Saturday 17 September 2011 | Published in Features
Of over 80 Pacific companies represented at Aucklands Pacific Showcase, Cook Islands businesses were the only ones offering black pearls and beer making them popular amongst the 35,000 visitors traipsing through The Cloud. The showcase, organised to coincide with the Pacific Leaders Forum last week, featured booths advertising Pacific brands, businesses and products. Avaiki Cook […]
Friday 16 September 2011 | Published in Church Talk
PART 2: Many are in the wilderness because of following the poor example set by leaders in homes and communities. Traffic in this area is most congested and confusing. Pornography, fornication, adultery, and homosexuality are permitted and practiced in the world today to such an extent that we are truly following the ways of Sodom […]
Friday 16 September 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Most people struggle with three issues: The first is the issue of identity Who am I? The second is the issue of importance Do I matter? The third is the issue of impact What is my place in this life? The reason for this is because some people do not realise that God has uniquely […]
Saturday 10 September 2011 | Published in Features
The head-turning tunes of Ru and the Boys are back on the family bands second album of Cook Islands music. Father and sons Ru Tauta, Ru Junior and Abraham took some time out from their busy playing schedule to record 14 island tracks on their second CD though Ru Senior said some tracks had more […]
Saturday 10 September 2011 | Published in Features
Astounded That was the first time Ive been there. I was so astounded there were so many amazing things but the thing that took my interest was the coconut crab, it was about 30cm. Sheryl came and picked it up by the clippers everyone just stood there in shock. Tefaatau File-Ataera Opportunity The outstanding preparation […]
Saturday 10 September 2011 | Published in Features
For the fish-philes among us, theres a new place on the rock to buy the local catch. Local fisherman and entrepreneur Tutu Ina is supplying his familys new shop with fish he catches aboard his vessels, which hes named Matira and Noella.K. The new shop Kuki Pac Fish is wedged between RTM and FBI at […]
Saturday 10 September 2011 | Published in Features
Australian journalist Craig Tansley, who visited the Cook Islands on Cook Islands Tourisms dime, has published a story on Mangaias underworld in the Sydney Morning Herald. The writer is the son of John Tansley, who moved to Rarotonga over 40 years ago. Tansleys story was published in a Monday edition of the Sydney Morning Herald, […]
Saturday 10 September 2011 | Published in Features
Businesses, homes and non-for-profit organisations in the Cook Islands are increasingly moving towards alternative energy for power. Island Craft is one such business, which is moving to sustainable power sources to help bring down the costs of running the venture in the Cooks. Managing director Fletcher Melvin said he felt the time was right for […]
Friday 9 September 2011 | Published in Church Talk
There is a song titled Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight? some of the words include: Where is my wandering boy tonight, the boy of my tendrest care: The boy that was once my joy and light, the child of my love and prayer? Once he was pure as morning dew, as he knelt at […]
Friday 9 September 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Every generation has dreamt of a utopian society that dream has motivated us to search for meaning and fulfilment. All sorts of ideologies have been formed to try and cater for the continuous hunger for something that is missing on the inside of mans soul. Some try to fill this gap with business, prestige, wealth, […]
Friday 9 September 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Today, it is easy to be discouraged. Different things and situations affect and discourage thousands of people and to varying degrees. Many of the serious cases lead to depression which requires medical and psychological assistance, in addition to the spiritual power to overcome. Discouragement can be defined as a sense of dejection in which the […]
Tuesday 6 September 2011 | Published in Features
The Edgewater Resort & Spas Club Edge ran a promotion over August to celebrate Fathers Day. Club Edge members who spent money at Spaghetti House Pizzeria & Grill or Brasserie Restaurant during the month of August received their Club Edge discount and went into the draw to win a weekend for two on Fathers Day […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Features
Ahead of their Divas in Paradise gig next month, local singer-songwriters Kura Happ and Tara Kauvai are busy writing new tracks. The divas join New Zealand singers Bella Kalolo and Julia Deans onstage at Club Raros Are Karioi on October 28.Theyve both got singing gigs in the evenings Kura performs six nights a week and […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Features
The inaugural Peace Song Quest on Wednesday night showcased some up-and-comers whose talent and enthusiasm made for an exciting show. A lot of effort went into writing original songs and they all practiced really hard, Tereora College teacher Ani ONeill said. Weve got some pop stars in our schools who need some time in the […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Features
So who cares if a member of the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation is enjoying the sun at Aitutakis Tamanu beach? Apparently, its about 23,000 people. Christian Mani, the corporations online marketing director, was pushing the value of online resources and social media to tourism industry members on Thursday night to convince them of the reach […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Features
They may have been a small group at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) graduation ceremony, but they made sure everybody knew they were there. When it came time for Cook Islander Terry Ngatokorua to receive his Bachelors degree at the AUT ceremony, his family was told they could do whatever they wanted. After more […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Features
Making use of the many coconuts around us, weve been working on ways to produce tasty treats to replace the dairy products we cant afford. The coconut butter, which would be white if not for a touch of tumeric, is a big hit and nice in baking, but it took about a half litre of […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Features
For the first time an automotive diagnostic training course is being held in the Cook Islands, through the Automotive Diagnostic Network and sole local member Eric Short. The network was established about 10 years ago and as the only member outside of New Zealand and Australia, Short is also the only local mechanic providing diagnostic […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Features
It might come as a surprise from a man whose business is in solar panels, but the first bit of advice Solar Bob Riley offers to people looking to reduce their power bills is this: get energy-conscious. For Riley, the first thing people should be doing to reduce their energy costs is look at ways […]
Saturday 3 September 2011 | Published in Features
It may be a strange positive point to having such high electricity prices, but the steep costs of powering your business or home makes the Cook Islands one of the best countries in the world for converting to solar power. It is a strange sweetener to the bitter pill of monthly power invoices, but it […]
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