Saturday 4 June 2011 | Published in Features
Number one New Zealand artist Tiki Taane is performing for his second time on Rarotonga at an exclusive gig on Friday at Rehab Nightclub. The gig will open with local acts and then launch into Tikis acoustic set, ending in him performing an MC/DJ set. Tiki first came to Rarotonga back in 2007 for a […]
Saturday 4 June 2011 | Published in Features
The newest owners of Saltwater Cafe were planning to grow old in their Brisbane home theyd even remodelled it last year. But somewhere along the way, Stephen and Sue Welsh fell in love with Rarotonga. After a holiday to Aitutaki and a conversation with Saltwaters former owners Mike and Pook, they made a spontaneous decision […]
Saturday 4 June 2011 | Published in Features
The recent wedding of two young people with Cook Islands connections was of such celebrity status, it made it into the pages of popular New Zealand magazine Womans Weekly. The granddaughter of Meremaraea Macquarie married former All Black Tamati Ellison who is New Zealand Maori and the nephew of Arorangi Trades Training Centre director Boyd […]
Saturday 4 June 2011 | Published in Features
Young Cook Islands artists Nathan Welsh and Mata Priest are doing their first show at The Art Studio in Arorangi. The exhibition opens for a preview today at 4pm, and will be on display from June 6 until June 15. Its an array of different works, including print, photography and paintings. Priest graduated from Tereora […]
Friday 3 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk
The world is facing huge challenges and undergoing rapid changes, with a lot more to come. Before the second coming of Jesus, Paul wrote describing the days that we would be living in as perilous and dangerous -2 Tim 3:1. Most nations have for a long time walked away from the principles of the Word […]
Friday 3 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Team Xtreme performs awe-inspiring feats at the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) centre two weekends back. The show featured strongman feats like the blowing up of hot-water bottles, tearing of phone books from Australia, breaking of flaming bricks and a fire knife final. Its overarching goal was to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through […]
Friday 3 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk
This year Sunday June 12 is Pentecost Sunday, when we commemorate the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles and to the Church. One of the great gifts of the Spirit, and one that is much needed today, is the gift of self-acceptance. By his grace we are enabled, not to escape our humanness, […]
Tuesday 31 May 2011 | Published in Features
A collection of Cook Islands stone sites, structures and monuments will be on display at the National Museum, starting from tomorrow. The exhibition entitled Cook Islands in Stone opens for a preview tonight at 6 oclock and will be open to the public until June 21. The National Museum is staging the exhibition with help […]
Monday 30 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Nukutere College celebrated holy mass with the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the Christian Brothers dedication and service to the school, diocese and to the wider community. The image, which is above the plaque, is of Mary the mother of Jesus known as Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Christian Brothers throughout the world have […]
Saturday 28 May 2011 | Published in Features
This weekends Opera in Paradise at the Crown Beach Resort features award-winning Samoan/Tongan tenor Benjamin Fifitia Makisi and Cook Islands very own tenor Bonaventure Allan Moetaua. Opera as a performance art is new to the South Pacific and it is now gaining interest here in Rarotonga. Like our own traditional performing art of Cook Islands […]
Saturday 28 May 2011 | Published in Features
The Spaghetti House has a new look and a new menu. Host of New Zealand television series The Kitchen Job John Palino and Kiwi master chef Paul Edge were on Rarotonga last week with an eye to redesigning the restaurants decor and re-jigging its menu. The Monday night opening function of the redecorated and revamped […]
Saturday 28 May 2011 | Published in Features
Sydney-based surfer Charlotte Pihos two-week mission to find the perfect Cook Islands wave dubbed The Awakening on her website ended on Tuesday night with a dinner-and-show function at Pacific Resort. The evening marked the end of a journey through the southern group islands to locate an untouched surfers paradise. Piho and her team which included […]
Saturday 28 May 2011 | Published in Features
Poor navigational and seamanship practice led Te Kou Maru II to run aground on the Mauke reef. The Ministry of Transport (MOT) has concluded its preliminary investigation into the stranding of the 45-metre Taio Shipping vessel on the reef last October, and MOT director of marine Ned Howard and Cook Islands Maritime Training Centre tutor […]
Friday 27 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk
It brightens up my day and gets me pumped. This was the basic message Teuira Napa delivered during an inspiring speech about how four years of seminary study had impacted on her life. The 17-year-old was the sole seminary graduate for 2010 at a ceremony for Church Education System of The Church of Jesus Christ […]
Saturday 21 May 2011 | Published in Features
The Cook Islands enjoyed some time in the spotlight at a recent Mangere Arts Centre show in Auckland. Tereora College art teacher and Pacific Sister Ani ONeill has returned from the show, where she opened her solo exhibition and performed with her group Pacific Sisters. Anis solo exhibition which runs at Mangere Arts Centre until […]
Saturday 21 May 2011 | Published in Features
Kia Orana Kids, At Lagoon Day this year youll notice our model composting toilet has undergone renovations and youll get to see an actual sample of soil from our real Rotaloo composting toilet in Mauke, now matured and ready for the garden. We know it sounds weird, but we often say how much we like […]
Saturday 21 May 2011 | Published in Features
A locally-produced worship CD is making waves as far away as New Zealand. Celebration on the Rocks first 10-track album, entitled Enter the Land, is selling quickly to congregations in Northland and Christchurch. The local worship team marked the release of the album with a performance to an 800-strong congregation in Christchurch last month. Since […]
Saturday 21 May 2011 | Published in Features
Chef Christian Ben Hassan has a vision to establish Rarotongas first fine French fusion restaurant at The Little Polynesian. Originally from Andorra a tiny country bordered by France and Spain with a cuisine that reflects both influences Ben Hassan arrived last week and has already set about changing the Titikaveka resorts menu. He envisions a […]
Friday 20 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Earthquake tremors like never before are now occurring almost everyday. There is definitely global concern and fear over the dramatic changes that are happening in our weather, environment, economical downturns, political unrests, war, violence, acts of terrorism, social and religious upheavals like never before, occurring daily. Almost all experts from all sides of the spectrum […]
Friday 20 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is getting extreme this weekend. Tomorrows TeamXtreme show starts at 7pm on the rugby field next to Kent Hall in Titikaveka. It will feature strongman feats like the blowing up of hot-water bottles, tearing of phone books from Australia, breaking of flaming bricks and a fire knife finale. Team Xtreme […]
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