
Weaving her learning into new skills

Monday 4 May 2015 | Published in Education

Victoria Charles, owner of Victoria Gardens, really stood out for her colourful and extravagant floral arrangements at the ANZAC dawn parade on Saturday, April 25.


Tereora students taking on NZ film festival

Saturday 2 May 2015 | Published in Education

It’s all hands on deck at Tereora College today as students put the finishing touches on their entry into the 48 hour film festival in New Zealand.


Movie helps inclusive education

Friday 1 May 2015 | Published in Education

This afternoon, the Ministry of Education is hosting a screening session for New Zealand film, the Dark Horse.


Te Mato Vai making education waves

Friday 1 May 2015 | Published in Education

The Te Mato Vai water education programme currently being delivered to all but one school on Rarotonga has reached the end of its second week, said Te Mato Vai representative Jaewynn McKay.


Get your engines revving with CITTI

Thursday 30 April 2015 | Published in Education

THERE’S nothing better than being able to fi x your own machines when they break down and refuse to work.


Tertiary scholarship awards now open for entry

Wednesday 29 April 2015 | Published in Education

“Don’t underestimate yourself,” says previous New Zealand Pacific Scholarship recipient, Peka Fisher.


VIP treatment for star pupils

Wednesday 29 April 2015 | Published in Education

Rebecca Uka (left) and her friend, Maea Parker, rode in true VIP style to school on Monday morning with a chauffeured drive in a ministry VIP protocol vehicle.


Students take 'powerful directions' back to school

Tuesday 28 April 2015 | Published in Education

More than 900 students are returning to school this week with all their career questions answered.


Apii Te Uki Ou take learning outdoors

Tuesday 28 April 2015 | Published in Education

This year, Apii Potiki Te Uki Ou has started a new initiative which mirrors a growing trend in European Preschools.


Careers advice appeals as potential future job

Friday 24 April 2015 | Published in Education

Kayla Whitcher is having a little trouble deciding on her own future career, so this week she has been learning how to help others decide theirs.


Passion sparks enquiring minds at careers expo

Thursday 23 April 2015 | Published in Education

Passionate professionals and enquiring minds came together on Tuesday in an explosion of knowledge, wisdom and fun at Careers Expo 2015.


Pa Enua boys and girls broaden horizons

Tuesday 21 April 2015 | Published in Education

Last night Pa Enua girls and boys split up to attend two separate career events designed to meet gender-specific needs.


Teachers learn to foster healthy habits in young

Friday 17 April 2015 | Published in Education

Primary school teachers from the Southern Cooks have gathered in Rarotonga this week to learn more about nutrition and healthy lifestyles.


Passionate teacher aids work hard for certificates

Thursday 16 April 2015 | Published in Education

Teacher aids from all over Rarotonga have launched into study towards a certificate in teacher aiding this week.


Teachers take turn as students

Tuesday 14 April 2015 | Published in Education

Teachers from 13 local schools stepped away from their chalkboards and became students for two days last week as they took part in the Pacific Literacy and School Leadership Programme.


Help with financial education

Tuesday 14 April 2015 | Published in Education

The Ministry of Education has signed a further Memorandum of Understanding with Westpac Bank to continue to support financial literacy learning in schools.


Money is available for school

Monday 23 March 2015 | Published in Education

There has never been an issue about funding being approved for the new Apii Nikao school, says Finance and Economic Management secretary Richard Neves.


Angry parents want new school quickly

Sunday 22 March 2015 | Published in Education

An outraged Apii Nikao community is demanding that the government rebuild their school within 12 months - and they don’t want it to be Chinese-built.


Speech contest tough for judges

Thursday 19 March 2015 | Published in Education

Judges for the 2015 Anzac Day Speech Competition had their work cut out for them when students took to the stage to present their speeches to a packed hall on Thursday last week.


Schools get involved in 50th celebrations

Monday 16 March 2015 | Published in Education

An adopt a school concept has been welcomed by south group school principals during their workshop through the week. The workshop included a presentation from Thomas Wynne regarding the schools involvement in the Vaka arrivals for the 50th celebration and a presentation from CITC’s general manager Gaye Whitta and key brands manager George George regarding CITC’s 50th celebration ‘Adopt a School’ initiative. The Adopt a School initiative will see CITC and ten of its key suppliers provide assistance to 10 primary schools on Rarotonga through supplying materials and resources to enable each school to build a float for the Constitution Parade. The building of the floats will be incorporated into each school’s curriculum this year and with the help of the teams from CITC it is expected that the floats will be as good, if not better than some of the spectacular floats of yesteryear that have been talked about for many years. Not only will the teams from CITC be assisting with the construction of the float but each team will work with the schools to provide assistance towards a school project such as fresh water stations, library books, sporting materials etc. The Ministry of Education is grateful for the continuing support that CITC provides for education in Rarotonga and the schools are looking forward to the exciting challenge.


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