
Lagoon Day a chance to really learn

Friday 6 November 2015 | Published in Education

More than 1,000 students and adults attended Lagoon Day last month, soaking up as much knowledge as possible during the recent two-day event.


Tereora funding secured

Friday 6 November 2015 | Published in Education

As year 13 students packed their bags to head for the “real world” yesterday, the paperwork for a $11.7 million rebuild of their school was signed and sealed.


App to help keep languages alive

Tuesday 3 November 2015 | Published in Education

Learning the basics of the Cook Islands languages has become easier with the development of the Cook Islands Dictionary app for smartphones and tablets.


Local tertiary education courses evaluated

Monday 2 November 2015 | Published in Education

Courses at the Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute have been put under the microscope this week by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.


Titikaveka College benefits from World Food Day

Monday 2 November 2015 | Published in Education

The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute has donated $200 to Titikaveka College thanks to their success at World Food Day.


School deal signed, sealed

Tuesday 27 October 2015 | Published in Education

Signed and sealed, the Apii Nikao school community will be hoping the $10 million handed over by Chinese officials yesterday will deliver their long-awaited modern learning environment.


School resists new fire station

Friday 23 October 2015 | Published in Education

Titikaveka College is holding firm against the construction of a new fire station on school grounds.


Budding artists blossom at museum art course

Friday 23 October 2015 | Published in Education

November is set to be an exciting month for eight budding artists whose course work is to be put on display in the National Culture Division Museum.


Storyboard explains the story of Tuoro

Friday 23 October 2015 | Published in Education

The history and spiritual significance of Tuoro is now on full display for visitors and locals, with the unveiling of a new storyboard at the special site.


Salon competitors wow the judges

Wednesday 21 October 2015 | Published in Education

Hospitality and tourism professionals wowed judges at this year’s Salon Culinaire, and revealed the next generation of culinary experts.


Education supports USP qualifications

Wednesday 21 October 2015 | Published in Education

The Cook Islands Ministry of Education remains confident in the quality of qualifications from the University of South Pacific, following concerns expressed in Fiji about some of them.


Lagoon Day promises big ideas

Wednesday 14 October 2015 | Published in Education

The leaders of tomorrow will share their solutions for today at the annual Lagoon Day event next week.


USP opens new door to China

Saturday 10 October 2015 | Published in Education

The relationship between the Cook Islands and the People’s Republic of China has received another boost, with the opening of the first ever Confucius classroom this week.


Web workshop gives public new knowledge

Thursday 8 October 2015 | Published in Education

A group of newly tech-savvy Cook Islanders are embracing the digital world this week, following the completion of a social media and web workshop.


Brighter future for teacher aides

Friday 25 September 2015 | Published in Education

Even the rain couldn’t dampen the spirit of celebration at the Cook Islands Creative Centre on Tuesday, as a group of passionate teachers took another big leap in their careers.


Savings boost for nation's children

Wednesday 23 September 2015 | Published in Education

The precious piggy banks of tamariki will be rattling with savings thanks to a $230,000 government gift which will see $125 gifted to every primary school-aged child in the Cook Islands.


Fire station on hold for now

Tuesday 22 September 2015 | Published in Education

Plans for a new fire station to be built on Titikaveka College grounds are on hold following the teacher and student uproar at the lack of consultation.


Gala funds to help provide computer lab

Tuesday 22 September 2015 | Published in Education

A new computer lab is on the cards for Titikaveka College after more than $20,000 was raised at their annual gala on Friday.


School farewells teaching couple

Saturday 19 September 2015 | Published in Education

Apii Te Uki Ou primary school students waved “ka kite” to principal Simon Drewery yesterday.


Aussie trainees head home

Saturday 19 September 2015 | Published in Education

Twenty-four Australian teaching students are taking a slice of Cook Islands’ education home with them today after three weeks teaching on Rarotonga.


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