimated there is 190,000 tonnes of skipjack tuna in Cook Islands waters. According to the report most of skipjack (au’opu) are found in the northern Cook Islands, north of 15 degree latitude above Suwarrow with the […]


Come down to weather office

Friday 23 March 2012 | Published in Environment

The Cook Islands Meteorological Service is today inviting the public to its Nikao office to watch videos explaining what the country’s weathermen do. The impetus for the invitation is World Meteorological Day, which falls on March 23 each year. Today World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) members, of which the Cook Islands Meteorological Service is one, commemorate […]


Marine park launch on track

Thursday 22 March 2012 | Published in Environment

The marine park steering committee intends to conduct another round of public consultation meetings in coming weeks. Following a three-day workshop last week, the committee is surer than ever that it needs more feedback from island communities before launching the marine park at the Pacific Islands Forum in August. Last week, experts from regional and […]


Water security is food security

Thursday 22 March 2012 | Published in Environment

Today is World Water Day – a perfect day to reflect on how much water you use. You could start by asking yourself, “How much water did I have for breakfast today?” It seems a simple enough question. Many people would probably answer, “A glass or two,” but if you had two slices of bread […]


Tips to protect a precious resource

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in Environment

This year World Water Day is focusing on the links between water and food. Did you know it takes: These numbers illustrate how important our water resources are and why we need to work to protect them. Imagine the amount of water needed to feed everyone on Rarotonga! One of the best ways we can […]


Get behind World Water Day and WATSAN

Wednesday 21 March 2012 | Published in Environment

Tomorrow, March 22, marks World Water Day with this year’s event focused on the connection between water and food security. “We all drink around two litres of water a day, but it actually takes 2000 to 5000 litres of water to produce one person’s daily food,” says Donye Numa, acting secretary of the Ministry of […]


Think twice about aquaculture

Tuesday 20 March 2012 | Published in Environment

A new report on mariculture (marine aquaculture) has urged Pacific nations to think twice before embarking on sea-farming enterprises. It found that many mariculture projects had been undertaken in the past without proper economic studies, particularly of the costs involved and the potential markets for fish products, and suggests that the Pacific “get away from […]


Reef restoration project by Koka

Saturday 17 March 2012 | Published in Environment

The Rarotonga Lagoon Conservation Trust, created and funded by Koka Lagoon Cruises, is embarking on a long-term reef restoration and revitalisation project within the Tikioki ra’ui area. The goal of the project is to bring the reef back to 60 percent live coral coverage and encourage the re-establishment of local fish and clam populations. Koka […]


Switch off and save the earth

Saturday 17 March 2012 | Published in Environment

Make switching off non essential lights and power services a habit and take positive action for the environment. The world will celebrate Earth Hour on Saturday, March 31, but in the Cook Islands Friday, March 30, from 12 noon to 1pm has been earmarked as the day and time for locals to switch off. Earth […]


New incinerator needed

Saturday 17 March 2012 | Published in Environment

The Airport Authority is looking to upgrade its incinerator –which is no longer environmentally sound –and inviting tenders for the project contract. It welcomes tenders for the design, installation, supply, testing and commissioning of a new or upgraded incinerator, to replace the current model which is not complying with environmental standards. “We’ve got an old […]


PICI launches Aitutaki lagoon survey

Wednesday 14 March 2012 | Published in Environment

Pacific Islands Conservation Initiative (PICI) has announced the official launch of its Aitutaki Lagoon Monitoring Project (ALMP). ALMP is an ongoing research project using volunteers to conduct comprehensive biodiversity surveys of the marine habitats of the Aitutaki lagoon. Surveys will be run as consecutive six-week expeditions, with groups of 10 ‘eco-volunteers’ collecting data. These data […]


The Torea tere to Alaska

Wednesday 14 March 2012 | Published in Environment

Every year, in early April, a large tere party leaves the Cook Islands for Alaska. They are in their most spiffy clothes and are going to the great Alaskan courtship party. They are in the Torea tere. It is also most likely that the Torea tere of a thousand years ago lead the Polynesians to […]


Solar Bob takes DIY solar to jail

Thursday 8 March 2012 | Published in Environment

To build a solar water heater using recycled materials was the challenge undertaken by inmates at Arorangi Prison last week, under the guidance of ‘Solar Bob’ Riley and tutor Karen De Waal. The idea for the class came from De Waal reading a book written by Riley in 1991, “Solar Made Easy”, which discusses simple […]


WATSAN project moving ahead

Thursday 8 March 2012 | Published in Environment

The Muri lagoon sanitation project is moving ahead quickly with 11 bio-filters already installed and work on installing improved septic tanks due to begin in the next week or two. The Muri pilot project is the first in a larger scheme being implemented by the Water, Waste and Sanitation unit (WATSAN) of the Ministry of […]


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