Sunday 13 December 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Features, Weekend
The decision to leave her job and look after her grandparents was easy for Verokura Andrew and she quickly realised that to care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honours.
Saturday 5 December 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Features, Weekend
For those wanting to satisfy a travel itch during these unprecedented Covid-19 times, it could be a good idea to look a little closer to home. In this second of a two-part series, Katrina Tanirau explores the islands of Mauke and Mangaia.
Saturday 5 December 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Features, Weekend
Francis Smith first visited Mitiaro when he was six or seven years old. That was the first time he saw an itiki – the island’s famous fresh water eel. Almost three decades on, he reconnects with the itiki and calls the southern group island his new home.
Saturday 5 December 2020 | Written by Derek Fox | Published in Features, Weekend
In 1976, a 15-year-old boy from Mauke was about to sail out into the world. Up until then Mauke was his world; he’d never been anywhere else, and for 15 years had enjoyed an idyllic island boy life.
Saturday 28 November 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Features, Weekend
The internet has brought the world closer together. If you want to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Statue of Liberty in New York, Google will show you the way in a matter of seconds. However, nothing compares to going to a place for the very first time and feeling, smelling, hearing and tasting everything around you as Katrina Tanirau found out in Nga Pu Toru (Atiu, Mitiaro and Mauke) and Mangaia.
Saturday 28 November 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Features, Weekend
At 92, Te Maeu O Te Rangi Teikamata Ariki Mii O’Bryan is the oldest and one of the longest reigning royals in the Cook Islands. Mama Mii hesitantly accepted the title in 1985 but has grown into the role, doing her best for the people. Losirene Lacanivalu met the island’s queen on her first-ever visit to Mitiaro.
Saturday 28 November 2020 | Written by Emmanuel Samoglou | Published in Features, Weekend
It has been a bumpy ride, but work on Rarotonga’s revamped water system is nearing an end. From the outset, elected leaders were committed to delivering potable water to residents. Cleaner water is now coming through the taps, but it’s not up to international drinking standards yet. Te Mato Vai project manager Peter Free is committed to seeing the ultimate goal become a reality. Emmanuel Samoglou reports.
Saturday 21 November 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Features, Weekend
For Addrienne Hosking-Tinirau it’s still sinking in that she will soon take over as the Air New Zealand country manager in Rarotonga – the first woman of Cook Islands descent to hold the position. By Katrina Tanirau.
Saturday 21 November 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Features, Weekend
Henry Tupa is not afraid of death and when the fear of it beckons, he believes and trusts in his Catholic faith to guide him through.
Saturday 14 November 2020 | Written by Supplied | Published in Features, Weekend
Gerald McCormack from the Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust on observing the traditional Matariki New Year, which falls today.
Saturday 14 November 2020 | Written by Emmanuel Samoglou | Published in Features, Weekend
For nearly two years, Government has been trying to recoup $13 million from a Chinese firm, which is alleged to have carried out shoddy work on the nation’s largest-ever infrastructure project. Its fight continues with no sign of a resolution in sight.
Thursday 12 November 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Features, Memory Lane, Weekend
Local war veterans were remembered at the 102nd Armistice Day commemoration in Rarotonga on Wednesday November 11 - the day when an armistice was signed to end the Great War.
Saturday 7 November 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Features, Weekend
A serious health scare brought Ngatangiia MP Tamaiva Tuavera to his knees. Melina Etches sat down with Tuavera, who openly shared his story in the hope that other men will do the same especially during the month of November.
Saturday 7 November 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Features, Weekend
Hard work and sacrifice are the keys to success in any vocation, but commitment to faith and God will give rewards in life that are priceless.
Saturday 31 October 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Features, Weekend
Cool, calm and collected Mata Pera is a feisty warrior who has battled breast cancer.
Saturday 24 October 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Weekend
Ngatangi'ia born Dr. James Maoate Rennie served with the British Army in North Africa, was captured by the Germans, and eventually freed by British forces before taking part in the decisive Battle of El Alamein. Here's his story.
Saturday 24 October 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Features, Weekend
The first William (George) Ellis Family Reunion will take place from November 27–29, giving his descendants a chance to explore their roots.
Monday 19 October 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Weekend
Last week the Cook Islands Girl Guides celebrated their 92nd anniversary. Eighty-five years ago, they were visited in Rarotonga by the founder and Chief Guide of the movement, Lady Baden Powell, together with the founder of the Scout movement, Lord Baden-Powell. Factionalism in the European community meant there was no functioning troop of Scouts to welcome the visitors.
Saturday 17 October 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Weekend
One of the highest honours to be bestowed on any person from a Commonwealth nation is a Queen’s Service Medal. This year, four well-known Cook Islanders were recognised for their tireless service to their communities, their professions, churches and their country.
Saturday 10 October 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Weekend
New Zealand High Commissioner to Cook Islands Her Excellency Tui Dewes says the pursuit of making a difference, integrity and operating at the highest standards possible are vital attributes in her work as a diplomat.