Monday 23 April 2018 | Published in Weekend
Ever since returning to the Cook Islands with her husband and three children in 2014, Rarotonga tax advisory officer Chiavanni Le’Mon has dreamed of moving to the Pa Enua.
Saturday 7 April 2018 | Published in Weekend
With the often controversial and much-beleaguered vessel the Tiare Taporo voyaging north again for the first time in almost two years, CINews takes a look back at the boat’s turbulent past. This third and final instalment in our series covers the vessel’s 2016 voyages and brings us up to date with recent events.
Sunday 1 April 2018 | Published in Weekend
As the often controversial and much-beleaguered vessel the Tiare Taporo prepares to soon set sail again for the first time in almost two years, CINews takes a look back at the boat’s turbulent past. In part two of this series the Tiare Taporo finally departs Canada but ends up causing political strife back home in the Cook Islands.
Monday 19 March 2018 | Published in Weekend
If Jacinda Ardern is the daughter of Niue, could Winston Peters be the son of the Pacific?
Monday 12 March 2018 | Published in Weekend
Robert Matapo’s grandfather came from Mauke.
Monday 5 March 2018 | Published in Weekend
During his third visit to Rarotonga, Tom Clancy novelist Marc Cameron was gracious enough to sit down with CINews journalist Conor Leathley for a lengthy discussion of his life and writing.
Monday 26 February 2018 | Published in Weekend
I had something of a spiritual experience last week – although I’m not really that sort of guy – and ticked or half ticked something off my bucket list at the same time.
Tuesday 6 February 2018 | Published in Weekend
One of the most intriguing stories involving the Cook Islands began on Aitutaki on the morning of August 31, 1917, when six smartly-dressed and well-groomed men made an unexpected arrival
Monday 9 October 2017 | Published in Weekend
Whale researcher Nan Hauser wrote this personal account of her exciting encounter with a 50-tonne humpback last week, especially for CINews.
Monday 15 May 2017 | Published in Weekend
Papa T Williams is a Cook Island Maori descended from Rakahanga and Manihiki Islands, from the Northern Group of the Cook Islands. His mother is a New Zealand Maori descended from Ngapuhi, Nga- tiwhatua, and Waikato Maori.
Monday 1 May 2017 | Published in Weekend
Gerald McCormack director of the Natural Heritage Trust, explains the story behind the success of establishing the Kura (Rimatara Lorikeet) on Atiu, where the bird had previously been absent for 200 years.
Tuesday 25 April 2017 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Weekend
The Business Trade and Investment Board Tropical Easter night market at the Punanga Nui markets on Friday was a huge success.
Tuesday 25 April 2017 | Published in Weekend
Between 1916 and 1917, the New Zealand Tunnelling Company linked an underground system of quarries beneath the Western Front in France, and named them after New Zealand places to help themselves stay oriented underground.
Saturday 15 April 2017 | Published in Weekend
This CI News feature is from part two of a two-part paper, “Rethinking the Cook Islands’ free association agreement with New Zealand.” It was written by Berlin, Germany-based Evelyn Marsters in her capacity as a consultant on international development issues.
Saturday 8 April 2017 | Published in Weekend
Last week Apii Te Uki Ou students showed their support for more education about autism by dressing in blue and participating in an Autism Cook Islands presentation last week.
Saturday 8 April 2017 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Weekend
When legendary Cook Islands musician Jon Lindsay performed at The Islander Hotel and Hula Bar late in February, he attracted a good-sized audience of mostly older people, many of whom would have remembered the guitarist/vocalist from the days when he played at Trader Jacks.
Saturday 8 April 2017 | Published in Weekend
Gerald McCormack of the Natural Heritage Trust tells the story of a small bird that visits the Cook Islands each year, resting and building up strength for a remarkable flight, all the way to Alaska.
Monday 16 January 2017 | Published in Weekend
This feature was written by Tuaine Bailey (nee Strickland). It describes her journey as a highly skilled and talented weaver, a journey which began on Pukapuka where her father, the well-known educator Mana Strickland was head teacher.
Monday 9 January 2017 | Published in Weekend
AS A momentous gift to the future, the landowners of a huge near-pristine stretch of forest have established a nature reserve to protect Atiu’s most remarkable leeward coastal forest.
Wednesday 28 December 2016 | Written by Richard Moore | Published in Weekend
SANTA CLAUS came in late to the interview with a face like thunder and plonked his ample frame down in a way that felt like a mini earthquake.