Saturday 9 April 2011 | Published in Features
We must take sustainability seriously because if something is not sustainable, it is doomed to come to an end. Sustainability, simply put, is about ‘providing for today’s needs without compromising the needs of tomorrow’. For example, in agriculture if growers are using inorganic fertilisers that burn microbes and worms in the soil, whilst they may […]
Saturday 9 April 2011 | Published in Features
In Australia’s latest ‘Back Yard Farmer’ magazine, a sustainable living venture on Mauke island is among 80 colourful pages of practical information on such subjects as DIY organic hydroponics, drought proof vegetables high in Vitamin C, worthy weeds, chook power, and building soils. As editor Fiona Tunnicliff says, it’s all ‘real stories from real people […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Features
Local whale expert Nan Hauser has been studying whale songs – the noises male humpbacks emit as they hang upside-down, motionless – for over a decade. The songs are the focus of a paper she and some colleagues recently published in the scientific journal ‘Current Biology’, a paper which encompasses 11 years of research and […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Features
Te Aponga Uira is estimating most Rarotonga households will see their monthly power bills increase by $15 to $20 excluding VAT. Most homes use around around 200-300 electricity units. Acting TAU chief executive Elma Spooner-Marurai says larger homes using more than 500 units a month can see an increase of around $30 to $50 in […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Features
The country’s largest company CITC has taken the proactive step of giving staff the opportunity to learn how to better manage their budgets and make some savings. Manager Gaye Whitta says the company is also looking at ways to encourage staff to save power costs at home as well as at work. She explains CITC […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Features
The predicted cost of living increase could start a new trend – home gardens. Starting a home garden will help supplement the food budget. Agriculture will need to assist families with this by providing seedlings for vegetables and fruit trees and advice. Low maintenance crops should be a priority such as rukau viti, rukau taro, […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Features
Tickets for the highly anticipated Once, Upon a Reef musical production will go on sale today at the Punanga Nui Markets. The musical and cultural production, based on the neglected twins Pipirima, will be launched on Wednesday, May 25, at the National Auditorium. The show, featuring all Cook Islands actors, singers, dancers and drummers, is […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Features
DJ ‘Whateva Treva’ pays tribute to legendary singer/songwriter Stevland Morris, more commonly known as Stevie Wonder, during tomorrow’s three-hour ‘Groovin (on a Sunday afternoon)’ broadcast. From midday until 3 o’clock, ‘Whateva Treva’ will be playing a collection of songs by Stevie Wonder on 88FM. “(Stevie) got awarded the (Gershwin) Life Achievement Award from (President Barack) […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Features
Local company Motone, a husband-wife venture established in 2009 by musician Maurice ‘Mo’ Newport and marketing expert Glenda Tuaine, has big plans to expand the local creative industry. The couple contends that while people tend to ‘talk about’ growing the industry, Motone has the credentials and the connections to make it happen. Mo and Glenda […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Features
Earning the distinction of being the gallery from the farthest away at the prestigious VOLTA NY art show, the local Beachcomber Contemporary Art gallery has stirred enough interest there to feature on the annual art show’s website. Close to 20,000 people viewed, critiqued and some bought the art works exhibited by 85 galleries at VOLTA […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Features
The long and successful career of accomplished New Zealand designer Annie Bonza will be celebrated at Auckland’s Bridal Fashion Week. On the eve of a retrospective of her best work at Auckland’s inaugural Bridal Fashion Week, fashion designer Annie Bonza is talking about good luck. Even with a career which has spanned 55 years, she […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Features
Today and Monday will be the last chance for shoppers to enter the CITC supermarket ‘win a car’ promotion. The promotion has been running since January with great response from the public. To enter the draw to win the brand new gold Hyundai Getz – customers simply have to buy one product from the four […]
Friday 1 April 2011 | Published in Features
After weeks of hard work, fundraising and prayer, Celebration on the Rock church is releasing its first CD. The album, which is currently being produced and printed in New Zealand, features ten English tracks written and performed by Celebration’s worship team – local musicians Kevin Iro, Tony Fe’ao, Charles Carlson, Bilsy Gukisuva, Abby Brass, Melody […]
Friday 1 April 2011 | Published in Church Talk
It’s a fact of life that people hurt each other. Either intentionally or unintentionally we hurt each other. You’re going to hurt people, they’re going to hurt you. How you handle that hurt will, to a large degree, determine your happiness in life. If you don’t respond correctly to hurt, it turns into resentment. If […]
Saturday 26 March 2011 | Published in Features
Cook Islands culture through song, music, dance and drums will take centre stage in May when the musical production ‘Once, Upon a Reef’ comes to life. The musical production, which is based on the legend of neglected twins Pipirima, is still receiving rave reviews from those who saw the production which premiered at the TelstraClear […]
Saturday 26 March 2011 | Published in Features
Taote – Ka tauturu te taote i te tangata maki Orometua – Ka tauturu te orometua i te pure tapu Puapii – Ka karanga te puapii ki te tamariki kia rave angaanga Ariki – Ka noo te Ariki ki runga i te nooanga Na Pae Tuteru Taote – Ka oake te taote i te vairakau […]
Saturday 26 March 2011 | Published in Features
The Regional Perspective 1. The SPC Report – the 2006 National Fisheries Assessment, consistent with various other regional scientific reports, does in fact allude to overfishing of certain key fish stocks, more particularly bigeye tuna, in the WCPO (Western and Central Pacific Ocean) region. The information referred to in that particular SPC report was part […]
Saturday 26 March 2011 | Published in Features
Kitesurf instructor Mike Lee has high hopes for June’s international kitesurfing competition: he reckons the wind will blow and the event will put Aitutaki on the map as a kiter’s paradise. Lee returned last week to Aitutaki after spending three months in New Zealand, catching up with family and actively promoting the upcoming competition – […]
Saturday 26 March 2011 | Published in Features
Rarotonga’s newest lagoon cruise operator Koka Lagoon Cruises celebrates its one-year anniversary this week. Over the past year, the business has worked to establish itself as a reputable tour operator and to give the tourists that come aboard a set of invaluable holiday memories to take away with them. Koka is a family-run business, small […]
Saturday 26 March 2011 | Published in Features
An animated group of North American writers gathered at Cafe Jireh on Thursday afternoon, and over lunch gushed about their sojourn to the caves of Atiu and the Aitutaki lagoon, from which they returned earlier that morning. Five writers and one Cook Islands Tourism North America representative toured the Cook Islands this week – their […]
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