
11 in court for assault

Saturday 27 October 2012 | Published in Crime

Eleven defendants appeared in the Cook Islands High Court on Thursday to face assault charges.


Makea family factions in dispute

Wednesday 24 October 2012 | Published in Crime

The Makea family may have won their Privy Council land dispute against Ngati Raina – but the different Makea branches are now fighting over who is entitled to the land.


Privy Council issues decisions

Tuesday 23 October 2012 | Published in Crime

Two Cook Islands land court cases went all the way to England to be decided by the Privy Council – who yesterday decided that one appeal will be allowed and the other thrown out.


'Unusual and difficult' case dealt with

Tuesday 23 October 2012 | Published in Crime

The Commonwealth’s highest court of appeal has granted the appeal of a Cook Islands land dispute in a historic ruling.


Ngati Raina claim unsuccessful

Tuesday 23 October 2012 | Published in Crime

A century-old Cook Islands land dispute was thrown out of England’s Privy Council – the Commonwealth’s highest court.


JP concerned for victim's safety

Wednesday 17 October 2012 | Published in Crime

The High Court on October 11 was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning, who passed the following judgments:


Tribute to 2 remarkable women

Tuesday 16 October 2012 | Published in Crime

By Titikaveka MP


110 land court cases

Thursday 11 October 2012 | Published in Crime

Disputes over Cook Islands land are currently being heard by Justice Patrick Savage in the land division of the High Court.


Assault, theft and burglaries dealt with

Wednesday 10 October 2012 | Published in Crime

The High Court on October 4 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Carmen Temata, who passed the following judgments:


Assault case abandoned

Wednesday 10 October 2012 | Published in Crime

A man accused of assaulting his partner had the case against him dismissed in court last week after his victim changed her mind about pressing charges.


Student faces indecent assault charge

Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in Crime

The High Court on September 27 was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning, A young man with name suppression who has been charged with indecent assault of a woman could not come to court because he was sitting an exam at Tereora College. Kenning accepted this excuse. He has previously pleaded not […]


Ranking quest for handballers

Friday 28 September 2012 | Published in Crime

A desire to improve their ranking is motivating the Cook Islands’ under 20 handball teams as they head to the IHF Challenge Cup to be held in Apia, Samoa next week. The Cook Islands is sending a men’s and women’s team to the event to be held on October 2-6. The Cooks will be looking […]


Lawyer accuses police of being the 'gestapo'

Wednesday 26 September 2012 | Published in Crime

The High Court on September 20 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Carmen Temata, who passed the following judgments: William Wade – was in court facing burglary charges. Counsel Norman George said he was only notified in the last few days of at least four charges – “some of them quite serious” – […]


'Don't take law into own hands', warns JP

Wednesday 26 September 2012 | Published in Crime

A man who was provoked by racial taunts to strike out at his agitator has received a suspended sentence in the High Court last week. Ralph Adams pleaded guilty to common assault, which happened at 8.15am on September 12. The victim, Seth Love, approached the defendant in a public car park in Avarua, making racial […]


Supermarket thieves' names suppressed

Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Crime

Three female employees of CITC Foodland have pleaded guilty to theft as a servant – but despite this, have received interim name suppression. The offending happened on Saturday September 1, when all three were clocked in to work at the supermarket from 8am to 4pm that day. Defence counsel Wilkie Rasmussen defended all three in […]


JP wants change to come to fruition

Tuesday 18 September 2012 | Published in Crime

A local justice of the peace would like to see all the chief justice’s discussion paper recommendations on changes to the JP system followed through by government.


Guilty pleas after 399 days

Monday 17 September 2012 | Published in Crime

The High Court on September 13 was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning, who passed the following sentences: Kakino Kakino – pleaded guilty to multiple charges of contempt of court, burglary, unlawfully found and threatening to kill with grievous bodily harm. Crown lawyer Cheryl King added there was an extra breaking and […]


Cricket fan disqualified

Saturday 15 September 2012 | Published in Crime

What started as an afternoon of watching sixes, fours and plenty of wickets tumble ended in a 12-month disqualification from driving and a $500 fine for Ngavavia Tou. In his first appearance before the high court, Tou pleaded guilty to excess breath alcohol with an astonishing 1361 milligrams per litre of breath after watching a […]


Estall pleads not guilty to manslaughter

Friday 14 September 2012 | Published in Crime

A man charged with manslaughter over the death of Kulani Takai Elikana has been identified as James Estall. Under interim name suppression until yesterday, Estall pleaded not guilty to the charge as well as an additional charge of excess breath alcohol (EBA). On June 16, it is alleged Estall was driving along the main road […]


Drink driver to pay $4825

Thursday 13 September 2012 | Published in Crime

A man was sentenced for excess breath alcohol and careless driving causing injury by Chief Justice Tom Weston in the High Court. Manu Hafoka previously pleaded guilty in front of a justice of the peace to the offences, which happened on July 6. Hafoka must pay reparation for damage to the victim’s truck. But one […]


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