
Market days change

Wednesday 22 December 2010 | Published in Features

The Punanga Nui Market will not be open this Saturday or the next due to Christmas Day and New Years Day falling on those days. Instead the marketplace will be open on the Fridays before – this Friday and Friday December 31. It will be the same as regular Saturday market days with entertainment if […]


Youngsters coming

Wednesday 22 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk

The Seventh-Day Adventist Church is holding a Pathfinders camp at Papaaroa next week for 900-1000 youngsters from all over the Pacific. The 10-15 year olds from New Caledonia, New Zealand, Tahiti, and the Cook Islands will all be represented. Pastor Eliu Eliu said that 200-300 Cook Islanders will be attending. The young pathfinders will be […]

Church Talk

Taking Aotearoa sounds to the world

Saturday 18 December 2010 | Published in Features

Wellington, December 16 – Taking New Zealand’s rich and diverse music scene to the world is the aim of Womad’s Emere Wano, who has launched the music expo Sounds Aotearoa to provide an opportunity for NZ artists to be heard overseas. Scheduled for the week the music festival Womad attracts hundreds of musicians from around […]


From near death to new CD

Saturday 18 December 2010 | Published in Features

A few months ago, Papa Taura Mani was bedridden in Auckland Hospital, unable to move, talk or hear. Doctors were fairly certain he wouldn’t survive, but fast forward some weeks and countless prayers, and he’s back home on Rarotonga and ready to release his third CD. Taura, 66, caught pneumonia in June, which soon developed […]


Late night Xmas shopping action

Saturday 18 December 2010 | Published in Features

Shopping was a breeze on Thursday at the newly revamped CITC main store in Avarua when the company opened till late and provided plenty of games and entertainment to keep Christmas shoppers happy. Kids were kept busy with dress up and hula hoop competitions while adults took advantage of the hourly specials at the store. […]


In pursuit of brewing perfection

Saturday 18 December 2010 | Published in Features

Rekareka Brewery directors Teariki Pennycook and Edward Nee Nee are in pursuit of perfection. Since purchasing the Avarua brewery in 2008, they and business partner Stuart Davies have been tweaking the taste of their three beers – Cooks Lager, Cooks Blonde, and Cooks Darkie. Just over a year on from opening the business doors on […]


Te reo stronger in outer islands

Saturday 18 December 2010 | Published in Features

University of Auckland academics John McCaffery’s and Judy Taligalu McFall-McCaffery’s report on the decline of Pacific languages states that Cook Islands Maori is stronger in the outer islands than in Rarotonga. They stated that the teaching of Maori up to grade three or four is consistent and works well. Ina Herrmann, CEO of School Support […]


Teachers lack Maori books

Saturday 18 December 2010 | Published in Features

Teachers had been using a series, published in New Zealand, called Tupu. The books were published to support learning the learning of Pacific languages by children of communities from Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga, Niue, and the Cook Islands. But that support for language teaching dried up when the New Zealand government announced an end to the […]


Fears for language

Saturday 18 December 2010 | Published in Features

Cook Islands Maori is not being passed on to new generations in traditional ways and runs the risk of dying out altogether. Those are the warnings of two New Zealand academics, John McCaffery and Judy Taligalu McFall-McCaffery, who published a paper on the strength of Pacific languages. In the Alternative Journal’s Special Pacific Edition, McCaffery […]


'We need to wake up'

Saturday 18 December 2010 | Published in Features

Concerned citizens speak out on preserving Maori Ina Herrmann, chief executive of School Support at the Ministry of Education, says that she has grave fears for the continuation of the Cook Islands Maori language in Rarotonga. She reports that more and more children are coming to school who are do not speak Maori as a […]


Mauke revives an old art with launch of 15 paiere

Saturday 18 December 2010 | Published in Features

Showers of blessing greeted a very proud Mauke community as they witnessed the ‘Akatapu i te paiere’ (blessing of fishing canoes) where the new fleet of 15 paiere were officially handed over to young men who have eagerly worked alongside experienced men to build them. Teachers Vaine Aberahama and Teina Enua spoke with great pride, […]


For to us a child is born

Friday 17 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk

In our passage Isaiah spoke of the coming Deliverer who will effect the changes in the nation of which the prophet had been speaking. The Messiah’s coming will lead the nation into joy and prosperity, which had been lacking for years. His coming will fulfil the promises to Abraham and David about the prosperous kingdom. […]

Church Talk

Carol night this Sunday

Friday 17 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk

The annual ‘Christmas in the Cathedral’ carol night will be held at the St Joseph’s Catholic Cathedral this Sunday from 6pm. The evening will feature a guest artist performance by Raro Idol contestant Destiny Tara, as well as festive and cultural performances from the ethnic communities including the Filipino, Fijian and Rotumans. The six tapere […]

Church Talk

Donut delight

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Features

It’s not a Dunkin’ Donut but it sure is a close second – the famous Mama’s chocolate donut is no doubt the best chocolate smothered donut this reporter has ever tasted. It’s the perfect donut, made greater with the chocolately goodness it’s covered in. The donut is named after store owners, Piltz and Tarani Napa’s […]


Young food lover heading to London

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Features

Eighteen-year-old food enthusiast Teraitua Cuthers-Boxhoorn is heading off to study cooking with top UK chef Gordon Ramsey. Cuthers-Boxhoorn has won a place at the Tante Marie School of cooking in Woking, London which is owned by the infamously foul-mouthed celebrity chef. “I decided that if I was going to learn, I wanted to learn from […]


Thrust into the limelight

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Features

Akaiti Puna takes suddenly being married to the PM in her stride 8.15am: From the verandah of their modest Nikao home, first lady of the Cook Islands Akaiti Puna is trying to hem a pair of black shorts she is wearing, but in between phone calls, a journalist and becoming animated during conversations, is having […]


Testament to tivaivai

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Features

Each tivaivai on display at Beachcomber Contemporary Art Gallery this month has a story to tell. The brightly-coloured floral-patterned patchwork pieces speak about the lives of the women whose hands sewed them. As a collection they urge the public to appreciate the craft itself – the art form which, for decades, has been sewing groups […]


Another year – same old issues

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Features

The foreshore and seabed will be high up in many peoples thoughts over the next few weeks, no not the legislation that most people credit with the formation of the Maori Party; but what the weather’s going to be like when they want to go to the beach and for Maori – what time’s low […]


Te Vara Nui a top experience

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Features

CI News held its annual Christmas function at Te Vara Nui Village last month, and was thrilled with the service, the venue and the over-water dance show. We socialised over drinks and unwrapped our ‘secret Sant’a gifts in the Are Moana, which lines the water’s edge. Our meal was buffet style and the menu included […]


And then there were two

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Features

Tonight’s the night that the Raro Idol winner is chosen Marama Terekia and Emile Rima – the last contenders standing – are today doing do-re-mi voice exercises in the complimentary beachside rooms Club Raro opened to Raro Idol’s final two. Tonight is the big night, when judges decide whether Marama or Emile will be Raro’s […]


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