
'First taste'

Saturday 5 May 2012 | Published in Features

One week of work experience at the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the school holidays was an eye opener forTereora College student, Aleena Maunga. The year 13 student was expected to gain work experience in the area of customer services to gain the relevant credits towards her business administration and computing course as part of […]


Celebrating the ascension of Jesus

Friday 4 May 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The next major event in the Christian calendar is the Ascension of the Lord. Traditionally the feast is celebrated 40 days from Easter on the Thursday in the 6th week of Easter (May 17) or transferred to the Sunday. (May 20). The accounts of the ascension for me are clearest in the gospel of Luke […]

Church Talk

Packed bar for papa'a and oldies dancers

Friday 4 May 2012 | Published in Features

Hidie’s Bar in Avarua was packed to the rafters on Thursday night for the fun and entertaining papaa and golden oldies dancer of the year competitions. In the papaa section, two male dancers, Josh and Karl and two female visitors, Bianca and Kelsy, donned traditional costumes to put their best Cook Islands dance on display. […]


Golden oldies in spotlight tonight

Wednesday 2 May 2012 | Published in Features

Hidie’s Bar at Cooks Corner will be the scene of the popular golden oldies and papa’a dancer of the year competition tonight. Emcee extraordinaire Papatua Papatua will control the show which is sure to be a great and entertaining night out. The show gives visitors to the island and expatriates the opportunity to put their […]


International dancer comp next

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in Features

Winners of this year’s dancer of the year competition will represent the country at the revived international dancer of the year competition scheduled for May 10. The competition will include Cook Islands dancers who’ve taken out competitions across Australia and New Zealand who will take on local based dancers. The show is being organised by […]


Renowned divas coming for Opera in Paradise

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Buy tickets now if you’re looking for the ultimate opera experience on Rarotonga. Opera in Paradise is quickly approaching, and tickets to the May 25-26 event are limited so make sure to buy yours soon. Tickets are on sale at Natura Holidays in the CITC shopping centre complex, The Cafe, Coco Latte, Motone Productions (ph […]


'Film Raro' challenge launched

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Media producer Cook Islander Stan Wolfgramm is bringing a “film challenge like no other in the world” to Rarotonga. Wolfgramm’s award-winning media company Drum Productions is planning the inaugural Film Raro challenge for March 2013, and is already in the process of planning it. Drum Productions outlines its core objective as the “social and economic […]


Octopoems on a president, a frog, a policeman, a witch

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Creative writing by Avatea School pupils features on this week’s Kids Page. The Year Seven and Eight students have been studying different types of poetry, such as octopoems, which are poems that are written in eight lines. They have created their own octopoems as part of learning to express themselves through poetry writing. Each student […]


Passion and power in dance

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Nga-Pu-Toru dancer Teariki Mateariki danced in a league of his own on Thursday night to take out the 2011 senior male dancer of the year title for the fourth year in a row. Mateariki’s passion for Cook Islands dance lit the stage as he dedicated his slow beat dance to his Christian faith before showcasing […]


Artist in residence feels emotional connection

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Artist Sylvia Marsters estimates she produces, on average, several paintings a year. But as the Beachcomber Contemporary Art Gallery’s artist in residence, she’s under pressure to produce seven separate works in the space of two months. It’s a tall order, and one that requires complete and utter focus. Marsters says often people assume artists approach […]


'Everything's better here'

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Artist Nanette Lela’ulu opens a new exhibit at Beachcomber Contemporary Art gallery on Tuesday – her first show since relocating from Auckland to Rarotonga. Lela’ulu’s move enriches the local arts community, which she has been intermittently a part of since doing a residency at the National Museum in 2006. Following her sting as Creative New […]


Tradewinds store back to life

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

If you’re living in Tupapa you would have noticed what was once B-Mart is once again Tradewinds. Tradewinds Limited first opened in 1991 and closed in 2000. “The shop was vacant for some time before the Brownes took over in 2004,” says land and store owner Teina Vakapora. It’s been a long journey for the […]


Dancing unto the Lord

Friday 27 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Local dancer Te Iti O Te Ra Tupuna celebrated her Christian faith on the Are Karioi stage on Thursday as part of her dancer of the year performance.

Church Talk

Brilliant colour, costume and dance

Tuesday 24 April 2012 | Published in Features

Rarotonga youth set the tone for the 2012 Dancer of the Year competitions with stunning performances on the Are Karioi stage last Thursday night. Beautifully crafted costumes and well choreographed dancers made judging the event a tough one but in the end all 22 dancers in the junior and intermediate show received fantastic feedback for […]


Arts council on a mission

Monday 23 April 2012 | Published in Features

The Cook Islands Arts Council is on its way to becoming a functioning entity. After two meetings of local artists, the interim committee is satisfied it is headed in the right direction. Interim chair Eruera Nia noted that the project is a prickly one, as it is breaking new ground. “Cook Islands artists in particular […]


Catching kotawa, making taro smack

Saturday 21 April 2012 | Published in Features

On this week’s kids page we feature stories written by students of Niua School on Pukapuka. The students, with the help of Amelia Borofsky, have put together a book as a guide for visitors to their northern group island. First, you clean your place where you plant your taro. Second, you clean out all the […]


8-year-old selling own crop

Saturday 21 April 2012 | Published in Features

At eight years old, Carey Jnr Hosea-Winterflood is already a man of the land and an entrepreneur. When he was just four, the St Joseph’s student took an interest in what his father was doing in the garden. He asked for pointers, and he and his father visited an Arorangi fruit orchard for tips. The […]


Rarotonga's Hawaiian legend up for award

Saturday 21 April 2012 | Published in Features

Rarotonga knows Rudy Aquino as a humble performer with smiling eyes and a long white ponytail (his wife jokes that it’s platinum blonde) who lets his music do the talking. He’s too modest to admit it, but the man is a legend. Aquino and his former band, the original Hawaiian Aliis (later Don Ho and […]


Young dancers do their culture proud

Saturday 21 April 2012 | Published in Features

Stunning costumes, expert dancing and loads of enthusiasm set the tone for a fantastic night of Cook Islands culture on Thursday. Twenty-two junior and intermediate dancers took to the stage to wow the near packed Are Karioi on Thursday night in the 2012 junior and intermediate dancer of the year competition. Most, if not all, […]


Te Kapua anga o te kopu tangata

Friday 20 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Na te Atua i anga i te kopu tangata. Kua anga oki te Atua i te tane e te vaine, ei akamata i te kopu tangata. Ko te kopu tangata, ko te au tamariki te ka anau ia mai, e te metua tane, e te metua vaine. Kare te kopu tangata e akamutu i te […]

Church Talk

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