
Budget group gets down to work

Tuesday 4 April 2017 | Published in Economy

The Budget Support Group (BSG) was established to provide support during the budget process in evaluating ministry and agency submissions and provide recommendations to cabinet.


PM signs Singapore flights deal

Wednesday 8 February 2017 | Published in Economy

Yesterday marked another milestone in deepening relations between the Cook Islands and Singapore with the signing of an Air Services Agreement between the two countries.


Tourism boosts interest from Asia

Friday 15 April 2016 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Economy

In a bid to boost its Asian market, Cook Islands Tourism Corporation took part in the China Outbound Travel and Tourism market (COTTM) this week.


Tourism confirms visitor increase

Friday 8 April 2016 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Economy

With the exception of November, the Cook Islands have experienced strong growth in visitor arrivals since October last year, says the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation.


Economy in holding pattern

Saturday 30 January 2016 | Published in Economy

The verdict is out on the global economic outlook for 2016.


US stance on fishing could hit economy

Friday 22 January 2016 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Economy

The Cook Islands government is concerned about the impact on national fisheries revenue after United States gave Pacific Island nations notice on its plans to withdraw from the South Pacific Tuna Treaty.


New appointment at BSP 'exciting,' says manager

Wednesday 11 November 2015 | Published in Economy

Bank of South Pacific (BSP) Cook Islands has a new member on its leadership team.


Online tax returns quicker and faster Don't waste time, just file online.

Wednesday 11 November 2015 | Published in Economy

The Revenue Management Division has been working hard to alleviate sress and complications for local people wanting to pay their VAT and PAYE returns.


Purse seining FADs a necessity: Ponia

Tuesday 10 November 2015 | Published in Economy

In the deep blue waters of the Cook Islands, fish aggregating devices are necessary to attract skipjack tuna and allow the government to dip into the pot of international fishing gold.


Tourism wants action on Sunday flights

Friday 6 November 2015 | Published in Economy

The Cook Islands Tourism Corporation is calling on the government to make a decision on the future of controversial Sunday flights to Aitutaki.


MFEM sticking by budget report

Wednesday 4 November 2015 | Published in Economy

Financial Secretary Richard Neves has issued a press release to explain the government’s additional spending during the last financial year.


Tourism welcomes new blood

Tuesday 3 November 2015 | Published in Economy

A new group of passionate individuals have been charged with the task of leading tourism in the Cook Islands towards a brighter future.


Samoan PM opens new insurance firm

Tuesday 3 November 2015 | Published in Economy

Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi officially opened the FPI office in the Cook Islands in Rarotonga on Wednesday last week.


Tourism wants to build the cruise industry

Monday 2 November 2015 | Published in Economy

Two big cruise ships have already been and gone from The Rock in recent days as plans are well underway for more marketing and promotion of the Cook Islands as a cruise destination.


Bank launches global brand in Pacific

Saturday 31 October 2015 | Published in Economy

ANZ this week announced a new direction for its advertising across the Pacific, connecting to the bank’s global brand campaign launched in May this year.


Luxury ship boosts tourist numbers for the day

Saturday 31 October 2015 | Published in Economy

Rarotonga received an influx of tourists from the luxury cruise ship MA Amsterdam yesterday.


New hope for telecoms competition

Saturday 31 October 2015 | Published in Economy

Cook Islanders could have another mobile phone company to choose from if the government heeds the Asian Development Bank’s advice that it should promote competition in local telecommunications.


Purse seining deal worth $9.6 million

Thursday 29 October 2015 | Published in Economy

International media have reported that the Cook Islands government has signed a $9.6 million commitment to allow four Spanish purse seiners to fish in Cook Islands waters over the next four years.


Private sector airs concerns

Thursday 29 October 2015 | Published in Economy

Members of the private sector had their voices heard by Pacific Islands Forum Economic and Trade Ministers in a special workshop yesterday.


Good progress already

Thursday 29 October 2015 | Published in Economy

An Asian Development Bank report on the Cook Islands’ private sector including 39 recommendations for improvement was released today.


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