
Te Maeva Nui spirit alive in Manihiki

Thursday 1 August 2013 | Published in Culture

Henua Manihiki is alive with the spirit of Te Maeva Nui.


Aotearoa ambassadors

Thursday 1 August 2013 | Published in Culture

An electrifying kapa haka performance was led by Te Amokura’s Awatea Pokai (front) at the National Auditorium as part of the BCI trade days yesterday.


Cold nights for Te Maeva Nui

Wednesday 31 July 2013 | Published in Culture

Those heading to Te Maeva Nui night markets should rug up for the chilly evenings to come.


Tangi te pu!

Tuesday 30 July 2013 | Published in Culture

Dressed in vibrant Cook Islands dance costumes, these beautiful young women from the outer island of Mauke represented their island during the colourful Te Maeva Nui float parade through Avarua yesterday.


Photo booth cut by ministry

Tuesday 30 July 2013 | Published in Culture

There will be no photo booth at Te Maeva Nui night markets this year after a last-minute cancellation by the secretary of the Ministry of Cultural Development (MoCD).


'Be safe during Te Maeva Nui'

Monday 29 July 2013 | Published in Culture

As the nation celebrates Te Maeva Nui this week, police are asking the public to be safe and enjoy the festivities.


Cook Islands welcome new family members

Thursday 25 July 2013 | Published in Culture

One hundred and three people became Cook Islanders yesterday.


National anthem left out

Thursday 25 July 2013 | Published in Culture

A breach in protocol is being blamed on a technical glitch at yesterday’s permanent residency (PR) ceremony.


Children key to living culture

Wednesday 17 July 2013 | Published in Culture

Arorangi Primary School students show off their weaving skills during the second annual school cultural competition, organised and sponsored by the Highland Paradise Cultural Centre in Vaka Puaikura.


Keeping alive cultural pride

Wednesday 17 July 2013 | Published in Culture

Rarotonga school children put their tau umu (umu cooking), weaving, storytelling, ute singing and drumming skills to the test yesterday in the second annual school cultural competition organised and sponsored by Highland Paradise Cultural Centre.


Donation for Potiki club

Saturday 13 July 2013 | Published in Culture

A new after school centre for children has recently opened its doors for business.


New face at TIS

Saturday 13 July 2013 | Published in Culture

People everywhere can expect to hear plenty about the Cook Islands Marine Park over the next year from a newly appointed staff member of Te Ipukarea Society (TIS).


Three honoured with NZ citizenship

Wednesday 10 July 2013 | Published in Culture

Three residents of the Cook Islands swore an oath on Queen Elizabeth II in a citizenship ceremony presided over by New Zealand High Commissioner John Carter yesterday.


House of Ariki meeting starts

Monday 8 July 2013 | Published in Culture

Today marks the start of the House of Ariki annual conference for traditional title holders. The week-long conference was declared open on Friday during the Ariki Day celebrations by House of Ariki Kaumaiti (president) Travel Tou Ariki. During his address at the Ariki Day celebrations, Travel Tou Ariki touched on some of the issues the traditional leaders would be discussing. One matter he wants addressed is the process in which title holders are elected and invested with a traditional title. His biggest concern is the in-fighting among family members vying for the title, and such matters going to the land court to be dealt with rather than family members discussing and mutually agreeing to the right person to hold the traditional title. While this issue is set to make for robust discussion during the conference, there was nothing but peace and togetherness at the Ariki Day celebrations hosted by Vaka Takitumu chiefs Pa Ariki and Kainuku Ariki.


E Toa! E Ariki!

Saturday 6 July 2013 | Published in Culture

With arms wide open, Kaumaiti (president) of the House of Ariki, Travel Tou Ariki, accepts the kura (message) and invite by Pa Ariki and Kainuku Ariki to join Vaka Takitumu in celebrating Ui Ariki Day on Friday.


Ui Ariki Day on the horizon

Wednesday 3 July 2013 | Published in Culture

Ui Ariki and Aronga Mana from the outer islands have begun to arrive on Rarotonga for the Ui Ariki Day celebrations this Friday.


Farewell Tinomana Ariki

Tuesday 2 July 2013 | Published in Culture

Vaka Puaikura paramount chief Tinomana Ruta Tuoro Ariki will be laid to rest tomorrow and her life’s achievements celebrated.


Tumanava shares passion for nature

Saturday 29 June 2013 | Published in Culture

Seventeen-year-old Tumanava Karika Wilmott won the Year 13 Cook Islands Polyfest speech edging out 18 other New Zealand college students in the competition held earlier this year.


Govt explores fisheries quotas

Tuesday 25 June 2013 | Published in Culture

Cook Islands delegates have returned from Napier where they were hosted by the Ngati Kahungunu Iwi to investigate opportunities to strengthen ties with the Maori.


PM to France, Belgium

Saturday 22 June 2013 | Published in Culture

Prime Minister Henry Puna, fresh off a busy trip to the United States where he participated in 2013 Pacific Day festivities at the New Zealand Embassy, will be in Europe for the bulk of the week.


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