Saturday 10 August 2019 | Published in Weekend
Amelia Rachel Hokule’a Borofsky’s daughter’s umbilical cord is buried under a coconut tree on Pukapuka. She is working to tell these stories of the atoll, she says, before the seas rise and it’s too late.
Saturday 10 August 2019 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Weekend
We are a country evolving, and evolving in our relationships with the 50-plus countries we have diplomatic ties with and especially the one we have free association with; New Zealand.
Saturday 3 August 2019 | Published in Weekend
Amid concerns about tourist boats getting too close and scaring whales, tough questions are being asked about how the magnificent marine mammals are to be protected for the future.
Thursday 1 August 2019 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Weekend
Wayne Mitchell meanders around his half acre organic farm in Titikaveka with a grin on his face, proudly showing off his produce.
Saturday 27 July 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Weekend
When I get sick, I go to the doctors, not the water, and I put my faith in God.”
Saturday 27 July 2019 | Published in Weekend
Aged nearly 80, Duc Nguyen has now visited 198 countries – more than are even recognised by the United Nations. Now he has ticked off the last nation on his list and returns home to his wife in Canada.
Saturday 27 July 2019 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Weekend
As dawn broke at Mauna Kea to the north, and as dawn broke at Ihumatao to the south, sons and daughters of the moana gathered to fight for protection for their sacred lands.
Friday 26 July 2019 | Published in Weekend
Cook Islands land campaigners helping occupy traditional New Zealand Maori land say even the police don’t agree with the proposed private housing development there.
Tuesday 23 July 2019 | Published in Weekend
Their meeting house is named Te Hono ki Rarotonga, and this country’s connections to the children of New Zealand’s Tokomaru Bay run deep.
Saturday 20 July 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Weekend
Cook Islander John Dunn has been returning home for the past 15 years to help Rarotonga Hospital with much-needed surgery.
Saturday 13 July 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Weekend
Jonathan Milne was happy to blithely disregard the advice of those who told him to take care with scooters in the Cooks – until this week, his front wheel started sliding out on the gravel.
Saturday 6 July 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Weekend
At the back of Punanga Nui market is a partially-roofed wooden stall containing fruits you’ve never heard of, where an extraordinary woman creates a heady elixir for Jonathan Milne and his three boys.
Saturday 29 June 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Weekend
When Jonathan Milne and his family decided to move to Rarotonga, there was never any question their 11-year-old terrier Rusty would come with them. After all, their three boys had grown up with him. But then, they ran into problems.
Sunday 16 June 2019 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Weekend
// Returned home to the Cooks, vaka Maramaru Atua is to sail to the outer islands next – first port of call, Atiu.
Saturday 8 June 2019 | Published in Weekend
After the battle for Italy comes the return home – for some, the island of Mangaia played its part in the New Zealand Army and in orchestrating the spectacular escape of the King of Greece from the Nazis, as we reported in Part One. For Part Two, the officers of the Pa Enua join the battle for Italy.
Saturday 8 June 2019 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Weekend
Cook Islands Investment Corporation will next week announce its plan to safely dismantle the rusty 107m structure.
Saturday 1 June 2019 | Published in Weekend
It’s a small world and, as the saying goes, all the world’s people are just six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. The same can be said for places and events.
Saturday 1 June 2019 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Economy, Entertainment, Local, National, Weekend
Do we need to disinfect our drinking water? Several reports have highlighted the need to improve the quality of the drinking water throughout the Cook Islands – Rarotonga and the Pa Enua. In Rarotonga work has started on the provision of a more robust supply of water with better distribution and increased water storage for times of drought.
Saturday 25 May 2019 | Written by Jonathan Milne | Published in Weekend
KIWI JOURNALIST Jonathan Milne is the new editor of Cook Islands News. He takes up his new role on June 4 after relocating to Rarotonga from Auckland where he was until recently editor of the Sunday Star-Times.
Saturday 18 May 2019 | Written by Richard Moore | Published in Weekend
Rarotonga’s sought-after wedding photographer Melanie Cooper is ready to lift the veil, so to speak, and spread her wings within new and exciting projects.