Tuesday 24 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Vehicle crashes continue to concern police, who say many accidents could be avoided if drivers heed warnings about drinking and driving.
Tuesday 24 June 2014 | Published in Crime
After seven months in custody burglary accused Teremoana Saddler has been released on bail.
Saturday 21 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Two import rugby players from Samoa arrested in May for fighting outside the Rehab Nightclub and Bar have pleaded guilty to their charges.
Friday 20 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Bail was granted for kidnap accused Christopher Lewe Michael Rimamotu and more charges have been laid against him.
Friday 20 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Crown Law is overseeing the draft of a new Crimes Bill, a major project involving the help of specialist drafters from the Australian Attorney-General’s Office.
Thursday 19 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Clem Fortes says if he can get his wife’s vehicle registration plate back from New Zealand, it will make a great story to tell the grandkids.
Wednesday 18 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Cook Islands Police Service says it is investigating the alleged theft of a local vehicle registration plate, which has appeared on Facebook in the hands of two New Zealand men.
Tuesday 17 June 2014 | Published in Crime
The High Court on June 12 was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning, who made the following judgements:
Tuesday 17 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Police say drunk driving, poor driver behaviour and speed are continuing to cause crashes on our roads.
Tuesday 17 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Two New Zealand men have posted potentially incriminating photos of themselves on Facebook holding a vehicle registration plate allegedly stolen in Rarotonga last week.
Saturday 14 June 2014 | Published in Crime
An alleged act of vandalism carried out on a ‘No Swimming’ sign in Vaimaanga has upset the Cook Islands Water Safety and Surf Lifesaving Council.
Friday 13 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Police staff from 22 countries will be in Rarotonga next week to discuss issues affecting women in police forces across the region.About 60 delegates will be attending the Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police Women Advisory Network’s 11th annual conference.
Tuesday 10 June 2014 | Published in Crime
The High Court on June 5 was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning who made the following judgements:
Tuesday 10 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Seven people including four visitors face hefty fines after being caught drink driving.
Saturday 7 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Name suppression has been lifted for four men charged with fighting in a public place.
Friday 6 June 2014 | Published in Crime
The man charged with kidnapping a seven-year-old girl has been placed back into custody over concerns for his safety.
Thursday 5 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Police had a busy long weekend dealing with incidents of burglary and theft, including the siphoning of fuel from a rental company.
Tuesday 3 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Forty-two-year-old Takuvaine man Richard Hoepper has been sentenced to community service and probation for taking $13,800 worth of stolen cigarettes.
Tuesday 3 June 2014 | Published in Crime
Recidivist offender Ponatu U'a has had an extra nine months of prison time added to his current sentence for not reporting stolen goods worth more than $1000.
Tuesday 3 June 2014 | Published in Crime
The High Court on May 29 was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning, who made the following judgements: