
Open Mic Nite to go bananas

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

After another successful Open Mic Nite at Coco Putt last month, the OM Nite crew is ready to showcase some new musical talent for you at Banana Court on Monday. Several new faces hit the mic last month – tourist and sultry songstress Terry Eggie delivered a unique brand of music, accompanied by accomplished acoustic […]


Casino fun on offer

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

The Ngatangiia/Matavera Rugby Union is holding the Flying Dragons Las Vegas Casino Night tonight at 7.30pm at the club house. Some of the great games on offer include Texas hold’em poker, roulette, king of the pool table, spin the wheel, racing and bulls-eye darts. Tickets are available at Flying Dragons games or at the door […]


Shapeshifter tickets disappear

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

The upcoming Shapeshifter show was all but sold out the minute tickets went on sale. One of New Zealand’s most popular bands, Shapeshifter is taking the island by storm, arriving on a specially-chartered flight on Monday. Nick Henry of 88FM said that as of press time yesterday, he had 50 tickets left. He had ordered […]


Youngsters delight in sailing ship

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

Hundreds of eager youngsters scampered around the deck of the tall ship Picton Castle this week as the vessel played host to young and old alike. The crew has hosted school children from Avatea, Avarua and Nikao Maori aboard the 180ft ship, giving them tours and letting them grab the wheel. It was part of […]


Call for recipes

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

The Sixty Plus group are focusing on putting together a book of Cook Islands recipes, and are appealing for contributions. The group celebrated its third birthday last week with a lunch at Cafe Ariki which was attended by around 40 people. Since it started, the group has been meeting socially as well as getting involved […]


Muri building for new businesses

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

The new two-story development across the road from Pacific Resort in Muri is quickly coming together. The complex, owned and built by landowner Tareu Uka, is expected to be finished by the end of the year. Treasure Chest, the shop currently adjacent to Pacific Resort, is moving across the road to inhabit three units of […]


Team BCI in new colours

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

Be sure to visit BCI on Monday where all BCI staff on Rarotonga and the nine outer islands branches will be showing off their new uniforms. The new uniforms include a stylish mix of corporate and smart casual to ensure a professional look is maintained. The women’s corporate shirt has the BCI’s corporate teal with […]


Aqua makes a splash in Muri

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

Muri Beach Resort is this week celebrating the grand opening of Aqua, an onsite cafe bar featuring breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert menus, wicker lounges and a daily happy hour. Aqua is open to the public, offering “good coffee, cocktails and cafe cuisine” and a laidback, open-air dining venue decked out with comfortable chairs and […]


Tales of a tall ship

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

The Cooks-registered tall ship Picton Castle is coming up in conversation all around the island this week, and for good reason – of the 250 ships on the register, she’s the Cooks’ star. Picton Castle sets sail for Palmerston and Pukapuka on Tuesday. She’s cancelled her trip to Tonga in order to transport provisions to […]


Tall ship has a rich history

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

The pride and joy of the Cook Islands shipping register, Picton Castle, has quite a rich history. The first chapter opens across the world in Europe in 1928 when she was born a motorised fishing trawler. Local Waterfront Service Training director Ron Bird, who hails from Yorkshire, remembers that she was built at Cochran Yard […]


Cooks are 'pretty much there'

Saturday 28 August 2010 | Published in Features

Captain Daniel Moreland has sailed around the world six times – an impressive feat for any seafarer – and he’s got friends in faraway places to prove it. He’s midway into his last world voyage, but doesn’t ever plan to stop sailing. “Sailing around the world is amazing and I love it, but time marches […]


Who does our story point to?

Friday 27 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Paul, here, is describing when he went out into the churches of Judea following his time with Peter (refer to verses 18-22). Who do we glorify? Is it the living God or ourselves? Do we heap glory upon other men and reduce it from what should be heaped onto Jesus? The situation of Paul was […]

Church Talk

Just part of God's plan

Friday 27 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Nancy Watkinson says brush with death just a part of His purpose Nancy Watkinson, who together with her husband Murray founded Celebration on the Rock, walks with a limp, a residual effect of a near-fatal accident at Avarua last year. Six surgeries after the crash, she’s got plates and pins holding her pelvis and femur […]

Church Talk

'Virtues' workshops for parents and teachers

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Features

The Virtues Project is holding workshops for parents, caregivers, teachers and community leaders in each vaka from August 25 to September 8. The free non-denominational workshops are a follow on from the introduction of the Virtues Project in schools. The Virtues Project is now endorsed by the Ministry of Education. The ministry is inviting more […]


Tall ship due today

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Features

The Cooks-registered Picton Castle pulls into port this morning, a load of crewmembers and even a movie star onboard. Vaka Marumaru Atua will sail out to meet the 179-foot tall ship and escort it into the Avatiu harbour. The ship will be docked here on Rarotonga for 10 days, before it heads to Palmerston and […]


The dos and don'ts of whale watching

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Features

Watching whales is an extraordinary experience and a rare privilege. For locals and visitors alike – watching the majestic humpback whales play in our waters from land is a huge buzz. But land based whale watchers have been alarmed at the number of times that boats have been seen chasing whales. And while whale harassment […]


CICC news and pictures from the past

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Features

The Cook Islands Christian Church recently released its latest newsletter highlighting some of the events that has been happening in the different CICC churches across the Cook Islands. The newsletter edited by Nga Mataio also included a section ‘history in photos’. The segment included photos of a Boys Brigade trip to Tahiti in 1967 and […]


The Breeze Brothers blow in

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Features

The Breeze Brothers reckon Rarotonga is the perfect place to make music. New Zealand musician Robin Tripp and Yorkshire percussionist Chris Bold are The Breeze Brothers, a newly-formed band that will be playing around the island this month. Chris Musselle of Waterline, co-founder of Open Mic Nite, heard Tripp’s music in a New Zealand bar, […]


Air NZ explains future changes

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Features

Air New Zealand manager Cook Islands David Bridge was the Cook Islands Business and Professional Women’s Association (BPW) guest speaker at its general meeting on Monday. Bridge was invited to talk about the airlines’ history in the Cooks as well as recent changes to its operations. The meeting held at Cafe Salsa was well attended […]


New Plymouth 'old boys' share yarns

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Features

Boarding school memories flooded back from about 40 years ago at a reunion of New Plymouth Boys’ High School ex-pupils recently. Accounts of great rugby games, haka performances by a whole school of boys, army cadet training and corporal punishment in the form of canings were topics that got the group going. The gathering of […]


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