
Sights set on affordable health

Saturday 14 August 2010 | Published in Features

Improving the health of all Cook Islanders through accessible and affordable health services is the objective of newly appointed director of funding and planning for of the Ministry of Health Dr Fran McGrath. Dr McGrath began in her new role this week with the Ministry of Health and brings with her a wealth of knowledge […]


A big fan of green energy

Saturday 14 August 2010 | Published in Features

Captain Tama’s Lagoon Cruises has already gone green with a compost toilet on Motu Koromiri and now owner Tamaiva Tuavera is applying the same green principle to his home. But this time, Tauavera is harnessing wind power and this week he installed a wind turbine at his hillside home in Muri. The wind turbine, which […]


Precision and exactness

Friday 13 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk

I am reminded of a karate expert who gave a demonstration of his skill in the use of a samurai sword. After breaking boards with his hands, cement blocks with his head, he asked for a volunteer from the audience. A macho teenage boy accepted the challenge and volunteered, lay down on his back, and […]

Church Talk

Exhibit explores new media

Thursday 12 August 2010 | Published in Features

PAA participants on Tuesday night attended The Beachcomber Contemporary Art gallery’s opening of an exhibit by Janet Lilo. Lilo, who is of Maori, Samoan and Niuean descent, is based in Auckland and could not be in Rarotonga for the symposium, so curator Ron Brownson presented her exhibit to the artists and scholars present. The exhibit, […]


Craft show

Wednesday 11 August 2010 | Published in Features


Tongan concepts of time and space

Wednesday 11 August 2010 | Published in Features

Last year, artist Semisi Fetokai Potauaine was one of seven recipients of the Commonwealth Connections International Residency. He is the second Tongan to win the coveted spot. ‘Okusitino Mahina, Jocelyne Dudding and Kolokesa Uafa Mahina-Tuai have recently published a book about his work and the philosophies that motivate it. Yesterday at the PAA symposium, they […]


Inspirational artist returns

Wednesday 11 August 2010 | Published in Features

Well-known Tongan artist Filipe Tohi is back on the island for the Pacific Arts Association (PAA) symposium. A long-time visitor to the Cook Islands, Tohi completed an artist-in-residency on Mangaia in 2004 and has since inspired many a local artist. Master lasher, carver, painter and sculptor, Tohi has to a great extent influenced local artist […]


Exhibition reflects old and new

Wednesday 11 August 2010 | Published in Features

Local artist Krick Barraud hosted a public exhibition of a piece of artwork she’s been crafting at Avana on Saturday evening. The work, housed in the remains of an old coral limestone building on the beach, represents a portion of the visual exam she took this weekend – the culmination of a Master’s in Art […]


A week of fun and adventure

Tuesday 10 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk

A one-week Vocational Bible School was held during the term holidays at the Avarua Seventh Day Adventist Church. The main theme for the week of fun and learning was ‘Wild Wood Forest – discover the untamed nature of God’. To attend the day camp was free and open to all children from five to 14 […]

Church Talk

Pacific Sisters perform at Staircase

Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Features

The Pacific Sisters are performing at Staircase at 9pm on Tuesday. Founded in Auckland in 1990s, the group of Pacific artists and entertainers is coming together here on Rarotonga after a 10-year hiatus. They’ll be putting on an hour-long show involving poetry reading, story-telling, fashion modelling, body art, live graffiti art and more, and warn […]


Mo just keeps on drumming

Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Features

Rarotonga man Maurice ‘Mo’ Newport manages a production and marketing company with his wife Glenda Tuaine, but still finds time to drum for a band in New Zealand. For four years, Newport has been commuting between Rarotonga and New Zealand to practice and play shows with well-known Kiwi country-rock band The Warratahs. “When I told […]


Plenty of art to see

Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Features

Though next week’s Pacific Arts Association symposium is not open to the public, anyone is free to attend post-conference exhibitions and functions. Long days of lectures, presentations and panels will end in celebrations both official and unofficial – four of which are open to everyone. On Monday night, Samoan artist Nanette Lela’ulu will present her […]


Voyagers training to be skippers

Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Features

Duncan Morrison, who skippered vaka Marumaru Atua on its journey from New Zealand to the Cooks, is training six local voyagers to be certified skippers. Morrison hails from New Zealand and was earlier this year asked to captain the vaka during her recent voyage. He’s now on Rarotonga and plans to be here until September. […]


New grocery store opens

Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Features

There’s a new one-stop shop in town. Raina Traders has expanded to include Supa Saver, which offers groceries – local fresh fish, local fresh vegetables, dry goods and frozen goods – and home-grown plants. Raina will continue to sell the same products, including black pearls and solar hot water heaters. Owner June Baudinet and her […]


Stunning shows 'raise the roof'

Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Features

While Te Maeva Nui crowds have been small to moderate throughout the week-long competition – the shows on stage have brought on cheers and applause that have almost lifted the roof. And the biggest cheers on Thursday night were for the outstanding Pukapuka team who took to the stage last. In fact, the northern island […]


Ni hao ma – welcome to Auckland

Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Features

I heard the other day that 37 per cent of people who live in Auckland weren’t born there. I can hear some of you saying ‘so what’ – well not only were they not born there but according to the source of this information neither were they born in this country; and that got me […]


Atiu's Ziona-Tapu under renovation

Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk

For the past two weeks the people of Atiu have been hard at work renovating the CICC Church building Ziona-Tapu. Ziona-Tapu was constructed in 1843 and opened in 1846. The first renovation was done in 1965 and it reopened in 1967, 43 years ago, under the leadership of the late Vainerere Tangatapoto OBE and his […]

Church Talk

Resisting the devil

Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk

It seems nowadays that demons and the Devil get a lot more credit than they are due. I believe that is part of the power in which they thrive. They are made out to be the source of all problems and any bad thing – money problems, sinful issues, marital problems, etc. The answer always […]

Church Talk

Always stand up for Christ

Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Fear of opposition or ridicule can weaken our witnessing for Christ, we cling to peace and comfort even at the cost of our walk with God. Jesus reminds us here that we should fear God, who controls eternal, not merely temporal consequences. Don’t allow fear of a person or group to keep you from standing […]

Church Talk

Wendt keynote at Festschrift

Tuesday 3 August 2010 | Published in Features

The much-anticipated Festschrift for Papa Ron Crocombe opens next week, and those planning to attend look forward to hearing from keynote speaker Albert Wendt on the conference’s inaugural day. Wendt has been influential in Pacific literary circles since the 1970s. He’s known for his award-winning novels and most recently for winning the Commonwealth Writers Prize […]


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