
Passport theft frightens woman

Monday 23 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Police are still looking for leads in a burglary which has left a local woman scared as well as drastically changing her overseas travel plans.


Lyon case finished for local police force

Saturday 21 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Cook Islands Police will not re-investigate the actions of a New Zealand sex offender who was allowed to live in the Cook Islands more than a decade ago, and was finally jailed in New Zealand in December.


Burglary cases adjourned

Friday 20 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Two men facing charges of burglary and theft appeared before Justice of the Peace Bernice Manarangi in the High Court last week.


Wallet's return puts holiday back on track

Thursday 19 February 2015 | Published in Crime

The sun is finally shining on the holiday of two American tourists after a woman was arrested and will appear in court today in relation to the alleged theft of $3000 from their accommodation.


Court appearances set for later

Wednesday 18 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Four people charged with driving with excess breath alcohol had their cases scheduled for later dates when they appeared before JP Manarangi in the High Court last week.


Theft wrecks holiday

Wednesday 18 February 2015 | Published in Crime

The holiday of two American visitors was over before it could start when they discovered a wallet containing credit cards and $3,000 cash had been stolen on their first day on Rarotonga.


Repeat offender jailed

Tuesday 17 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Toawea Highland was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment and 12 months’ probation as well as having his driver’s licence disqualified for 12 months, when he appeared in the High Court last week on a charge of driving with excess breath-alcohol.


Nine in court on assault charges

Tuesday 17 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Nine people appeared in the High Court on charges of assault last week.


Pair plead not guilty to drink-drive charges

Thursday 5 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Luke Brown and Michael Savage pleaded not guilty to charges of driving with excess breath alcohol when they appeared in the High Court last week.


Trio in court on theft charges

Thursday 5 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Joseph Wichman, Areariki Cowan and Dawn Ngaeruaiti all faced charges of theft when they appeared in the High Court before Justice of the Peace Carmen Temata last week. Wichman pleaded guilty and police sought a three-week adjournment of his case. However due to the seriousness of the charge and the need for a three -JP sentencing, Wichman’s sentencing hearing was scheduled for June 2, when a probation report will be provided. Defence counsel Mark Short asked police to provide disclosure documents for his client Cowan, and an adjournment was granted to February 5. Police withdrew the charge against Ngaeruaiti on the basis that the matter had since been dealt with by the property owner and defendant. George Keu Fred Maoate appeared on charges of theft by finding. Defence counsel Norman George withdrew his services in the case, handed all disclosures to Maoate and urged the police and court to assist Maoate in seeking new counsel. Police prosecutor Fairoa Tararo submitted a new charge of burglary and sought a two-week adjournment to clarify whether the new charge was to substitute the old charge, or if the two charges would be separate. Adjournment was approved to February 12, with bail conditions to continue. Kyle Tamariki failed to appear on a charge of being unlawfully found on premises. Police prosecutor Tararo said he had no objections regarding Tamariki’s absence as police had withdrawn all charges due to insufficient evidence. Douglas Tau entered two pleas of not guilty to not being licensed or prohibited to have a Class C drug plant and possession of a utensil for smoking a class C Drug. However, Tau, who will appear before a judge and jury on July 23, pleaded guilty to a charge of being in possession of a Class C drug. Defence counsel Norman George sought approval from the court to adjourn the charge indefinitely, or until there had been an outcome from the other two charges. Police agreed with the request but continued to seek judgment regarding a fourth charge of contempt of court. George swiftly entered a plea of guilty on behalf of his client, followed by a further plea to the court for a withdrawal of the charge, on the grounds that his client had been so focused on his work he had simply lost track of the time. JP Temata withdrew the contempt of court charge with a strong warning to Tou not to offend again. The drug charges will be heard at a defended hearing in the High Court on July 23, before Justice Doherty. Teremoana Saddler pleaded guilty to a new charge of contempt of court after police withdrew five previous charges. A sentencing date was set for March 4, with all other pending charges to be heard and rescheduled on the same day. Saddler was remanded in custody.


Police warning follows assault on tourist

Thursday 5 February 2015 | Published in Crime

Local police are issuing a strong warning that there is no place for violence in the Cook Islands.


Assault charge brings 12 months' probation

Tuesday 3 February 2015 | Published in Crime

The High Court on January 29 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Carmen Temata, who made the following judgments:


Last drive before licence loss

Wednesday 28 January 2015 | Published in Crime

Manatu Taumaa was convicted and fined $500 plus $30 court costs and was disqualified from driving for 12 months when he appeared the High Court last Thursday charged with driving with excess breath alcohol.


Injured tourist still struggles to hear

Wednesday 28 January 2015 | Published in Crime

The 36 year old British tourist injured in a vicious and unprovoked attack at an Avarua nightclub last Friday night still cannot hear properly, days after the incident.


Assault charge dropped

Wednesday 21 January 2015 | Published in Crime

Police officer Manuia Pareina had a charge of common assault dropped when he appeared in the High Court before Justice of the Peace John Kenning last Thursday.


Drink drivers fined, disqualified

Wednesday 21 January 2015 | Published in Crime

Six drivers appeared in the High Court last week on charges of driving with excess breath alcohol. The court was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning.


Police action 'over-zealous'

Tuesday 20 January 2015 | Published in Crime

The High Court on January 15 was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning, who made the following judgments:


Police centre to operate 24 hours

Monday 19 January 2015 | Published in Crime

The Cook Islands Police operations command centre is being expanded to work around the clock.


Police want information about two burglary cases

Tuesday 13 January 2015 | Published in Crime

Police are seeking information from the public in relation to two separate burglary cases now under investigation.


Domestic fights stretch police resources

Monday 12 January 2015 | Published in Crime

Cook Islands Police Service’s support team was stretched at the weekend with a spike in domestic violence.


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