
Extra TMV funds needed for landowners

Saturday 5 April 2014 | Published in Economy

Additional funds will need to be appropriated if Government is to compensate landowners affected by the Te Mato Vai water infrastructure project.


VAT legislation gets sign off

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Economy

Crown Law has ruled the Government passed its Value Added Tax amendment validly and is law.


Graduate researches seabed minerals

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Economy

There were no “eureka” moments for graduate James Davies, who has spent weeks in Rarotonga 'mining' seabed mineral data – but he did find mineral price sensitivity is more important to overall profitability of seabed mining than first thought.


Govt holds tight to Telecom shares

Friday 4 April 2014 | Published in Economy

The Government will not be selling any of its stake in Telecom Cook Islands to global player Digicel, says Mark Brown.


VAT increase sees Demos walk out

Tuesday 1 April 2014 | Published in Economy

Legislation to increase Value Added Tax (VAT) from 12.5 to 15 per cent was passed yesterday during a raucous opening day of Parliament that saw the Opposition walk out in protest.


Same margin for fuel companies

Monday 31 March 2014 | Published in Economy

Local fuel importers are regulated to ensure they make the same profit margin from their wholesale transactions, says the industry watchdog.


Lift in maternity leave payment

Saturday 29 March 2014 | Published in Economy

Increasing the minimum wage means private sector maternity leave pay will be going up by $40 per week.


Govt back-tracks on vege tariff cut

Saturday 29 March 2014 | Published in Economy

Import tariffs on seasonal vegetables originally slated for removal as part of Government’s sweeping tax reforms will now remain in place.


Million dollar baby on the way

Friday 28 March 2014 | Published in Economy

The Government is about to make its 1000th payment of the new-born allowance and the soon-to-be-born recipient is being dubbed ‘The Million Dollar Baby’.


Sea cucumbers to be exported?

Friday 28 March 2014 | Published in Economy

Local stocks of sea cucumbers were explored in a recent report, along with management techniques for a potential export industry in the Cooks.


$1m local boost from solar project

Thursday 27 March 2014 | Published in Economy

About $1 million will be injected into the local economy through the building of a large solar power system at Rarotonga International Airport, says the Office of the Prime Minister.


Minimum wage gets 20 per cent increase

Thursday 27 March 2014 | Published in Economy

Minister of Internal Affairs Nandi Glassie has announced that he will lift the minimum wage to $6 per hour from next week.


Panel suggests $1 wage increase

Wednesday 26 March 2014 | Published in Economy

A formal recommendation has been made to Internal Affairs Minister Nandi Glassie that he increase the minimum wage by $1.


Fuel prices among highest in region

Tuesday 25 March 2014 | Published in Economy

Cook Islanders are paying one of the highest retail prices for fuel in the entire Pacific Region, according to a new report.


Education blitz on under-age workers

Monday 24 March 2014 | Published in Economy

The Ministry of Internal Affairs – Labour & Employment Relations Office has been informed that a young person under 16 years has taken up employment and stopped going to school.


Colagate inquiry next month

Saturday 22 March 2014 | Published in Economy

The long-awaited ‘Colagate’ inquiry will begin next month, an official with Cook Islands Parliament has confirmed.


Auditors discuss govt accountability

Friday 21 March 2014 | Published in Economy

Members of parliament’s Public Accounts Committee are hosting a regional audit official who has travelled to Rarotonga to discuss government financial accountability in the South Pacific.


Western Union electronic draw

Tuesday 3 December 2013 | Published in Economy

One Vaka Eiva paddling crew were winners before they even hit the water, before they walked off the plane in fact! The Paddle Chicks stepped off the plane from New Zealand and were pleasantly surprised when told they had won the Fexco Western Union electronic draw. In previous years winners of the electronic draw have […]


Sovereign wealth fund talks begin

Wednesday 4 September 2013 | Published in Economy

Members of the public attended an information meeting on Monday night to discuss the establishment of the seabed mining sovereign wealth fund.


Govt seeks airline options

Wednesday 4 September 2013 | Published in Economy

The government is reaching out to international airlines that may be interested in providing long-haul air travel services to the Cook Islands.


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