
Pre-trial change of charges for accused

Tuesday 27 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Panama man Gene Hunter has had charges against him changed after his trial came close to adjournment on Monday.


George attends 1st FIFA meet

Tuesday 27 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Local lawyer and Atiu member of parliament Norman George made his first visit to FIFA Headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland as a member of the FIFA Disciplinary Committee.


Visitors arrested for drink driving

Monday 26 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Three visitors arrested for drink driving appeared in the High Court last Thursday.


Probation for Matapo

Saturday 24 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Operation Eagle accused Dina Matapo has been sentenced to one year probation with 6 months’ community service on a charge of offering to supply cannabis.


Jail for refusing jury service?

Saturday 24 August 2013 | Published in Crime

The judge currently presiding over the Operation Eagle court cases has alluded to the possibility of jail time for jurors who fail to fulfil their duties.


Arlander receives jail sentence

Saturday 24 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Local businessman Scott Arlander has received 10 months’ imprisonment for three charges of selling cannabis.


Demo Party welcomes High Court's decision

Friday 23 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Dear Editor, The decision by the High Court about Norman George’s political status is welcomed by the Democratic Party and the Opposition.


3 plead guilty in drugs case

Tuesday 20 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Three Operation Eagle accused have pleaded guilty to their charges, eliminating the need for a two-week court trial that set to start this week.


Common assault charge 'boyish buffoonery'

Monday 19 August 2013 | Published in Crime

The High Court was presided over by Justice of the Peace John Kenning who passed the following judgments: Leroy Robinson – appeared in court for sentencing over a common assault charge.


Arlander sentencing next week

Saturday 17 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Rarotonga businessman Scott Arlander will be sentenced for three charges of selling cannabis next Friday.


Final Op Eagle trial this month

Friday 16 August 2013 | Published in Crime

The remaining four defendants caught in the largest drug bust in Cook Islands history are up for trial next week.


Assault described as 'a little push'

Monday 12 August 2013 | Published in Crime

The High Court on August 8 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Pae Tuteru who made the following judgements: Mii Matara –retained a lawyer, Wilkie Rasmussen, and pleaded guilty to a charge of assault on a female.


Truck driver loses licence

Monday 12 August 2013 | Published in Crime

A full-time driver for CITC’s warehouse charged with failing a breath test has been disqualified from driving.


Youth day focuses on migration

Friday 9 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Migrating Cook Islands youth, community involvement and volunteerism are the themes for this year’s International Youth Day taking place on Monday, August 12.


Accused to take psych analysis

Wednesday 7 August 2013 | Published in Crime

The High Court on August 1 was presided over by Justice of the Peace Tauei Solomon, who passed the following judgements: Iete Pukerua – has yet to take a psychiatric analysis by Dr Rangi Fariu to confirm his state of mind when he makes a plea.


Details sought in super fund case

Friday 2 August 2013 | Published in Crime

Preliminary details of the superannuation case remain to be worked out before it can be heard before the High Court next month.


Thief sentenced to 6 months in prison

Friday 2 August 2013 | Published in Crime

A tough sentence was handed down on Wednesday to a young man who stole from tourists.


Women in crash over the limit

Tuesday 30 July 2013 | Published in Crime

The High Court was presided over by Justice of the Peace Tui Short on July 25 who made the following judgments: Te Konini Rongo – was charged with excess blood alcohol.


Son joins father-in-law in jail for cannabis possession

Tuesday 30 July 2013 | Published in Crime

Arorangi man Marcus Enoka was suspected of helping his jailed father-in-law cultivate cannabis after the connection was discovered at his sentencing in court on Friday.


Superfund case in September

Monday 29 July 2013 | Published in Crime

The precedent-setting Cook Islands superannuation case has been adjourned until September.


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