Saturday 13 September 2014 | Published in Crime
Local business owner and Atiu mayor George Taoro Brown has been discharged without conviction for his second charge of common assault.
Friday 12 September 2014 | Published in Crime
Aitutaki man Poaru Tatira may have a re-trial next year with a judge and jury on a firearm charge that was dismissed by three Justices of the Peace in March.
Monday 8 September 2014 | Published in Crime
The High Court on September 4 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Carmen Temata, who made the following judgements:
Monday 8 September 2014 | Published in Crime
The Australian who heads fishery management in the Western and Central Pacific has warned an international agreement is urgently needed to avert disaster for the tuna industry.
Saturday 6 September 2014 | Published in Crime
Two defendants whose partners wanted assault charges dropped will need to continue their counselling, say counselling service Punanga Tauturu.
Monday 1 September 2014 | Published in Crime
Police will be stepping up their traffic control procedures after attending to five motor vehicle accidents in two days.
Friday 29 August 2014 | Published in Crime
Fleeing the scene of a crash has left a Nikao man without a licence.
Friday 29 August 2014 | Published in Crime
Police are investigating a crash involving a “high profile person” identified by an eyewitness as being Atiu MP and Cabinet Minister Nandi Glassie.
Friday 29 August 2014 | Published in Crime
An Arorangi man who stole lemons from a private property in Akaoa will spend three months doing community service after pleading guilty.
Thursday 28 August 2014 | Published in Crime
A former supermarket cashier has been sentenced to 12 months' probation for taking an envelope full of cash left on her checkout counter.
Wednesday 27 August 2014 | Published in Crime
A first-time offender who admitted to assisting four burglaries on Rarotonga in June has managed to avoid a long probation sentence and been told to make a fresh start.
Tuesday 26 August 2014 | Published in Crime
A German tourist cut short his holiday in the Cook Islands after hearing what he mistakenly thought were threatening comments made against him.
Monday 25 August 2014 | Published in Crime
The High Court on August 21 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Georgina Williams, who made the following judgements:
Saturday 23 August 2014 | Published in Crime
Two men charged with assaulting their female partners have been diverted for counselling before a decision is made on their cases.
Friday 22 August 2014 | Published in Crime
A man has been convicted and fined after beating up a passer-by who gave him the “one finger salute” to his request to join his group in a drinking session.
Friday 22 August 2014 | Published in Crime
One defendant accused of taking part in the burglaries of four Rarotonga businesses two months ago has been approved for alternative resolution by the Cook Islands Police.
Tuesday 19 August 2014 | Published in Crime
The High Court on August 14 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Tui Short, who made the following judgements:
Monday 18 August 2014 | Published in Crime
A drunk driver discovered passed out in a hedge in Pue has received a stern warning from the court and been disqualified from driving.
Saturday 16 August 2014 | Published in Crime
Some positivity has been gained out of a seemingly hopeless situation with a young man alleged of continuously breaking his probation conditions is released from jail.
Saturday 9 August 2014 | Published in Crime
The car crash victim alleged to have stolen the car he was driving faced a strong warning from a Justice of the Peace after he failed to appear at his own defended hearing on Wednesday.