Friday 25 July 2014 | Published in Education
Members of the public have until the end of today to voice their opinion on draft concept plans for the proposed new Nikao Primary School.
Wednesday 23 July 2014 | Published in Education
After only a few days on the job, four young men have eagerly announced they've found their future careers.
Wednesday 23 July 2014 | Published in Education
Student leaders from four colleges came together for a networking and leadership event at the High Commissioner’s official residence on Monday.
Tuesday 22 July 2014 | Published in Education
Two dramatic police pursuits have almost convinced Mangaia School student Travel Atingakau that law enforcement could be the career for him.
Tuesday 22 July 2014 | Published in Education
Outer islands school students are getting hands on experience in various workplaces across the islands as part of the Ministry of Education’s ‘work experience placement’ programme.
Monday 21 July 2014 | Published in Education
Library lunchtime lectures are returning to downtown Avarua this week, with physicist Gordon Keys talking on his work experiences since the 1950s.
Monday 21 July 2014 | Published in Education
Cook Islands tertiary students have returned to their respective institutes to put their heads in their books after successful and colourful Taokotaianga celebrations in Wellington.
Thursday 17 July 2014 | Published in Education
Long-term security services are being put in place at a number of schools on Rarotonga in response to the arson attacks at two schools late last year.
Friday 11 July 2014 | Published in Education
Nearly seven years of hard work have paid off for Cook Islander Reverend - and now Doctor - Tokerau Joseph, who has completed a PhD in theology and religion in New Zealand.
Saturday 5 July 2014 | Published in Education
Arorangi School students will be rolling out on their bikes for an eco-tour at the end of the school term with cycle tour company Storytellers.
Thursday 3 July 2014 | Published in Education
Giving budding music students the opportunity to experience what it’s like to be a touring musician is one of the main reasons Hamilton Boys High School’s musical department is back on tour in Rarotonga.
Wednesday 2 July 2014 | Published in Education
Students at Avatea School are brushing up on their business skills while gaining a deeper understanding of island culture in preparation for tomorrow’s Market Day.
Saturday 28 June 2014 | Published in Education
With Mauke School’s Years Four to Six students taking readers home three nights a week, it doesn’t take long for these developing “book worms” to chew through the school’s home reader supply. So they are very excited to have just received five boxes of good quality school journals from Hagley Community College, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Thursday 26 June 2014 | Published in Education
Business Development staff of the Business Trade and Investment Board has been conducting a business planning workshop for inmates at the Corrective Service’s facility in Arorangi as part of a rehabilitation initiative programme for the last two weeks.
Tuesday 24 June 2014 | Published in Education
International volunteer group, Global Volunteers, once again, has come through generously with a donation of brand new computers and equipment to Arorangi Primary School.
Thursday 19 June 2014 | Published in Education
Winners of a school essay and poem competition about female leadership read their pieces out to delegates at a regional police conference yesterday.
Wednesday 18 June 2014 | Published in Education
Students at Tereora College were given the opportunity yesterday to learn about energy sustainability being employed in traditional Cook Islands culture, but with a modern twist.
Friday 13 June 2014 | Published in Education
All 110 year nine students and a group of 15 year 13 students’ leaders will be attending a full day conference on Monday at the Crown Beach Resort, which has offered the use of its facilities at special rates to the college.
Saturday 7 June 2014 | Published in Education
An overseas academic who has been researching tropical cyclone hazards in the Cook Islands is giving a public lecture in Rarotonga next week.
Friday 6 June 2014 | Published in Education
A New Zealand woman with a big heart has pulled together a pallet-load of books, games, stationery and resources to help Avatea School get back on its feet after last year’s fire.