
Arts supported through NZ Aid funding

Monday 12 November 2012 | Published in Art

The Ministry of Education has approved a total of just over $31,000 for the 2012-2013 in-country training programme, which will go mostly towards supporting courses in the arts.


Jaik Berg flys out to record his new single

Saturday 10 November 2012 | Published in Entertainment

Raro’s rising singer-songwriter Jaik Berg, pictured here with 88FM DJ G-Dub, lands in Melbourne this weekend to what will be a rockstar reception.


Motone attends World Music Expo

Saturday 10 November 2012 | Published in Entertainment

Local creative events company Motone Productions will attend the fifth Australian World Music Expo (AWME) in Melbourne next week to promote the Cook Islands as a destination for music and arts events.


Ukuleles on show in 'Giveaways'

Friday 9 November 2012 | Published in Art

Ukuleles are the focus of an art exhibition opening next week at BCA. Giveaways is the latest exhibition by artist Tabatha Forbes, following on from her successful Takeaways show last year.


High definition relationships

Friday 9 November 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Today we are talking about high definition relationships.

Church Talk

New 'Imene Tapu' competition

Friday 9 November 2012 | Published in Church Talk

New Christmas Carols and hymns based on the birth of Jesus Christ are set to hit the sound waves this festive season through the new ‘Imene Tapu’ competition to run in December.

Church Talk

Shapeshifter goes back to school

Friday 9 November 2012 | Published in Entertainment

A unique blend of heavy soul with drum and bass is set to rock the island as New Zealand drum and bass band Shapeshifter with artist Tiki Taane take centre stage at the Rehab nightclub tonight.


Fascinators and heels at Aqua

Wednesday 7 November 2012 | Published in Art

Ngakau Toa Vaka club members swapped their paddles for fascinators and heels for their Melbourne Cup fundraiser at Aqua Restaurant at the Muri Beach Resort on Monday.


Kate for Miss South Pacific

Wednesday 7 November 2012 | Published in Entertainment

Maine Purotu Kate Ngatokorua (left) is counting down to compete in the 2012 Miss South Pacific pageant, to be held over the week of December 2-8 in American Samoa.


'It feels so nice to be flying in the air free'

Saturday 3 November 2012 | Published in Features

A journey into space As I come down from earth I can see people and some green trees and the land. I can see the mountain with heaps of trees on and I can see where the plane lands. And we can see shops near the bus and we can see animals living on the […]


God is very much in control

Friday 2 November 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Early next week, if all goes well, the people of America will decide between Barak Obama (incumbent President) and Mitt Romney as to who their next President will be. While there is great excitement and anticipation amongst both camps, I believe there are supporters in both who will be worried if their man does not get in, because of the policies of their rivals that they deem unfavorable to the welfare of the American people.

Church Talk

Student exam special service

Friday 2 November 2012 | Published in Church Talk

A desire to give God’s peace and guidance during exam time is behind a special church youth service focused on high school students on Sunday night at Celebration on the Rock.

Church Talk

It's Turama

Thursday 1 November 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Today is Turama or All Saints Day when families and friends gather at graves and cemeteries to remember their deceased loved ones.

Church Talk

Nana's Gangnam style dance routine

Thursday 1 November 2012 | Published in Entertainment

Zumba instructor and dance enthusiast Nana Hirata originally from Japan will be leading the Swag It Sevens in Heaven entertainment dance team this Friday and Saturday.


Gala goes off

Monday 29 October 2012 | Published in Entertainment

It was a day of noisy fun at St Joseph’s School gala on Thursday. Students, parents and the community all came together to help the school in its fundraising efforts, with the aim of building a new preschool building and playground next year.


Our covenant to nourish

Saturday 27 October 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The Saviour taught Peter and His other Apostles and disciples why and how they were to nourish others.

Church Talk

King Kong film man to help locals

Saturday 27 October 2012 | Published in Entertainment

The first international film challenge participant has been chosen to help locals in the craft of filmmaking.


New stage opens next Saturday

Saturday 27 October 2012 | Published in Entertainment

A week’s deferment to allow for landscaping will ensure the new Punanga Nui market stage will be ready to go for its official opening next Saturday.


Thanksgiving service for start of cyclone season

Saturday 27 October 2012 | Published in Church Talk

A combined thanksgiving prayer service to ask for sovereign protection over the coming cyclone season will be held this Sunday at the National Auditorium.

Church Talk

Purea sweeps Tiare, Tauta new Tama Aito

Saturday 20 October 2012 | Published in Entertainment

Aberahama Tauta proved size is certainly is no factor after sweeping the Tama Aito competition on Thursday night.


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